DISCLAIMER!!! This is a response rentry to what ghost said. https://rentry.co/dearreno Id like to point out that there were more people involved than just me and my boyfriend in the drama he made in his rentry yet me and my boyfriend were the only two he wanted to bring up. Tommy and at least 3 others were involved with the inner workings of it and if they choose to put their input in here, they're allowed to. This is more than just me, reno and ghost, it was a group of me and my friends against him. If ghost is going to properly spread crap then dont skip over who was there.

Tommy was added to this project because he had somethings to say, i understand we wanna keep this between me, ghost and reno but Tommy played a big role in most of this and well, he didn't get any hatemail so drop some hatemail for my brother please. :/
Tommy did the title btw.. and we're making this public!!


did you not expect us to speak on our behalf? It's silly that you're getting mad :// Suck it up. You started this up again. Not us.
We are not taking this down. Stop victimizing yourself ghost, you hurt people too.


My response to Ghost, from Ezra Ghost, I did infact say you were an abuser at one point, in the context that you were harming my partner. I dont feel like that anymore and im not saying to anyone that you're an abuser. No one ever accused you of claiming reno for r*pe, we accused you thinking reno sexually abused you (you literally consented), dont use r*pe as a buzz word. You claimed Reno of SA in the rentry and said how he didn't stop a system from esexing you in fucking vr.
I have a lot to unpack here. For one, your rentry lacks proof, you have 4 screenshots from solely me alone but you're too cowardly to go to renos dms for screenshots.
If what you claim is to be abuse then oml bruh, please get off discord, you're so chronically online. Cyber bullying and shit talking isnt abuse. Physically beating you into the ground or repetitively emotionally manipulating you is abuse. Reno and Tommy (their collective system at least) has been abused over discord, they understand what it looks like. (side note from tommy: abuse is a CRAZY allegation to say without ANY proof. and it's genuinely offensive to actual abuse survivors!)

Might i also like to point out that my apology was genuine. I can still dislike someone and be sorry. I can still dislike someone and still apologize for certain actions of mine. I can still come fo an understanding with said person and still dislike them. It doesn't mean i was lying.
Also, bro, you keep saying how badly you want to end this yet you seem to drag this on by making a rentry about how we're abusers.
I never spread misinformation about my ex, i spread crap about you, keep them out of this if this is actually about me, you and reno then stop trying to involve your partner. (Unless they asked to be then i dont care)

The whole thing with me rambling about how horrible wilbur was, was stemmed for my hate against you. Reno never told me to tone it down, i do remember you telling me to stop but you never once said you were uncomfortable. I was hostile for so many reasons. You were very emotional and dramatic and overall a very mentally draining person to be around, let alone be in vc with. The entire server agreed with us and im glad it crumbled like it did because you're not in any of my loved ones lives, sucking their mental energy from them and being an annoying pick me.
I never found discomfort in the name "Techy", i simply found it cringe and lets be honest, you are a push over, no but seriously, you are.

Most of this drama was due to miscommunication, we were angry, we did what we felt was justified and what was right. Yes we hurt you but during the time of hurting you, we thought you hurt reno, we were trying to defend reno and such. You know my side of the story, ive told you it. I know yours, you've told me it. We came to our understanding yet im accused to being an abuser and calling you an abuser. Both of which isnt true, theres better ways to deal with this then making a "call out rentry" solely because your friend group strongly thinks it was abuse. Your friends are chronically online pussies, shit talking and the crap we did to you wasnt abuse, the crap you did to reno wasnt abuse. You we simply emotionally draining for everyone and quite frankly very annoying, we were shit talking you for good reason and yet you seem to magically forget the harm that caused all the drama in the first place. This all started because you were making sexual remarks to reno after breaking up, neither of you or reno communicated that if it was okay so both sides of it ended in shit.

This all went down during November, it is march, this genuinely needs to end and im only making this response because you're accusing me of being an abuser. Shit talk and banning is not abuse. If we're going off what you assume to be abuse then you're an abuser too. You hurt reno over discord, thats abuse then, that means.. im an abuser, tommys an abuser, renos an abuser, you're an abuser, my ex is an abuser.. the list can continue. If hurting someone ONLINE through text and vc is considered abuse then well, you're one too.
I know you might feel like what we did was for no reason but we have our screenshots of proof and reason for why we did this.

Also if we're going off what you consider to be online sa then technically you sa'd reno. Getting touched in vr while people are making sexual comments is no better than touching reno in mc and making sexual comments. Different games, same context, you weren't sa'd in a game, you literally consented. You call it r*pe but its fucking vr, you're doenplaying r*pe. If being touched a video game in a sexual way is r*pe then i guess you're a r*pist/ sa'er on Minecraft. Yes you were "touched" but its a video game. R*pe is physical, you cant log off, block, report, you cant do anything. R*pe isn't just a buzz word you can throw around. You cant have sexual trauma from a fucking video game, stop being a pussy and stfu. Literal r*pe victims are looking at you with disgust.
(I do not feel this way for physical sa, in the context of it being a video game i feel disgusted. If this was an irl related matter than id side with the victim but this is clearly not the case. I, myself am a victim of SA.)

I never forced sam to hang out with me, he coudve left at any moment or time. You all forget blocking is a thing. "Oh but you'd get upset and shit talk me!!!" Who the actual fuck cares?? its the internet, you can leave and block whoever, you're not held at gun point to be around me, not held at gun point to do anything. If im that scary to you then good, feed that massive ego of mine, none of this shit matters irl anyways.
Years down the line none of this matters, online drama is online drama, it effects people i am aware but its not physical violence like you're treating it to be, please get a life off discord, ghost. I was the only one to say to kys, reno had it in his status, he never once said your name but i was the only person who said it to your face. If you're that hurt over a text message then whomp whomp. Im suicidal too, whats your point? You think people with suicidal thoughts cant wish you to end it? I said it once, i didnt drag it on. I didn't dramatize it or go into detail, i literally said. "Kill yourself, Ghost. Actually fucking do it." One sentence i dont wish onto people unless they genuinely fucking piss me off.

Yes i made fun of your stims but you're treating them like tics. Verbal stims can be controlled, not everyone likes hearing you fucking moan and whimper every few minutes because its a "verbal stim". If it is actually a stim then treat it like one, you're treating it like a tic. "I cant control it!!" Tics you cant control, stims you can. Ive never made fun of your autism, i made fun of your stim. It sounds like you're fucking jerking off in vc because of how stupid it is and it frankly makes people uncomfortable. You've cried in vc multiple times for no valid reason which honestly made everyone uncomfortable. During hang outs on mc, youd start cryin like a baby.

As for the screenshots of proof, you used the same bit of proof at least twice, if thats all you have then thats fine. I admit truthfully i did call you annoying through confessions, so did tommy, we were laughing so hard over it. I did rant to my ex about how childish you are and it seems you havent matured a day since the drama. I am aware my ex told you everything, im aware they've probably told you things about our relationship and i admit honestly that what they told you about my anger rants is true. I did say those things.
I never called you controlling, you were upset over EVERYTHING, the smallest of crap, its so fucking draining. You were so overly dramatic, venting to at least one person per day which was so draining. If your life is that miserable, get a therapist and stop using people for constant trauma dumping.

My message to my ex. I dont know your new name so I'll try to keep this simple. If you think our relationship was abusive then im sorry, you had every right to speak up about it. We were together for a year and 7 months, you had every chance to talk to me about how you feel. I was never pressured into blocking you, it was genuinely hurting me fo have our dms open, and i understand it hurt you to have me pick a side. I know it hurt you when I was anger ranting about ghost in vc. I know you said i deserved the server going dead and silent but for gods sake is that abuse? Anger ranting and blocking you? If there's something im missing then please tell me, i want to know what i did for you to claim i abused you. I genuinely loved you at one point, i understand we ended with so much drama and everything crumbling but I don't blame you. You are my ex but that doesn't mean i hate you. I may dislike ghost but i cant just hate someone i once loved at one point. I believe our relationship shouldn't of been torn up because of this drama, i know it was falling apart but the drama from everything kinda led to it ending faster. Whatever I've done to hurt you, i am so genuinely sorry. Intentional or not, pain is pain and I feel like you deserve that apology. If it wasnt you i abused that stayed anonymous then i fr cant think of who else it could be.

added message from tommy:
:3 haiii alex!!!! i hope ghost is well aware u were also sharing his private vents and shit talking him!!!! <3 you bitch!!! also, so.... were you faking DID? or...? what was that all about?? having alters and letting them talk and using pk and now ur just an irl? interesting!!! :3 anyways techno add the screenshots of alex shit talking wilbur pls!!!

and a general message from tommy:
im a little offended my act as a hater was so overlooked!!! where is my hatemail!!!! unreal!!! anyways dont u think it says soooo much that the ENTIlIIRE server hated you? like u included a screenshot yourself! talk about not being self aware!
oh and speaking of, trying to pin reno as a sexual abuser when you consistantly made sexual comments towards Reno that made him uncomfortable??? prejection much?? and ur acting like u have never shit talked someone before. that whole bullying ge started because YOU dm-ed ME to shit talk reno!!!
the cool thing abt the internet is that if ur uncomfortable with something u can.... log off!!! and block people!!! the immaturity is CRAAAZY LMAOOOOOO!!!!!
im not even going to TOUCH the 400 contradictions in that statement, but i think i would LOVEEEE to mention ur lil "phantom touch" thing. first? get offline. second, awww did u also get phantom touch while roleplaying assaulting phil/reno??? without asking??? wild!!!!
grow up!!! stop watching gimms mr "i... want to hurt people...." EMBARASSING!!! like techno said, go outside. talk to real people "dream and wilbur irl/fictkin!!! >w<"god DAMNNNN LMAOOOO go bite people or groom minors or something instead of making up bullshit on the internet with no proof!!!!

(Lol, he was a little bitter.. cackling a bit)

My response to Ghost (From Reno!!) I hate your fucking guts. ^_^
Hello ghost!! nice to see your dumbass again I thought you wanted all of this to end??? But yet you're making a "call out post"/"hatemail" about me and my boyfriend. Doesn't that seem a little... dumb?? Like I said and YOU said. We want this to end. Just as much as you, if not more than you because wth is that rentry for?? To make me upset?? "Triggered"?? Sure.. LMAO. First of all.. ill go over this.

1, No I didn't. 2, No I didn't. 3? what the fuck do you mean I "pressured me to stay up late"?? 4, I was only saying the truth... sorry you can't handle it.... 5, How so? 6, You were the one who kept it going. Thats your fault, not mine! You never told me you were uncomfortable, hence the massive miss communication in this fucking drama. It was MOSTLY you. Not me!! Plus, I never said that you claimed that I r*ped you?? Hello?? Unless you're talking about the XD roleplay (THAT YOU DID) then... yeah you roleplayed sexual assault. I even told you not to do that. LIKE HELP??

Okay, now the second part. No, I did not make your trauma about me. What even makes you think that?? Yes, I knew you were Suicidal, I knew the BASICS of what you were going through. I did NOT know everything. Keep in mind that I only dated you for 4 DAYS. In total I mostly only known you for a few fucking weeks. What makes you think that I'm automatically supposed to know EVERYTHING about you? It's pretty much impossible seeing how we never actually had genuine conversations about your trauma. Yes, you vented to me almost every day but that doesn't mean I know everything that triggers you. I honestly don't care if you're paranoid. Things are going to happen whether you like it or not. Grow up.

How was I telling you to kill yourself if I put it in my status? I wasn't saying it to you IN DMS?? It honestly doesn't matter. Again, GROW UP. Plus weren't you the one to tell me to kill myself first?? In your status? You're being a fucking hypocrite. Plus saying it to my partner?? HELLO??

None of this was my fault. I was basically being groomed into thinking this was okay. YOU NEVER SAID NO. YOU NEVER SAID YOU WERE UNCOMFORTABLE. NO YOU DID NOT. YOU WERE COMPLETLY OKAY WITH IT. YOU ONLY HAD A PROBLEM WITH IT AFTER I TOLD YOU THAT HE IS AN ADULT. At least was roleplaying as one anyway... This is the same as saying my "Wilbur alter" was grooming my ex Cinny. I'm not going to go into that right now because that isn't relevant to this drama but if you want, go ahead and talk to him about that.
Also just for some clarification, they are not bodily an adult. They were roleplaying as one.

The rest of his paragraph to me doesn't need a response. It doesn't matter as much as the other stuff.

I dont forgive you.

·————––––————··————––––————· Screenshots of proof and evidence on why we felt like the shit talk and server ban was necessary. It was a lack of understanding of tone and frankly some of it is taken out of context so maybe you can understand why we were so pissed off at Ghost. This the literal proof for why we did this. The proof we have for why we collectively banned together to be "abusers".


(Renos old account got hacked and deleted so the deleted user is his account.)
These two screenshots are tied together, the second one is a response to the first. Reno explains that there was consent and that Ghost was comfortable. If Ghost was uncomfortable with jerking off in vc with reno then he should've said something. He was reassuring ghost that it was okay because sometimes people feel nervous, hell, i get nervous and going "oh, it's okay!", that's not pressuring. If it felt like pressuring then you shouldn't of said something. I know if this happened irl then id say something different but this happened online, in vc, you can do more online, no one can physically hurt you or physically force you into anything. you had every right to leave the vc. You jerked off twice together, ghost, you never said anything, you consented twice.


In this ss, reno went to Sam explaining that ghost was still being lovey dovey and sexual towards him after breaking up. What happened is that ghost assumed it was okay to still make these comments and remarks after breaking up. Assumptions stem from miscommunication, i understand that but its frankly baffling to me that the first assumption that you get when you break up with someone is that its still okay to make the same comments you made during the relationship. I get that he wanted the platonic or even sexual aspects to continue but there was no communication. The least ghost couldve done was ask if it was okay and the last reno couldve done was say he was uncomfortable. During the time of receiving the news of ghost acting this way to my boyfriend, it made me angry, angry enough to target ghost and start hurting him in all the ways i knew possible. some parts of it feel extreme, getting my ex to send ss of vents from ghost was crossing the line and i understand i succeeded in hurting ghost. SOME things i refuse to apologize for, like banning him from the discord server and anger ranting about him but ive already apologized for what i could see was injustice and wrong.


Also since tommy asked to put this here, i am. My ex was in the group chat and had all the free will to leave, no one was going to pressure them into staying, they spoke what they wanted and clearly they were angry too. They went from shit talking with us, defending ghost and then feeling bad about it, apologizing and then dating him..


We accused you of being poppytwt because you were saying some weird stuff about Phil, while identifying as Wilbur. You can understand why we were quick to judge. It felt odd for a Wilbur fictionkin to be attracted to his father. You also stated you get poppytwt on your tumblr feed which also made us weary. I understand you debunked this ghost but again, this is proof on why we shit talked you. You also shipped prisoner x Prison warden which is also considered poppytwt.


For context, reno has bpd, he obsesses over his favorite person and to an outside view that seems like yandere, reno has a diagnosis from a licensed therapist, bpd is quite literally a personality DISORDER. You cant just say reno fetishizes yandere, simply because he has an id from yandere high school (A MC ROLEPLAY) or even he has obsessive tendencies for his favorite person doesnt mean its fetishizing..


A quote from vc, during the time they weren't dating.. which makes the comment quite.. odd. I get its supposed to be funny or something but to your ex you jerked off with in vc? Merely 3 days after breaking up he made this comment in vc.


Proof that you shit talked reno before we shit talked you.


Proof you vented almost every fucking day, draining my partner at the time. (Still a bit angry you went to my partner at the time to vent 24/7.)


Proof of sexual remarks. (They broke up the 23rd/22nd of November the date isnt exact.)


proof that ghost understood he made reno uncomfortable but yet still continued to dm and talk to him.


There was proof of ghost wanting to get back with reno, reno has told me about the vcs of Ghost being all victimized about himself and rambling about how badly he misses reno. Reno and ghost dated for 3 days exact. There is screenshot evidence but within those 3 days ghost had manage to drain reno into going into a full on depressive episode. that episode was caused by ghost, intentional or not.


Claims that reno fetishizes yandere but starts identifying as simpbur which is a yandere?


Ghost did this in response to renos status, he started this mini status argument. He was too scared to actually talk about anything so he chose to take the immature route.


Proof of the XD thing actually happening. We didnt have ss of chat in the moment.

Now do you understand why we banned him and shit talked him? The proof of his problematic behavior is why we chose to do what we did. Extreme or not, we still had a reason, we wouldnt just fucking do this for no reason.

Pub: 19 Mar 2024 15:40 UTC
Edit: 14 May 2024 00:33 UTC
Views: 611