'One hundred thousand years and counting, one hundred million more to go.'

'Throughout his life he keeps on searching, The pale king makes this world his own.'

minds led astray album cover divider 'This nightmare will never end!'

Manticore ▲ He/They ♪ 18

angelwingsint ⇼ Dniangelwings ps if you see me ingame(ponytown), i'm usually offtab, so whisper to interact thanks! I have social anxiety myself, and I do not bite, just do not be rude or send harassment! eyeball

halloweenGabrielUltrakilliluvmusicmicolashmicolash2micolash3imactuallyadarkficbutwhateverilovedarkfictionartanti small tops fag i think you should get a life!gunsarecoolmootnwtsnacksyuri

Pub: 01 Jul 2024 16:17 UTC
Edit: 13 Aug 2024 01:24 UTC
Views: 538