"Alright, I'm here. You happy?"

My boss, a surly older man in his 50s wiped his brow and smiled.

“Thanks for coming in on such short notice. I'll owe you one for this, on top of the OT,” he added, no hint of annoyance in his voice this time around

“I nodded, unfurling my tropical themed auniform and sliding my arms into the oversized sleeves. Being dependable meant doing this kind of overtime shit from time to time, and I didn't mind it since I needed extra cash to pay my bills.

It was a warm weekend night, and the night spa was usually busy. Which is why I only did weekdays. The job was arduous enough when it was only mildly busy. But it had hours that worked for me and the patrons tipped pretty good.

I finished buttoning my top and put on my goofy straw hat.

“How long am I covering E section for? Is this full shift or a half-”

I looked over to the nearby spa section where I knew Jenna covered and saw, already working, another of my coworkers, Ralph, who was leading a pair of Espeon girls to a small tub. A creeping feeling of dread crawled up my spine. I had just put it together when my boss spoke up before I could.

“You’re not covering her area tonite. You’ve got a big tub. Private Party of Eight and you’re on B&C.”

I clenched my teeth. “Oh COME on? Beck and Call? For how long?”

“Five hours and you’re done. That’s it I swear,” he patted his forehead again.

“Why didn’t you tell me when you called,” I said tersely.

“Because you wouldn’t have showed, I figured. I can’t make you come in after all BUT, you’re here now!”

I glared at him for the subterfuge but relented. “Alright. But I’m holding you to this man. You do OWE me.”

“Great!” He pulled a small black rectangular hunk of plastic and tossed it my way. I caught it and slipped it into my back pocket. “They should start trickling in roughly 10 minutes. Thanks a million for this.
I sighed, raising my eyebrows. “Alright boss.”

Grabbing my towel, I slung it over my shoulder to head for the cart by the bar before stopping myself short.

“Hey boss?” I asked.

He looked over at me quizzically.

“Is this party of 8 for humans or…?”

“Nope. Good luck!”

Ten minutes later I was standing at my little wooden podium holding the guest log in the private party are. There were 3 big tubs of varying larger sizes all separated within the area, and I was fielding the biggest currently. The big tub was surrounded by well trimmed hedges with warm outdoor stringlighting, and a very clean wooden floor surrounding it covered in heavy waterproof nonslip mats. Multiple chairs dotted the area coupled with a fire pit. A pair of small tables were parked close to the hot tub for convenience. Said tub was already warmed up and bubbling thankfully. No technical issues so far. I skimmed through the log book while waiting, having put my phone on the shelf under the stand.

Fucking Jenna, skipping out on a hard night like this. No wonder the boss called me so frantically. She must have skipped out five minutes prior to calling me. At least the pays good.

I drew my eyes down the list of names for the guests I had to field. All fairly normal names. Nothing like ‘Sparky’ or ‘Fluffles’. Which was a good sign. After the evolution event most of the evolved Pokemon that had pet names took on a more suitable human name and the last name of their masters if they had one. All but the top one had two names, and were normal enough. My heart skipped a beat when I spotted a name I recognized. Mina Giannolpous. I’d seen her face on some billboards and magazines, and watched a TV interview she held. A model. A drop dead gorgeous fashion model that was out of everyones league due to her staggering 8’7” stature. She was going to be here? Tonite. In a sexy bikini?. Maybe tonite wouldn’t be so rotten after all.

“Hello!” A girls voice rang through my ears in front of me. “Parrish party of 8.”

I snapped my head up and, looked down, locking my eyes with the first Pokegirl of the night. I’d gotten into the habit of doing that so as to not stare at the guests tits and I’m glad I did. She was an Ivysaur judging by her small stature and the bud on the back of her head. Pale green skin, darker triangular markings dotting her forehead and shoulders, and an absolutely massive pair of breasts straining an ill fitting bikini top. Not only was her areola visible but the strings were cutting into her tits ever so slightly. All of that on a frame roughly a foot shorter than myself.

“Uhh,” I glanced down at the log book again. There was no Parrish listed. “I don’t seee that name there.”

“Amanita?” she offered.

That was hers at the top. “Yep. Amanita. Just sign here please.” I flipped the book around and she took a pen between her fingers to sign the page.

While she signed and pulled out her phone to tap away a message I explained briefly how tonite would work: Drinks and food on the one side of the menu were included with the package, and the other side were not, but discounted. The buttons by the tub could be pressed to summon myself over to take orders or swap out towels or do anything really, as I was at their beck and call for the night. Otherwise I’d be standing by out of sight at the podium or elsewhere to assure privacy.

“Got it, I’ll tell my friends,” she smiled up at me warmly, hooking a thumb under the strap at her shoulder to adjust it. “They’ll be here soonish!”

I met her red eyes with my own and shot her a thumbs up. “Okay! Hoping for a good night!”

The gaggle of Pokemon Girls started trickling in shortly after Amanita had entered the spa area. I made sure to check them off as each one arrived. First it was a tall, athletic, Jolteon girl, several inches taller than myself, wearing a jet black bikini and sporting a mohawk. She greeted me briskly and went to join the Ivysaur girl in the hot tub. Two more girls arrived shortly afterwards; a very short Eevee girl with big breasts and an equally short Braixen girl with even bigger breasts. It was impossible to speak to either of them without looking down at inches of tightly packed cleavage.

A chubby Raichu girl arrived with messy sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes after that, annoyed at me because I had told her she had to leave the drink bottle she brought with me at the podium (no glass allowed, everything we had is served in plastic). She had a very small chest comparatively, but as she walked away I couldn’t help notice her big fat ass. The bottom part of her bikini absolutely disappeared between her cheeks.

Then, Mina showed, all 8’7” of her walking into my field of vision. Her long purple hair flowed around the horn sticking out from her head down to the small of her back, the color switching from deep purple to a bright honey blonde halfway. She wasn’t unsteady in her model stride either, in spite of not having legs before evolving into what she is now. Out of all the dragonair girls to evolve into this form she was certainly the biggest bombshell of them all.
Despite many Pokemon having evolved to be much, much taller than humans it was still staggering to see them face to face. Or more accurately, face to navel. She was indeed wearing a fashionable bikini top, the garment stretched across her heavy chest which actually looked to be just slightly smaller than the Ivysaur girls. Just slightly, since Amanita had breasts rivaling the size of watermelons.

I almost didn’t realize there was an almost equally tall girl right behind her so absorbed I was. An Umbreon girl, who, while being a few inches shorter than Mina, was built like a brick shit-house. Dark fur marked with glowing yellow bands highlighted the bulky muscle she was sporting all over her body. A thick silver braid dangled behind her as she strolled through the gate to meet their friends while giving me a smile and short wave. I scrawled aimlessly in the log books borders, my eyes fixed on the sway of their hips as the two amazons walked past me.

“Wow…” I breathed, hand unconsciously pressing away on the stiffy rising through my work-pants. They’d turned the corner. I’d need to keep my libido in check tonite if the hot tub was just going to be filled with pretty Pokemon girls.

One more showed up later, who got pissy at me because I’d called him miss. A male Absol names Jesse, which is ambiguous enough, but in my defence he was a few inches shorter than me with long hair and a not very masculine face. He probably got that a lot, but I apologized and he walked into the tub area scowling at me.

Which made 8. Everyone was here, which meant time to run around like a nut for the next 5 hours.

I shut my log book, threw it into the drawer and locked it. No sooner than I turned the key than the buzzer went off on my back pocket. I grabbed my notepad and pencil and adjusted my hat, then headed into the hot tub area.

It was going to be a looong night.

Four hours later and I regretted answering my phone somewhat.

The orders kept flying by and it felt like the bar was sick of seeing my after a while. Not only that but I had to make multiple trips for the two largest guests, Mina and the Umbreon girl (who told me to call her Kat) as they exclusively ordered the Mondo sized novelty drinks meant for 2 or more guests to share. But since both were roughly 8 and a half feet tall they would down those drinks like nothing.

Same with the food. Thankfully the kitchens stock extra on weekends because they were frying up appetizer platters almost nonstop. Kat especially was like a bottomless pit of snacks and booze, much to my chagrin.

On the upside, once they were all settled I was granted a show to a LOT of skin. One thing about these Pokemon girls (and guys) is their disinterest with wearing clothes. Which I get, since they’ve been living their entire lives essentially feral before evolving, but keeps causing a row with the human public. Most of them begrudgingly wear clothes as a result. Here, now at the spa, most of them had discarded their tops the longer the nights gone on, and granted me eyes on a LOT of big Pokegirl tits. And even some pussy.

One of them, the Braixen girl who I learnt was a popular streamer, even got out of the tub to give me a hug for being so great a waiter for the night about halfway through, dampening my uniform while the group giggled and took photos. At her height had her warm breasts pressed right into my crotch while holding the pose with me.

Otherwise, the night went fine enough despite them all running me ragged. They didn’t all stay the whole length of the night, and after 3 hours the only ones left in the tub were Amanita, Roxanne (the jolteon girl), Mina, and Kat. The latter two were still keeping me busy. After I don’t know how many gallons of booze between them they finally seemed drunk.

I was granted a 15 minute break finally, my boss covering me at the stand while I retreated to the break room to put my feet up, drink some iced water and play with my phone. I was riled up. But not enough to rub one out on my 15 since I’d rather sit down and stew in my horny than stand perched over a toilet jerking off. I could always do that later while fantasizing about screwing Gina, or even her friend Kat. Or all of them really since at one point not one of them were wearing their tops. I even caught two of them feeling each other talking about their bust size.

The video clip I was watching ended, and my phone timer slipped into the seconds timer. I exhaled, tossed it into my locker (it had gotten a little wet from the hug earlier) and stepped back outside into the warm night air.

My boss walked past me holding a bunch of towels, heading towards the washer/dryers. Back at the podium I saw the buzzer dancing on the wooden surface. Another round. I bet my boss didn’t move from that spot the whole 15 minutes.

I walked over, pad in hand and saw someone standing by the hot tub who was not there before, talking to Amanita and Roxanne (the Jolteon girl with the mohawk).

It was a sexy Ninetales girl. A very tall one. A very tall strong one. She looked every bit as thick and powerful as the Umbreon girl, Kat, and her appearance was equally striking. Maybe even more so. A decorative tattoo stood out on her muscled arm running from her shoulder to her wrist, the pattern weaving in dark swirls against her pale yellow fur. She had a white spa towel slung over her other shoulder, which also had a black bikini top laying on it, allowing her large soft breasts to hang free out in the open. A firm set of abs jutted from her midriff, well defined in the soft light. Her hips flared wide, her long tails bound multiple times ending all the way down to the bottom of her long strong legs. Which I realized were bare. She was already nude.

I glanced back up to her and met her bright red eyes. Shit, she caught me ogling her.

“Uhm, drinks? Food?” I approached tentatively, my eyes in a slight wince.

“Apps platter, and one of hers,” said the Ninetales girl, pointing to one of the large Mondo drinks Gina was still nursing. She raised her leg up over the big tub, then the other, settling herself in. The water level rose and overflowed briefly when she entered causing a wave of snickering amongst the others. I made sure to look down at my pad before she got in though.

“Got it, I’ll be right back,” I looked up at her and found her staring at me again, her gaze intent, short dark hair just about hanging over her eyes.

“Take your time,” she said sweetly. But I didn’t see anything sweet about her expression.

I power walked away, shutting off my buzzer. I knew better than to ask my boss why a guest was allowed in, that was not on the list. Or ask the guest. I had a bit of a thing for the fox girls after they’d evolved, but something about that one made me feel nervous. At least she’d only be here an hour.

Twenty minutes left.

Everyone in the hot tub was now certifiably drunk. Except for maybe the Ivysaur girl, Amanita and the Ninetailes girl, who, after I provided her drink, told me her name was Madeline and to refer to her as such. I suppose only her friends called her Maddy.

I was beat. And horny. Last time I had popped in to take another order I had seen Gina and Kat making out with each other, hands pawing at each others breasts, and Gina’s long tail wrapped around Kats waist pulling her close. It took every ounce of willpower to not stand there and watch them do it while I walked over to Madeline to fulfill her request.

“How much time is left?” she asked curtly. Even reclining in the hot tub she looked me right in the eyes.

“About 15-ish minutes,” I responded, checking my wristwatch. “Do you want anything?”

She smirked, then nodded her head towards the pile of towels next to her. “There’s only 3 fresh towels left for us to dry ourselves off. Go get rid of those and bring back fresh ones.”
“Okay,” I placed my bad down on the small table so I could get an armful of the used towels sitting on the chair.

I walked over to the towels and grabbed them. They weren’t very heavy thankfully. I was worried they’d be soaked under the top one. I walked past the hot tub when a heavy hand grabbed my shoulder. I was stopped dead in my tracks.

“Uh-” I began, before being dragged backwards. I dropped my towels and was spun around to face the Ninetales girl, a bemused sneer on her face.

“I caught you staring at me before,” she said with a grin, flashing her sharp white teeth. “Got a good look at my assets and everything. Looking at me like you wanted to fuck me, right?”

“Uhh. If I’ve offended you in some way I do apologize-” I started rattling off my apology line before she pulled me even closer, my legs bumping up against the walls of the hot tub. I suddenly felt more fearful. This girl could rip my arm out of its socket if she really wanted to.

I made a small effort to move away but couldn’t even budge. Her hand gripped my entire shoulder and was super firm.

“Don’t apologize. I get what you want. But you’re not getting that from me,” she swiveled me around so I was facing her instead of awkwardly sideways against the hot tub.

“I’ll give you something you won’t forget though,”

With speed belying her size, Madelines other arm grabbed me under my other shoulder, picked me up, and dropped be into the hot tub.

I sputtered hot water out of my mouth, and splashed feebly for a second before I felt her strong arms pinning my own to my sides. Kicking my legs was actually useless. A million things raced through my head and I realized she was pulling me backwards until I was firmly pressed against her front. I looked to my left and right, noting the swells of her heavy breasts flanking my view. She let go of my arms, instead moving on across my chest to brace me against her, causing her left breast to squish against my head.

“What are you doing?!” I coughed, completely pinned. Water in my eyes obscured my vision, I could see the other two amazonian sized pokegirls giggling directly across from me. The water was hot, and getting hotter once I realized I was now pressed up right against a big fire-type.

Madeline said nothing, and then I realized her other hand had wrested open my trousers. I froze up when I felt her thick digits curling around my penis. A terrifying dread overtook me and I was too shocked to scream.

Then, she began to stroke gently up and down.
“Ah… haah,” I exhaled.

“Enjoying yourself already,” Madeline said, some bite in her voice.

It was moreso relief that she wasn’t going to tear my dick off. But unable to move or do anything about it, I let myself try to enjoy it. Directly in front of me Mina and Kat were making out again, watching them squeeze each others tits and moaning softly into their mouths. I felt myself harden fully in Madelines warm grip, her strokes increasing slowly, more insistently.

“Say it,” she hissed.

“I’m, enjoying… myself,” I admitted carefully, sure to myself if I lied she’d react badly. I reached around underwater to brace my hand against something, and pressed my palm against something firm behind me. It moved beneath my fingers and I felt it move, realizing I had my hand on one of the foxes firm ab muscles. I brought it up instead, grabbing a handful of her fat breast, the other one still pressed against the side of my face.

“You want to cum right? Go ahead. Cum for me now,” I heard Madeline growl above me. “Not later in a tissue or in the trash or in the toilet.”

I really didn’t want to cum in the hot tub but I didn’t have much of a choice. Sweat poured down my face. My hard cock was pulsing heavily now, twitching madly on the cusp of orgasm. The ministrations from the amazonians soft furred paws were heavenly. And two sexy amazons were making out right in front of me.

Finally I tensed up, my eyes squeezing shut as I shot my load. Just before I did, I noted Madelines paw leaving my shaft to curl around my head. Three, four, five shots, and some more dribbling out once I was spent. I exhaled heavily, sinking against the hulking amazonian pokegirl in my post nut haze.

After I’d finished dirtying her paw I felt it leave my junk. My cock was softening. I was drained.

Before I could catch my breath I felt hands under my arms lifting me up, then I was planted back on my two feet next to the hot tub, sopping wet and winded. I looked up to see Madeline wiping a towel against her palm, a satisfied look on her face, before throwing the towel onto the pile she’d ordered me to take.

I walked away with the towels in hand, before glancing over to look back at the hot tub. Madeline was looking at her nails The other two larger girls were still groping each other.

Amanita was staring right at me, hand over her mouth with a shocked expression in her eyes. I completely forgot she was there too.

I walked out of there with the towels, the one covered in my own emissions crumpled on top of the piled.

“Holy fuck…. Holy fuck…”

I hadn’t returned with the towels. Fuck that. I was in the break room catching my breath over what just happened. What a fuckin’ psycho. Part of me wanted to go back there to tell off the big bitch that stripping down nude and looking go hand in hand when you summon somebody for service. I know I’ve been caught looking at some of the other chicks over the course of the night, with some even teasing me about it and showing the goods.

I relaxed in the fold up chair I was collapsed in. I’d thrown my shirt off and hadn’t gotten to my pants yet, instead leaving the fly open.

Who could say precisely what I did that set her off. I wouldn’t ever really know I bet. Despite the initial fear what I went through was… actually kind of hot. I got a handie from an amazon in a hot tub watching two other amazons make out naked across from me. And I’m unhurt. And I’ll remember that moment the rest of my life. If only it lasted a little longer. Fuck. If only it had been the model instead…

The door swung open behind me and I heard wet bare feet rapidly advancing on me.

I bolted up and swiveled around to find myself looking down at the shortstack Ivysaur girl. She had a white towel wrapped around her torso, emphasizing her curvy figure.

“Oh, uh, Amanita?”

“I wanted to thank you for being a great waiter today and for all you’ve done,” she said rapidly, almost like she’d rehearsed this. “We’re all leaving now, and we’ve paid out our bill, and I wanted to give you your tip for waiting on me and my frie-.”

She paused.

“My party of 9.”

In a flash she’d pulled out a fat wad of bills and held it up. I balked, looking it over in her hand. It was a LOT of bills. Certainly more than the 18% gratuity.

“Oh, uh,” I snapped my fingers. “You were prepaid with tip because you paid online for beck and call.”

She took a step further and grabbed my wrist, looking up at me with her big red eyes.

“I know. And I really really really appreciate you putting up with all of us.”

She punctuated that by gently opening my fingers with her own, and placing the bills in my palm, then used both hands to carefully close my fingers around the money.

It hit me just then I’d been sexually assaulted at my job. By someone who’s kind has been under scrutiny since the whole evolution event first started. I felt indignant suddenly and was tempted to throw the money at Amanitas face but…

Instead, I sighed, and pocketed the cash. I needed the money pretty badly.

“Thanks for the tip,” I said finally.

Amanita exhaled, her shoulders dropping and her eyes fluttering shut for a moment. I hadn’t given her much of a look aside from her massive tits but she was also quite attractive looking herself.

“Okay… thank you. I’m… so. SO. Twisted inside that happened to you and I couldn’t stop it,” she ran her fingers through the long leaves that were her hair. “I… will, be prepared if that ever happens again. But I will try to make sure there’s a 0% chance of that when me and my friends come back.”

I nodded, reaching back to turn my chair around so I can sit. I was still tired as shit.

“AMES! WE’RE GOING!” Called a voice from the doorway. I glanced over and saw the shadow of a head with a mohawk.

“OKAAY!” Amanita called back.

I was about to ask Amanita something but forgot when she bent down slightly to hug me tight. The full weight of her chest squished against my own and instead of awkwardly patting her shoulder, I just hugged her back. Fuck it, I was still a bit rattled.

After a good 20 seconds she let me go, mouthed a quite good bye and walked out of the break room.

I sat there in a bit of a daze, water dripping quietly behind me. I reached back into my pocket to count the bills and whistled low at how much there was.

Jenna missed out.

Pub: 16 Jan 2023 00:24 UTC
Views: 2379