This is a remake of my archive since txties is shutting down. This Rentry page contains every single link of all the song covers I have posted to my Twitter!
AND I MEAN EVERYTHING... EVEN THE BAD SONGS. Also I am very sorry there's so many iris songs here. I'm sick in the head

This list goes in order from oldest to newest, and will be frequently updated as more covers are created! Changes may be made to these songs if I notice anything off about them and want to polish them up so if you want to bookmark a song for later, DO IT IF YOU DON'T WANNA LOSE IT!
My apologies if the wording on this doesn't make that much sense btw, I have a headache as I am typing this and my cognitive functions are delayed!!!!!!!!!


I may not really make any original songs but I created this little section to show off the ones I've made :3

Jummbox logo

ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE! Some of the songs on here end with EQ filtering and may mess up the song when looping over and over. You can easily fix this by pausing and unpausing when the song restarts! I don't know if I needed to clarify that but just in case :3

Pub: 29 May 2023 16:33 UTC
Edit: 24 Jul 2023 06:18 UTC
Views: 248