



Fishman - Fighting Fish


Seven Warlords ~ Jotunheim Pirates


~ Connections are merely another form of power that can be attained, one that is particularly useful for a Warlord. Atla believes that having a strong relationship with the other Warlods can be the perfect opportunity to benefit both sides, especially useful as a insurrance in case something "unexpected" happens.

Great Sailor
~ Even if she is no longer welcomed by the Sea, Atla is still very capable of braving the storms as an expert Navigator

Great Shipwright (Immune impact, resist heat and haki)
~ Not as much shipwrighting skills as it is playing with snow. Atla has dedicated herself to refining her crafting skills using snow to the point that she's able to create perfectly fluffy snow capable of not only absorbing any impact as well as being very resistant to heat. For those capable of using Observation Haki, Atla's structures do in fact appear as slightly tinted black.


Observation 2
Armament 3

Fighting Styles

Self Taught
~Her excentric interests naturally overflow into the field of battle, Atla sees herself as the Matadora and her opponent as the bull, letting her opponent take the iniative and allowing them to show their hand while she pokes with flamboyant over the top moves only to switch gears and cleave the enemy in twain with a single move.

By means of the Iron Body and her fruit, she's able to muster the strength of every single part of it with any move not unlike a whip, coupled with the ability to quickly change her body shape to use an inhuman range of motion, Atlas' offensive is a wild storm.

Life Return
~Atla's giant heritage isn't quite apparent at first glance due to her usage of Qigong and Kami-e to drastically shrink down in size, exchanging her strength into speed and agility, something she partially or completely dispels mid battle to great effect

Fishman Karate
~ A variant of the traditional Fishman martial art that uses the Snow-Snow fruit not only as an easy source of water, but directly controls the water in the form of snow. When mixed with the Iron Body and Armament Haki, Atla's snow changes into a unique Iron Mass: Black Snow technique, in which the soft and pliable snow is simultaneously dense, hard and unbending as iron easily ripping apart flesh and bone alike.

Six Powers - Shave, Iron Body, Paper Art

Weapons and Items

Polearm - Black Blade ~ Hrotti.
One of the Supreme Grade swords said to be created from a dragon killed by a legendary warrior of Elbaf. Originally it was merely a Great Grade sword but ascended to Supreme once it permanently became a Black Blade in the hands of its current user

Heat/Axe/Jet Dial
A few extra large Dials Atla holds as useful trump cards, Heat is almost always empty as it is mostly used to cover the Snow fruit's weakness with heat. Axe is used both as a shield against swordsmen but as spear to drive unto her enemies by discharging a slash with all her might, meanwhile the Jet dial holds extremely cold clouds, useful for an escape attack or as a source of dry ice.


Misfit minions


Island Ship - Eternal Hoarfrost Island Saluud.

A mobile fortress made out of an island permanently bathed in white, covered in light snow all year around. It serves as the ship as well as the main territory Atla rules over as a Warlord, with its populace being mostly comprised of different kinds of fishmen, mermaids and a considerable amount of giants from Elbaf that were attracted by its warrior culture and fauna. While not all of the population of the island are part of Atla's crew, all those that are able to swing a sword must, all civilians must meet at least a certain level of combat ability.

Devil Fruit

Snow-Snow fruit

Stormy Seas

~Even if she doesn't really consider herself a true warrior of Elbaf, Atla still holds some of the warrior pride that her father taught her

Unfair Bounty
~Currently put on hold due to her status as a Warlord, even Atla herself is very curious about how much it would increase if she was discharged of her position.

An eccentric woman who became a pirate solely for the freedom that being a Warlord provides, finally reaching the rank after a few years of building up her infamy. As one of the 7, her respect for the navy and world goverment is without any surprise rock bottom, only offering the barest minimum of respect she's required to, not bothering with anything more than that, both parties are only using each other after all. Infamous for raiding other pirates to boost her reputation as well as earn money, but she's more known for sponsoring all sorts of arts be they cooks, painters, sculptors, gladiators, toreadores or even the development of new technology and weapons.

Her expression rarely if ever changes as if she was merely drifting across her life, but she's a very selfish person who is only really bothered by her desires and those of her allies, everything outside of that bubble does not concern her. She's ultimately very curious and loves learning new information, she wouldn't mind trying to find the one piece, but currently that desire is being directed at finding a superweapon.

Despite her usual apathetic visage, Atla is very much passionate about the arts, which lends her to act as a performer in battle, more specifically as a maestra from Dressrosa just because it is a charming experience in her eyes. Believes that Power is something one must have if they want to have anything in this world, true peace or a discussion can only truly happen if both sides are equally as powerful, and as such she will grab as much power as she can: Strength is Power, Beauty is Power, Friendship is Power...

Pub: 10 Nov 2023 04:37 UTC
Edit: 10 Nov 2023 20:08 UTC
Views: 49