Game News:
17:50 - "The freeplay menu will kind of evolve a bit as time goes on", showed off a new freeplay menu Boyfriend animation where he cheers and raises his fist in the air
18:21 - "Yeah the story menu definitely needs to get upgraded"
26:45, 29:00, 1:08:41, 2:06:57, 3:36:10 - Really wants to make an artbook with all of his sketches and concepts, mentioned this many times throughout the stream
31:12 - Kickstarter backers who got the exclusive Boyfriend figure will get the Newgrounds Boyfriend figure for free
31:27 - Wants to compensate every Kickstarter backer with something to make up for the long wait
35:46 - "I want FNF to be able to crossover with the modding community, while keeping it's core identity"
36:42 - "You'll get to hear many more musicians soon"
38:54 - The coders are making sure the source code has no spoilers for future updates before releasing it, the FLAs will release alongside the source code
40:53 - Can't say how many more updates are coming before the full game, not a small number
41:22 - Future updates will be small but frequent, "pitstop updates"
44:24 - Good work done on the mobile port, wants to release it sooner rather than later, but don't expect it soon
45:26 - The fake out death animation is in-game, 1/4000 chance of happening when you die
45:59 - Expect a lot more easter eggs
49:07 - Chart difficulty will ramp up as weeks progress, not forever though, future weeks may get easier, then harder again
53:55 - Implied other Pico's School characters will appear "It'll be fun to see the other Pico's School characters"
56:22 - Good for now when it comes to hiring artists, mainly only considering hiring artists to help with "special assets" and cutscene stuff, which is mostly taken care of currently
56:57 - Releasing a voice reel of IvanAlmighty's Darnell voice acting to Newgrounds soon
59:10 - The next pitstop update will have two new erect remixes
1:20:55 - Girlfriend figure in production, "Saving that for a bit down the road", "We'll see about others after that"
1:25:26 - Next update is soon, but not next week soon
1:28:24 - There probably won't be a difficulty harder than nightmare, but he had an idea and name in mind for a new difficulty that would be harder than nightmare
1:29:10 - Confirmed Week 7 and WeekEnd 1 will have erect remixes
1:31:53 - 4:3 aspect ratio setting "is not a bad fucking idea"
1:46:08 - Not against hiring outside charters for the future, they're fine for now
1:49:14 - Finding voice actors will mostly be through whoever the team find online, not an audition process
1:51:43 - "Hmmmmm" in response to a question asking if new assets are being made for erect mode
1:54:13 - Wants to switch the Week 7 cutscenes from MP4's to in-game assets, wants as many assets to be in-game as possible
1:55:49 - Jeff is coming back to do more stuff "Maybe shouldn't have said that"
1:57:14 - Wants to release the old sampler versions of the erect remixes in the future
2:03:30 - Will make sure Nene gets more screentime "next time"
2:04:06 - Cutscene art will be more on-model in the future, he didn't think it was a problem but noticed a lot of feedback about it
2:07:49 - Nene's unused heart animation will play after certain combo milestones are reached, Nene's laughing animation will play after a combo break, both will be added in later
2:25:30 - The leaked note combo graphic will be added in a future pitstop update, remade since he didn't like the way the old one looked
2:26:13 - Confirmed Monster's songs will have erect remixes
2:37:49 - They're good on playtesters for now
2:38:01 - Likes the idea of mechanics where characters mess with the game
2:43:38 - Wanted to do something similar to Jujutsu Kaisen's black flash in FNF, "Where doing really well gets you extra stuff"
2:45:02, 4:50:29 - Not sure about the stems releasing, will talk to Kawai Sprite about it, later said yes to someone else asking the same question
2:47:16 - Accessibility features coming, note lane opacity mentioned, Blazin' assets will changed to improve note readability
2:51:53 - Can think of at least one black character that could be added
2:52:17 - Human/Normal characters will happen less going forward
3:02:39 - Every level will get cutscenes, but not until the full game, they might not all be as elaborate as WeekEnd 1's
3:03:02 - Very few future levels will release with cutscenes
3:12:55 - Might include a nod to Brad n' Dan in the full game
3:17:18 - "Wait and fucking see bro" in response to if other playable characters will have different characters sitting on the speaker
3:27:24 - Confirmed Darnell's missing headphones in Blazin's sprites was an oversight, will be updated
3:42:46 - Changes to menus as time goes on and before the final game releases
3:54:32 - "Look forward to future updates" on if there will be any special reward or visual for getting a full combo
4:31:26 -"Only the future will tell" on if Cassette Girl is scrapped or not
4:39:01 - The only Cassette Girl art he's ever done for the game was the playable character teaser, thinks modders already did a good enough job with her, not sure how'd she'd fit the new vision of the game
-Playable characters were originally meant to be just skins, "I won't say how, but that idea's kinda changed" implied that Cassette Girl wouldn't work for these new plans
4:45:45 - "That would be sick, I fucking hope that" in response to someone asking for a Bridge Kids and Punch Punch Forever week
4:47:03 - Originally WeekEnd 1 was going to be Week 8, the actual Week 8 is going to be the next bit of Boyfriend's story
4:58:29 - Pico will not have a blue balls game over screen, it will always be him dying
4:59:38 - "I'm not sure that's one i can really answer" on who else from OneyPlays besides Corey worked on the game
6:37:24 - "A little over 60%" of the base game's art and music is finished (not the full game)

Character Lore & Trivia:
22:32 - Boyfriend lives in the Newgrounds office, in his world, the office is more of a dingy apartment than an actual studio.
53:00 - The 99 on Darnell's shoes is referencing Pico's School's release date
59:59 - If Nene caught Pico during the chase, she would've layed down and cuddled up to his dead body in the alleyway
1:01:24 - Jokingly implied Pico is gay
1:05:44 - Boyfriend does not have a six pack, he's skinny with a slight tummy. All he does is sit around with Girlfriend and go to the convivence store. He's strong enough to fight, but not "super in shape"
1:06:27 - Boyfriend is a "poor fuck", does a lot of walking to to the nearest 9/11 to buy cigarettes
1:42:47 - The current Newgrounds wall art is canon, the reason Daddy Dearest is watching during WeekEnd 1 will be revealed later
1:47:04 - Pico and his friends didn't do well in school since his school was blown up
1:52:04 - Boyfriend would handle getting old gracefully, if Senpai was real he would kill himself if someone called him old
1:58:31 - Darnell and Nene(?) (plurals used, but no other names mentioned) are strapped for cash, they were disassembling A-Bot to sell his parts for cash.
-Darnell burnt down some buildings using A-Bot's hydraulic fluid as lighter fluid
1:59:00 - If Pico had creased Darnell's shoes, they wouldn't have made up and Darnell would've broken his neck
2:21:45 - If Boyfriend played a sport, he'd play basketball. He'd constantly miss his shots
2:29:09 - Pico's stomach scar is from Hanzou
-Pico has been through "a lot of battles" and Hanzou's scar isn't the only one on his body
2:59:55 - "Would girlfriend wear a thong? Hmm, probably just less than that."
3:01:01 - Pump's eyes don't glow around Girlfriend because she can "conceal her power level" and hide that she's a demon
3:01:35 - Darnell "is smart enough to know he couldn't fucking beat Pico, and that he shouldn't kill a bro" in response to someone asking about Darnell's IQ in FNF
3:08:39 - If Boyfriend had a cursed technique (Jujutsu Kaisen), his maximum technique would be called "Buttfuck"
3:58:33 - "How big or fat is Girlfriend's ass?"
5:49:19 - Boyfriends favourite pokemon is Snorunt, he thinks it's design is funny, laughs every time he sees one.

Other Assorted Info:
10:25 - Admits WeekEnd 1's launch was "a little rocky" to the fault of no one, they did have QA testers, "when you have multiple programmers on a team, bugs happen way faster"
21:58 - The update's scope was cut down to make it more manageable before release
29:47 - Confirmed Boyfriend's results screen pose was an Alien Hominid homage
30:47 - The Newgrounds Boyfriend figure was in production even before the Kickstarter
51:37 - The Chud Story
1:11:46 - Daddy Dearest punching Boyfriend in the toy commercial is an homage to a Dragon Ball Super: Broly scene
1:13:00 - The last mod he saw was Hit Single, thought it was "sick"
1:14:52 - The increase in teasers and dividing the update into parts was so the team can get more fan feedback
1:19:07 - Cites Urusei Yatsura as a major inspiration for the game
1:32:46 - Darnell's mouth connection rule was just because it makes him look cool and visually distinct
1:41:40 - The toy commercial was being worked on since April 2022
1:47:04 - Jokingly implied friends was accidently misspelled in the WeekEnd 1 ending cutscene, blamed it on Pico
1:53:38 - His favourite part of working on the new update was the cutscenes, Blazin' assets, the freeplay menu assets, and hiding easter eggs
1:55:18 - Cory Spazkid helped with charting the nightmare songs, and designing the poses for Mommy Mearest
2:06:36 - Phantom Arcade redesigned Nene on his own, Darnell was redesigned with help from Evilsk8r
2:15:46 - Showed off some early Nene sketches, she had black dot eyes instead, changed for consistency with the other Pico characters
2:18:03 - Showed off Evilsk8r's Darnell concept sketches
2:22:22 - A-Bot's arm was going to be behind Darnell moving around "like a stand almost", removed for being too complex
2:41:04 - Loved 17bucks "Hate me all you want"
2:43:17 - Liked the Kero mod, still listens to the song
2:53:25 - Darnell leaks influenced the update's long delay
2:54:38 - Only mod he ever downloaded and played was Hotline 024, only played one song
2:55:06 - Wants to play more mods on stream, mentioned 17bucks, Kero, Hit Single, & Online VS
2:55:40 - Confirmed the final cutscene was a Gurren Lagann reference
3:03:12 - Team management was the hardest part of making the update
3:24:03 - Pico and Darnell were going to glow when they got hit in Blazin, but that didn't make it in
3:24:58 - Blazin's idle animations were based off of Street Figher idle animations
3:41:32 - "Me and him had some different plans in mind for Funkin'" in response to playing FNF on OneyPlays
4:09:14 - WeekEnd 1's opening cutscene was going to have a knight from Castle Crashers, a "woman with tits out", and a man about to commit suicide in the crowd shot
6:17:12 - Considering doing a Boyfriend figure giveaway on the main Funkin' Twitter, joked that to enter you'd need to tag Jeff with a funny comment

Edit Report
Pub: 17 May 2024 16:56 UTC
Edit: 17 May 2024 17:55 UTC
Views: 1313