Oswald, Reichsritter von Richthofen

Sex: Male
Race or Species: Human
Date of Birth: 1084
Birthplace: Castle Richthofen, Solaria

Native Culture: Solarian
Main Religion: Nijiridisian: Solaris
Native Language(s): Lazulith (Lower Lazulith dialect)
Known Languages:

  • Fluent in: Lazuliet, Iridisian
  • Passable in: Tsukigo
  • Basic in: Holodhennet, Cosmosian

Father: Hermann von Richthofen
Mother: Anna von Ziegesar
Siblings: Otto von Richthofen, Erika von Richthofen, Lothar-Udo von Richthofen
Wife: Gräfin Dorothea von Löwenhardt

Occupation: Soldier, Engineer, Inventor, Polymath and Patron.

Friendly Factions:

  • Sacrum Iridisum Imperium: mainly Pomerania, Syrenia and Solaria
  • Tsukinode Empire: Imperial Tsukinode Navy
    Neutral Factions:
    Disliked Factions:
    Enemy Factions:



Notable personality traits and Quirks:
Heavy Lower Lazulith accent.

Dreams and Goals:








Plans for Character:

Writing notes:
Veteran of the Great Pomeranian War and the Syrenian War before it, Oswald's training as an engineer and experience during the Syrenian War made him a valuable part of the Imperial Army during the Great Pomeranian War. Always interested in flight, it was he who pioneered the use of hydrogen balloons for the purpose of scouting, and later non-rigid Airships for that purpose. He won numerous medals during this war for his efforts, including the Order of Solaria, Order of the Faerie and the Order of the Diamond.

During the war, He invented several powered airships during the war, with mixed results. Some of them took the lives of test pilots, and Oswald himself once, while others, including his famous Bertha were great successes. However, with his prospects drying up with the funding for his flying machines being seen as not needed by the post-war governments, he would spend the next three years with various experiments and would nearly bankrupt himself in the process, entering a deep depression.

He eventually was fortunate to find a patron in the Imperial Tsukinode Navy, who have unsuccessfully been experimenting for years with the concepts and pay him handsomely for his services. He marries the daughter of the Graf of Löwenhardt, Dorothea and starts Richtofen-Löwenhardt A.G. with the funding of Dorothea's father and with her brother, Ewald serving as his business partner, taking the roles of Chief Executive and Financial Manager of the company.

Pub: 21 Oct 2022 15:12 UTC
Edit: 22 Jan 2023 14:45 UTC
Views: 201