Overview of tests

Prompt: 1girl, solo, character image, portrait, white shirt, brown hair, brown eyes, white background + default NAI quality tags
Seed: 4017703564

Entries marked like this are danbooru tags with at least 100 posts.

! !! !?
+++ +_+ +_-
... ._. 0_0
3: 3_3 6_9
:/ :3 :<
:> :>= :c
:d :i :o
:p :q :t
:x ;) ;3
;< ;> ;d
;o ;p ;q
<o>_<o> =3 =^=
=_= =v= >3<
>:( >:) >_<
>_@ >o< ?
?? @_@ \(^o^)/
^^^ ^_^ ^o^
^q^ abashed acerbic
admiration adoration affable
affection affectionate afraid
afterglow aggravated aggressive
aggrieved agitated agonized
agony agreeable ahegao
akanbe alarmed alert
alluring alone amazed
amazement ambivalent amiable
amicable amorous amused
amusement anaemic angelic
anger anger vein angry
anguish anguished annoyance
annoyed antagonistic antagonized
anticipation antsy anxiety
anxious apathetic apologetic
appalled appreciative apprehension
apprehensive arousal aroused
aroused nosebleed arrogant ashamed
ashen assertive astonished
astonishment astounded asymmetrical eyes
asymmetrical irises attraction avaricious
awe awesome face awestruck
awkward baffled bashful
beaming beatific befuddled
begging beguiled belittled
belittling bemused bereaved
betrayed bewildered bewitched
big-mouthed bilious bitter
blank eyes blank stare bleak
blinking bliss blissful
blithe blush blush stickers
blushing body blush bold
bored boredom bothered
brave brokenhearted brooding
bubbly bug-eyed buoyant
busy c: calculating
calm candid capricious
captivated captivating carefree
caring casual caution
cautious certain chagrined
charmed charming cheek bulge
cheeky cheerful cheerless
cheery chestnut mouth chirpy
churlish clenched teeth clever
closed eyes closed mouth clueless
cold collected color drain
comfortable comforting compassion
compassionate complacent compliant
composed conceited concentrating
concerned conciliatory confession
confidence confident confused
confusion constricted pupils contemplative
contempt contemptuous content
contented contentment contrite
convulsed cool cordial
corrupt corruption courage
covert covetous cowardly
cowering coy crabby
crafty cranky crazed
crazy crazy eyes crazy grin
crazy laugh crazy smile creepy
crestfallen critical crooked
cross-eyed cross-shaped pupils crotchety
cruel crushed crying
crying with eyes open cryptic cunning
curiosity curious curt
cynical d: daring
dashed eyes daydreaming dazzled
dazzling deadpan debonair
deceitful deceptive defeat
defeated defeatist defiance
defiant degraded dejected
dejection delicate delight
delighted demanding demeaned
demure depressed depressing
derisive desire despair
despondent determined devastated
devilish devious dewy-eyed
diamond mouth diamond-shaped pupils diffident
dilated pupils disagreeable disappointed
disappointment disapproval disapproving stare
disbelief discontent disdain
disenchanted disgraced disgruntled
disgust disgusted dishonest
disillusioned disinterested dislike
dismal dismay dismayed
dispirited displeased displeasure
disrespectful dissatisfied distant
distracted distress distressed
distrustful disturbed dizzy
doleful dominant dot mouth
dot nose double facepalm doubt
doubtful dour downcast
doyagao drab drained
dread dreaming dreamy
dreary driven drooling
drooping drowsy drugged
drunk dull dumbfounded
dx eager eagerness
ear blush earnest easygoing
ecstasy ecstatic edgy
eerie egotistical elated
elation embarrassed embarrassment
emotional emotionless empathetic
empowered empty eyes enamored
enchanted encouraged encouraging
energetic engaged engrossed
enjoyment enraged enraptured
entertained enthralled enthusiasm
enthusiastic entranced envious
envy erotic euphoria
euphoric evenhanded evil
evil eyes evil grin evil smile
exasperated exasperation excessive nosebleed
excited excitement exhausted
exhilarated exhilaration expressionless
expressive extroverted exuberant
eye contact facepalm faint
false smile fascinated fatalistic
fatigue fatigued fear
fearful feeble feisty
ferocious festive feverish
fierce fingersmile firm
fixated flabbergasted flattered
flower-shaped pupils flummoxed flush
flushed flustered flying sweatdrops
focused fond fondness
foodgasm foolish forced smile
forlorn frail frank
frantic friendly fright
frightened frightening frosty
frown frowning frustrated
frustration fucked silly fulfilled
full-body blush full-face blush fuming
furious furrowed brow furtive
fury gaping gawking
gazing gentle genuine
gesugao ghastly glad
glaring glasgow smile glazed
glee gleeful gloating
gloom gloom (expression) gloomy
glowering glum gluttonous
good-natured grateful gratified
grave greedy green-eyed
grief grieving grim
grimace grimacing grin
grinning grossed-out grouchy
gruff grumpy guarded
guilt guilty gullible
half-closed eye half-closed eyes happiness
happy happy aura happy tears
harmonious harried harsh
hasty hate hateful
hatred haunted haunting
have to pee head down headstrong
heart in eye heart-shaped eyes heart-shaped pupils
heartbroken heavy breathing heavyhearted
helpful helpless henohenomoheji
hesitant holding breath hollow eyes
hopeful hopeless horrified
hostile hostility hot
hot-headed hot-tempered huffy
humble humiliated humiliation
hungry hurried hurt
hysterical icy idealistic
idiotic imagining impassive
impatient imploring impressed
in heat inattentive inconsolable
indecisive indifferent indignant
infatuated inferior infuriated
inhibited inhospitable innocent
inquisitive inscrutable insecure
insincere inspired insulted
insulting intelligent intense
intent interested intimate
intimidated intimidating intolerant
intoxicated intrigued introverted
inviting irate irked
irritable irritated irritation
jaded jaw drop jealous
jealousy jeering jitome
jittery joking jolly
jovial joy joyful
joyous jubilant jumpy
keen kind knowledgeable
kubrick stare laid-back lamentable
languid laughing lavish
lazy lazy eye leaden
leer leering let down
lethargic liberated licking lips
lifeless light blush light smile
light-hearted lightning glare listless
lively livid loathing
lonely longing lovely
lovesick lovestruck loving
low-spirited lukewarm lust
lustful mad malice
malicious mannerly meditative
meek melancholy mellow
menacing merciful merry
mesmerized mesmerizing miffed
mighty mild militant
mind control mindless mischievous
miserable misery mistrustful
mocking modest moody
morose mortified motivated
mournful mouth drool muddled
mysterious mystified naive
nasty naughty naughty face
nauseous needy neglected
nervous nervous smile nervous sweating
nervy neurotic neutral
nice nightmare no mouth
no nose no pupils nonowa
nose blush nosebleed nostalgic
notice lines numb nutty
o3o o_o obligated
oblivious obnoxious obsessed
obstinate offended offensive
ogling ominous one eye closed
open mouth open-mouthed oppressive
optimistic ornery outgoing
outrage outraged overbearing
overjoyed overt overwhelmed
pain pained pale
pallid panic panic-stricken
panicking panicky paranoid
parted lips passion passionate
passive patient peaceful
peering peeved pensive
perky perplexed persuasive
perturbed pervert pessimistic
petrified petulant philosophical
phoney pitiful pity
pitying placid playful
pleading pleasant pleased
pleasing pleasure poker face
pompous possessed possessive
pout pouting powerful
preoccupied prickly prideful
protective proud provoked
provoking prudish ptsd
puckered lips puffy cheeks pure
pushy puzzled quarrelsome
quavering queasy querulous
questioning quiet quizzical
radiant rage raised eyebrow
raised eyebrows rape face rapture
rapturous ravenous raving
reassured reassuring rebellious
rectangular mouth refined reflective
regret regretful rejection
rejuvenated relaxed relief
relieved reluctant remorse
remorseful repentant repulsed
resentful reserved resigned
resolute respectful restful
restless revitalized revolted
revulsion righteous rigid
ringed eyes roguish rolling eyes
romantic roused ruffled
sad sad smile sadistic
saliva trail sanguine sanpaku
sarcastic sardonic satisfied
scared scary scathing
scoff scoffing scorn
scornful scowl scowling
screaming searching searing
secretive secure sedate
seductive smile seething self-assured
self-congratulatory self-conscious self-doubting
selfish senseless sensual
sensuous sentimental serene
serious settled severe
shaken shaking shaky
shame shamefaced shameful
sheepish shifty shock
shocked shout lines shouting
shy sick sickened
sickly sideways mouth sigh
sincere sinful single tear
sinister sinless skeptical
slack-jawed sleepy slothful
sluggish sly smile
smiley face smiling smirk
smirking smug snarl
snarling sneaky sneer
sneering snigger sniggering
so moe i'm gonna die! sobbing sober
solemn solid circle eyes solid eyes
solitary somber sorrow
sorrowful sorry soulless
sour sparkling eyes speechless
spellbound spent spirited
spiritless spite spiteful
split mouth spoken blush spoken ellipsis
spoken exclamation mark spoken heart spoken interrobang
spoken musical note spoken question mark spoken star
spoken sweatdrop spooked spooky
sprightly squinting star in eye
star-shaped pupils stare staring
startled stern stiff
stifled laugh stoic stoked
stolid stoned stony
straight-faced streaming tears stress
stressed stubborn stuffy
stumped stunned stupefied
stupid suave subdued
submission submissive suffering
suggestive sulking sulky
sullen sultry sunny
superior supportive surly
surprise surprised suspicion
suspicious sweatdrop sweet
sympathetic sympathy tareme
taunt taunting taut
teardrop tearful tearing up
tears tears from one eye teary
tehepero temperamental temperate
tenacious tender tense
terrified terror testy
thankful thinking thirsty
thought bubble thoughtful thousand yard stare
threatening thrilled ticked off
tight-lipped timid tired
tolerant tongue out tormented
torogao torrid tortured
touchy tough tranquil
trashed traumatized trembling
triangle mouth triumphant troll face
troubled trustful truthful
tsurime turn pale turned on
twisted twitching u_u
unamused unassertive unblinking
uncertain uncomfortable undecided
understanding uneasy unemotional
uneven eyes unfazed unfriendly
unhappy unimpressed unsettled
unsure unusually open eyes unwavering
upbeat upright upset
uptight upturned eyes urgent
uso da uwu v-shaped eyebrows
v-shaped eyes vacant vengeful
vexed vigilant vile
violated vivacious vulnerable
waking up wall-eyed wan
warm wary washed-out
waspish wasted watchful
wavering wavy mouth wayward
weak weariness weary
weeping whimsical wholesome
wicked wide-eyed wilting
wince wistful withdrawn
witless woe woeful
wolfish wonder worried
worry wounded wowed
wrath wrathful wretched
wry x-shaped pupils x3
x_x xd yukkuri shiteitte ne
zeal zest zzz
Pub: 25 Nov 2023 10:21 UTC
Views: 18600