Rainbow scene freak UNGHH Im not human get silly life is fun rainbows i eat glow sticks cring culture is dead acid trip

Red normal people worry me strawberry shortcake Drug free but still fun I <3 horror movies anti-stupidity metal rulz I bite . I dont wanna grow up loverboy bloodsucker twisted cylce path sinner i play violent video games eternally yours blood sucker blood sucker f word its all! I am loved I <3 revenge your best nightmare denied heaven im going to flesh him motherfucker open 24 hours homosexual behavior I love you, you asshole! i know you are but what am i you are evil and you must be destroyed! my back hurts!!!! game over i dont care if you're sick strangers have the best candy poorest meow meow science god bless the freaks you brought your dog embrace your inner dork vhs forever supervillain lets all be friends<3 I love emo boyz smileys do you like scary movies peircing obssessed you follow me around shadow you follow me around eyes emo boy never trust a republican sleep in...coffin bats trapped in the hell dimension all murder all guts all fun red rules! bite me please gothic chamber real life vampire

Orange i love halloween im a freak hot stuff! got lasagna? gay bug rights

Yellow shhh...dumba$$ @ work i dont play well with others keep smiling be cool heaven doesnt want me and hell is afriad ill take over angelic i collect clowns you are my sunshine no cops just leave me alone

Green i want to believe bow to me! STUPID! BATS!BATS!BATS! please dont make me kill you IRL hacker programmer I glow in the dark i refuse to grow up toxic waste biohazard you remind me of when i was young and stupid misery loves me cryptzoology mushroom boy graphic intense error error science! WARNING! free your mind i yell because i care ur local friendly virus strange... evil autism

Blue book collector here comes the blues, again i dream in pixels made of stardust angel from heaven midnight nosey little bastard arent you? dont like it?! heavily medicated for your safety im in love not that kind of angel complete paranoia is total awareness question reality lava lamp gotta go fast ENA you crack me up creepy crawly antischool zone fake gamer beep boop im radioactive dishwasher safe be cool

Purple loser and proud attracted to shiny objects sarcasm is the one service i offer dont  believe everything you think ctrl-alt-del reality is the leading cause of stress keep dreaming i eated your cake yes. you may worship me great job!! enchanted i smile cuz i dunno watz going on im bored rocks...mmmmmm... I WANT FANGS please replace my batteries ill make a scene a dirty mind is a wonderful thing no whining

Pink teehehe. RATS!RATS!RATS! eternity love=eternity pink freak princess pretty in pink i <3 glitter pretty in punk i hate mean people! cannot be killed got love? rebel girl! you are love itself the cats let me live here its not about you vampires pls interact you can kill me but it wont last! gaslight gatekeep girlboss hhhh girl pretty monster high never stop sparkling i <3 girls in the name of love sleepyhead im a chemical kid

Brown flesh and bone i used to have a handle on life... im a sweetie, huh? have a cookie i love cats sonic i love gardening born to die tea time ouchie i NEED coffee no drama pls must have coffee antiques and old stuff yeehaw!! very homosexual pirate

Black i dont care! are you unhappy? fangs are sexy skulls night person there can only be one i belive in ghosts embrace the moon i need sleep break some rules I feel lucky yeehaw eek! stargazer awoooooo send me your teeth i <3 dumb men real life supervillain the truth is out there

Grey night person bite me. :) out of order fuck high school! dust collector world is a fuck gamer (self diagnosed)

White this clown evades taxes! my horns hold my halo up call someone who cares emo is love<3 a life? whats up? ill always be right here fallen angel another internet lose hang up the damn phone oh worm just a spoonful of poison apple juice supreme autistic and proud!


Pub: 23 Mar 2023 06:36 UTC
Edit: 28 Mar 2024 02:49 UTC
Views: 500