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My Appletrundle

( Yearbook profile )
Face: Long face with high cheekbones. Intense eyes under heavy eyelids. Sharp nose. Full eyebrows. Not particularly pretty to most, unsettling to look at to some.
Hair: Dark brown hair kept in a tidy low bun with strands framing her face. When freed it reaches halfway down her back, slightly wavy.
Eyes: Greyish blue.
Height: 150cm
Bodytype: Slender limbs, details regarding fabled bosom remain a mystery.
Complexion: Very pale with prominent dark circles under her eyes. Sickly looking.
Uniform variation: Long-skirted Hufflepuff winter uniform regardless of season, a pair of sturdy brown boots combined with a green scarf. Usually dons her school robe over it. Always wears a pair of thin black gloves.
Misc: Will not show any skin below her neck under any circumstance but it's possible for the sleeve of her blouse to ride up enough to reveal discolored skin marred with old scars and burns. Smells like lavender.

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Voice: Doesn't really talk, but if forced to her voice falters and words come out unclear and spoken with an odd rythm. Hesitates, stutters and has great difficulty expressing herself vocally unless in an extreme situation. Has a noticable eastern european accent making it even harder to understand her.
Body language: Carries herself like she's sorry for being there and trying to take up as little space as possible to make up for it. Head is always lowered towards the ground, hands usually clasped demurely in front of her. Has a poor slouching posture and has trouble walking or moving properly if she feels anyone looking at her, movements stiff and awkward.
Social: Experiences harsh mistreatment from a group of older students in particular. Is very fond of many students thanks to small interactions they've had with her or simply having seen them do acts of kindness towards other people. Sometimes trails behind a select few if they've given her the impression that it's okay but usually ends up being left behind when realizing she'd misread the situation and latched onto the group by mistake. None of the professors have had time to grow fond of her due to her absence from class outweighing her attendance by far.. Does, however, have a flourishing social life with many of the ghosts roaming the halls along with Gargoyles and even enchanted objects.
Visibility: Rarely seen due to being unwilling to leave her room of requirement during the day. When she -is- out and about you aren't likely to take note of her unless you're perceptive or she draws attention to herself by being clumsy or incompetent.
Engagement: Will not initiate contact unless it's under special circumstances. Has trouble responding when people speak to her but will make an effort to if she feels a nod and a sheepish smile isn't enough. However, if she spots anyone(or anything for that matter) being mistreated she will step in to help them with no regard for her own safety. Same applies if someone is in need of help or otherwise struggling.
Quirks: Extremely bad sense of humour.
Things your character wouldn't do: Won't drink alcohol under any circumstances. Usually completely unable to communicate with the opposite sex. Being rude or hurtful on purpose.
Animals: Has a clear affinity towards creatures and plants alike, easily interacting with them. Wild subjects don't see her as a threat but she is prone to getting bit or scratched when first initiating contact with a wounded or scared animal, using her lack of negative reaction to the inflicted pain to establish trust. Her animagus form is a brown rat and while in this shape there's a notable difference in her behaviour. Being freed from the insecurities and worries associated with her human form means she's friendly and happy to interact with anyone who seems willing, happy to recieve treats and pets.
Misc information that might be useful: While she comes off as someone who doesn't like other people she's in reality very fond of others and her reclusive behavior stems from a dislike of her own self.

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Writing hooks

If asked to help with something she will oblige no matter how insignificant the task is.
Hurt? She's there offering to help, albeit very nervous about it.
Harrassed? Usual demeanor is replaced with a steady voice and refusal to back down. She -will- get into a fistfight and lose terribly on your account if she has to.
It's possible to bond with her if creatures are involved, their presence both distracting and comforting while opening up a subject to discuss.
Roams both the castle and surrounding area at night so nocturnal characters are more likely to bump into her at odd hours.
Can be spotted acting like a fool if she thinks no one is around, telling bad jokes to Gargoyles, trying to lure a giant squid out of the lake using toast...Catch her doing this to send her into a state of panic with possible comedic outcomes.
Friendly gerbil rat!

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Edit Report
Pub: 12 Apr 2023 19:09 UTC
Edit: 12 Apr 2023 20:42 UTC
Views: 647