Muv-Luv Lorebook for NovelAI

>ywn sit on Marimo's lap This is a lorebook for the Muv-Luv series for use with NovelAI. It aims to be a comprehensive aid for creating scenarios that involve the Muv-Luv universe and characters. I tried to keep entries concise, but a few characters' entries go over 100 tokens. If you are part of the low-token tier, I recommend involving only a few characters and keeping memory short.
The lorebook can be downloaded here:

What's Included?

  • Details on Hakuryou School
  • Details on Hakuryou University and its named students
  • Details on Marimo's class (3-B) and Yuuko's class (3-D)
  • Lorebook info on all characters from the Muv-Luv "Final Extra" universe (That is, the universe from Muv-Luv Alternative's epilogue and Altered Fable/Photonmelodies). This includes:
    • Takeru Shirogane, as the first-person protagonist. Entries are triggered on his name, I, and my.
    • Sumika, Meiya, Chizuru, Kei, and Miki
    • Mikoto (As he appears in normal Extra--a boy. Takeru deserves at least one male friend, right? If you want girl Mikoto, all you need to do is change three pronouns in his entry.)
    • Marimo and Yuuko
    • Tsukyuomi (Mana) and Maya
    • The Three Idiots (as a singular entry)
    • Akane and Kashiwagi
    • Kashiwagi's younger brother
    • Takahashi
    • Yuuhi and Kasumi
    • Isumi, Hayase, Haruka, Munakata, Touko, and Tae
    • Walken, Irma, Pyatkh, and Radhabinod
  • How the characters refer to Takeru (e.g. honorifics) is included; they DO work, but not all the time.

What's NOT Included?

  • Information on outfits (LOL, I said, LMAO)
  • Any information from Muv-Luv Unlimited or Alternative's universes (BETAverse), including BETA, TSFs, or anything military or history-related.
  • Any characters solely confined to the BETAverse (Oba-san, etc.)
  • Anyone without a name like Akane's lacrosse girls or the archery girls
  • Chizuru's mom
  • Miki's dad
  • Sagiri (fuck that guy)
  • Anyone from Kimi Ita or Kimi Nozo not featured in Muv Luv Extra or Altered Fable (e.g. Takayuki or the other Isumi sisters, I don't know enough about them)

What's Next?

  • A separate lorebook detailing the BETAverse.
  • Wholly third-person version if there is a demand (perhaps there are people who want to play from non-Takeru perspectives?)

What else have you done?

Megami Tensei series Lorebook:

What if I want to contact you?

Ask for Lewdthoughts on /aidg/.

Pub: 26 Jul 2021 03:58 UTC
Edit: 26 Jul 2021 04:07 UTC
Views: 31065