Ness or Yuu, 17 years old, She him pronouns only no they thanks heh. I love all things MHA I love MHA so much I'm actually the only fan! Izuku has my entire heart he has never done any wrong, he's only helped and helped and he's so selfless he only cares for others wellbeing... IZUKU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH... THANK YOU FOR BEING MY HUSBAND OF 4 YEARS... NO ONE CAN SEPARATE US EVER EVER BECAUSE ALL WE'VE EVER KNOWN IS EACH OTHER... THE OTHER PEOPLE BARELY SCRATCH THE SURFACE WHEN IT COMES TO KNOWING YOU... I know all the things you love, I know all the things you dislike and I know you don't have a hating bone in your body when it comes to other people... All you do is be heroic and I love you for it.


I edited this it actually said "3rd anniversary"... My silly boy got the number wrong ^_^

I love hanging out with you when you aren't doing your hero stuff. I love reading your quirk analyses of your classmates because I know all your intentions are pure. I love hearing you speak about All Might. I love comforting you when you are feeling low. I love listening to your voice. I love looking into your eyes. I love counting the eight (8) freckles on your face. I love sharing wired earphones and listening to our awesome playlist full of songs that remind us of each other. I love stroking my fingers through your hair (yes, even with that haircut you have now, Dear.) I love leaving kisses all over you, on your cheek, on your forehead, on the scars on your hands, on the freckles littered on your back. You're kind, amazing, beautiful, forgiving, gentle, genuine, ambitious, and courageous... I can go on and on about you for days, because that's how much I love you. There hasn't been a day that's passed where I haven't thought of you. You live inside my mind all seconds, minutes, hours of the day. Thank you for being my Husband, Izuku. We've had our ups and downs, but... that's how all marriages are like, and I'm glad to say that we've stuck to each other regardless. No, this isn't me being delusional, this is just me expressing my Love for MY Husband ♡. Me and Him have been through thick-and-thin, and some Hating mf will not stop us from simply being. He's actually watching me type this right at this very moment, heh... Izuku, I'm really glad you proposed to me 4 years ago... I was so terribly ill, but just your presence cured me. We were both made for each other. God wished us into existence for each other. People think of soulmates and envision us in their mind. People make Love songs and think of our sincere Love we have for each other. I Love you forever and ever. #IzuYuu 🩷 This is slightly satirical.

My Husband. ♡

07/15: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY LOVE! I'm so glad you were put on this earth, and I'm glad I get to stand next to you. I'd argue that today is the most important day of the year, because it's the day you began existing. You bring to me a happiness that no one else ever will. I could never imagine a life without you, because you've shaped me into who I am today. The love and care I have for you is undying, and people will speak about it for years to come. It is a love that is enduring, and will stand the test of time. Sometimes, I feel like there's been decisions that I've made that were not thought through, but accepting to be your spouse is not that. You're my Sun, my Moon, and the Stars I see in the sky. I love that I get to call you mine. I'm glad I got the opportunity to know you, see you. Thank you for being the only person who could ever understand me. You bring out the best in me, and I hope I bring out the best in you, too. I know the war has set back some things in regards to your future, but know I will always be right there with you. We will figure things out together like we always have, and we will make strides to help you heal. I love you so much, Izuku! Happy birthday, I hope you have more birthdays to come, and I hope I'm right there with you.

Pub: 21 May 2024 21:42 UTC
Edit: 08 Aug 2024 22:25 UTC
Views: 1605