Nelson's Special Salvo

Notes: Nelson's breaking point is finally reached and she decides the best form of punishment for your "special touches" is pure degeneracy.

"You know what? I'm not going to send you down to Trafalgar for that, Com-man-der, instead we'll see how much you like grabbing my chest when you have my sperm sinking into the bottom of your loins!" Nelson yelled out as you groped her for the last time without true repurcussions.

Nelson shoved you onto your desk back-first and then her rigging came down onto your stomach and arms. While you were pinned to the wood, the blonde Battleship pulled down your legwear and was greeted by your cock and balls. Nelson's red eyes looked back to you while you saw something drop out of her white and black dress, two orbs encased in a white panty.

"Surely you have to know I never make an idle threat, Commander." Nelson said as she lined up her main gun to your tip and started to push forward without hesitation.

You could hardly see it over her balls at first, Nelson had a pair that easily was only a few inches shy of her knees. However, the blonde Battleship's member was the true surprise with it being at least 26 inches long. She had a fairly girthy shaft as well but your meat was thicker and longer which was actually bad for you.

"Stupid Commander, even your urethra won't open properly..." Nelson muttered under her breath as even the involuntary leaking of precum didn't help matters much.

Nelson kept trying to thrust her wide hips downwards to get enough force to enter your urethra but failed. The blonde Battleship was getting increasingly frustrated at your cockhead's refusal to let her in. You struggled to lift yourself off the desk but Nelson's rigging held fast as her futahood tried to go into your dick.

"Hmph...fine then, I'll just have to...bust in! Oh?! So this is what it feels like..." Nelson sighed before finally committing to one powerful pump of her hips that got her inside you.

You could see Nelson's tip pushed into your urethra and your cock began to get a noticeable bulge where her member was. Fortunately, the force of her entry made her white top fall below her ample chest and you immediately took notice of a stiff pink tit on the Battleship. Nelson's red eyes immediately noticed where your gaze was and she covered herself with a shoulder.

"Honestly, you should be glad about this. Few people can claim to have the seed of the Royal Navy's finest in their family jewels..." Nelson kept preaching about how you should be happy about this situation for a couple more lines.

Nelson's childbearing hips thrusted downwards into your shaft, your penile walls opening up a bit more each time. The Battleship did let out a small moan as she took in how tightly your urethral tract was around her meat. She bit her lip to prevent that from happening again and continued to go deeper, past your halfway point.

Soon you could tell Nelson had fully hilted herself even with her testicles bouncing in your vision. A couple inches from your prostate was the noticeable shape of the Battleship's cockhead and she began to lift her futahood back up. Nelson began to pump in fast bursts to get her reproductive organ completely in your dick but delayed on pulling out several inches.

"What's wrong? My main gun is bigger than you thought? Be glad, my other cannons are not gracing your head instead!" Nelson mocked you triumphantly as she took in just how your face reacted to being fucked by her.

Nelson was clearly enjoying getting to feel your body quiver with every deliberately slow return trip to her pumping point. The Battleship's red eyes focused on you while her big right breast bounced out from her arm every now and then. Your cock was being used by Nelson's member as nothing more than a hole to be punished for your actions.

The sensation was oddly pleasant as you could feel Nelson thrusting down into your urethral tract with impressive force. You would have called the Battleship's hips childbearing before but now they were getting her shaft completely in you. Nelson kept going at your meat while her face began to betray a lewd smile at how your penile walls were wrapped around her perfectly.

"You know perhaps you do have a use, definitely are good for stress relief..." Nelson's mocking tone sounded a bit too much like breathy moaning to be a coincidence.

Nelson was just completely comfortable having her back to you while her futahood could enter you at her leisure. The blonde Battleship was taking out all of her discomfort or pent-up lust from you grabbing her plump milkjugs on your urethral tract. It was all your dick could do to just keep on pleasing Nelson while she kept moving her hips up and down.

You could see Nelson beginning to speed up slightly as you felt her girthy member beginning to swell further. You noticed how her testes swung against your cock in their sack and lightly smacked against it. Nelson was stretching your penile walls out more and she wasn't holding back on thrusting down or pulling out a bit anymore.

"What sad little things your loins are...surely even for a little while, they would look much better all filled out! Don't worry, you'll be able to empty them in time." Nelson uttered her beliefs on what would happen once she came inside you but something didn't feel right.

Nelson didn't even bother hiding her smug grin anymore and her right boob kept flopping outside of the vision-blocking red sleeves she had. The blonde Battleship's hands fully rested on her hips as her plump ass bounced in your face. It would be perfect eyecandy if your urethra being stuffed by Nelson's shaft and your meat getting thicker didn't catch your eye more.

You could notice how Nelson's balls were slowly creeping closer to her groin until they were beginning to cling to it. In the meantime, the Battleship's futahood was going hard, deep, and fast into your urethral tract. Nelson only cared about how good your dick's penile walls felt to give you the perfect punishment.

Nelson's red eyes looked back at your face and you could see her beginning to stop for a couple moments each time she hilted in you. The Battleship's member throbbed in the warm embrace of your cock and it seemed like she wanted to deposit her build-up of cum into your testicles. Seeing how big Nelson's pair was, it was probably going to be at least doubling your own orbs in size.

"Your cock is perverted as well, is there any part of you that isn't depraved?" Nelson taunted even as she was the one who decided on this being the best way to punish you immediately.

The twitching of Nelson's shaft became more frequent in your meat and her lewd cries increased in volume with her speed. Her hips were almost a blur as the Battleship tried to get as much pleasure out of your clingy urethra as possible. Nelson's breath was so heavy that it was starting to get visible and her bust and bottom were jiggling around with fervor as well.

"It feels like I'm about to give you a Big Seven in your better brace yourself for my shells..." Nelson's smile was wavering into just her mouth hanging open at this point and you could see her pair twitch.

Nelson began to just grind her groin against your tip with her futahood completely stuffed in your urethral tract. The Battleship's pelvis was getting coated in both your precum and you could tell she was at her limit in your dick. With how engorged Nelson was in your penile walls and her rapidly increasing bouts of throbbing, it was only a matter of time until...

"Take that, Com-man-der!" Nelson shouted out in her best attempt at a confident boast in her lust-drunk state.

You could feel Nelson's member twitching and the intense heat flowing through it before any cum went in you. Your urethral tract felt the Battleship's salvo quickly push aside your remaining penile walls and sink into your prostate. Nelson's potent warmth went through your vas deferens and continued to go deeper into your reproductive system.

"Ahn! Mmm!" Nelson could hardly keep her tongue in her mouth as her red eyes rolled up and her moans got louder.

Nelson's virile sperm was quickly building up in your epididymes and you could see them desperately trying to hang onto your groin. The Battleship's ammo containers didn't let up and your vas deferens began to visibly bloat next to your meat. The intense warmth and pressure built up until you could tell exactly when your reproductive tubing gave way.

"Hah! See those family jewels sucking down the Royal Navy's finest seed so eagerly? You're nothing but a degenerate!" Nelson jested even as you saw the effects of her barrage on your own testicles and she certainly wasn't holding back.

If it wasn't the pulsing heat deep in your testes that caught your attention, it was how Nelson's seed was slowly swelling them out to your knees. They were in mid-bounce before and now rested on your legs as they trembled with the Battleship putting even more foreign swimmers in them. Nelson had clearly agitated your sack as several veins flared up on it and began to twitch to support the growth of something more than she anticipated.

"Your loins are even bigger than my chest now..." Nelson's smug grin returned as she began to slowly pull out with her right milkjug and rear end liberally bouncing in your face.

Nelson likely didn't anticipate that her sperm wouldn't just be filling your balls out immensely. The Battleship's virile future offspring were slamming into your swimmers and quickly took the nuclei. The rapid mixing of DNA to form traits for new life afterwards meant that Nelson unknowingly impregnated your testicles.

Your cockpussy tried to clamp onto Nelson as she finally got her main gun out and she groped your new womb sacks with glee. It was clear the Battleship was getting back at you with how she delighted in seeing you squirm underneath her rigging. Nelson made the already oddly pleasant sensation even more intense and she only let your pair go after a minute or two of that.

"Tell does it feel?" Nelson leaned in as she waited for your answer and had a devious look in her red eyes.

Nelson's seed had fully conquered your own sperm and the cell membranes contained a handful of nuclei combinations inside them. The Battleship would be having some babies coming from her Commander's nuts in due time. For now, Nelson's swimmers had done their job and your sperm-eggs were now sticking to your septa for beginning gestation.

"Are you serious? What's gotten into you?" Nelson glared and frowned a bit as you squeezed her bust again before pinning you down to the desk once more with just her hands.

Nelson quickly lined her tip up to your cockhead and your gaping urethra eagerly accepted her cock. The precum leaking out of your member enabled the Battleship's thrusts to go down easily into your penile walls that now fit her form. Nelson's massive top deck bounced in your face and you could only see how she was slowly getting more into it.

"What a useless Commander, to want this...why have your loins not shrunk down yet?" Nelson whispered the last part as she took in just how massive your balls had truly become.

Her wide hips slowed down thrusting a bit even though Nelson still made your womb sacks sway a bit from her force. The Battleship's red eyes took in how it seemed like your pair was beginning to have slight bumps on it. It seemed something clicked in the blonde's head at that moment as Nelson's expression twisted entirely into shock.

"D-don't tell me you..." Nelson stuttered at the revelation that her little punishment had done more then just expand your testes' size.

Nelson had kept adding more and more to your family jewels until eventually the babies from the first cumshot had almost fully gestated inside you. That seemed to be the only thing that could get the Battleship to pause as she let out a loud sigh. Nelson could only guess how many were getting ready to be delivered out your urethra while clinging to your septa.

"Why you...your degenerate balls got pregnant?!...I suppose I have no choice but to marry you now! Are you happy with yourself?" Nelson's tone was condescending but you noticed a decidely lewd grin form on her face.

Nelson's hips proceeded to pump into your penile walls with deliberate movements that ensured you could feel her meat stretching out your shaft. While the Battleship proclaimed to be shocked at the thought of knocking you up, the reality seemed to be she enjoyed it. You couldn't help but wonder if Nelson was doing this more to punish you or make her offspring come out easier.

One thing was for sure however, her Royal Navy seed had sunk in and now she might have found a reason to actually make your relationship unprofessional. Nelson's balls certainly seemed eager to smack against your dick while her futahood unloaded even more cum into your testicles.

"I wonder, seven to a sack or much more..." The Battleship seemed to have completely accepted her new role as her Commander's impregnator with her cannon now having your swimmers as her target.

That would teach you to grope her breasts when your balls were far bigger than her rack and ass combined while carrying several dozen salvoes of Nelson young.

Pub: 03 May 2022 04:42 UTC
Views: 581