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Basic Info:

! PLEASE do NOT take inspo or copy our ponytown skins unless you are a FREIND and we have said its OK !

we use alot of bypasses + slurs (that we can reclaim) if you dont like it , just block/mute/ignore me pls. were just having fun, if it makes you uncomfy please just ignore us

Please dont cover our skins, it tends to make us uncomfortable. We dont have TT/TD/DNT or anything, but if you get close to us when we dont know you, we wil probably move away. Same with covering us, we will move, just please dont.

Feel free to int with us!! (we dont bite, most of the time /j) We are just extreamly socially awkward. Yes even online. So if we come off as uninterested/uneasy/dry/rude/etc. Im sorry, were really bad at talking to people who arnt close freinds. We love to talk though, so please int! just keep our social anxiety in mind ^^

we tend to make alot of people uncomfortable. If that happens for you, either tell us to stop. (and we will stop when ASKED we cant read your mind.) or block/hide us. We dont care if we get hidden or blocked, we understand if it is needed. The button is there for a reason

We normally dont talk in public chat, even if you whisper us, do not expect a responce. We normally only talk with friends or in our party chat.


Please INT!!

HOMESTUCK FANS!!!! (please we so crippling austistic about homestuck we cant even discribe it) Transformers Fans Dear Evan Hansen Fans How to Train Your Dragon Fans If you just like similar stuff as us lmao



Nini Skins Void Skins Lineless Cat Skins Ship childs Eyebleed Skins (please, you guys give us headaches. they are called "eyebleed" for a reason, you dont look cool) (cant belive we have to say this. but we will) Penis Skins. If you boop us repeatedly Im sorry, But the people who talk in "???? ??????" yall annoy the CRAP outa us PEOPLE IN REGIS WHO SPAM CHAT. PLEASE JUST SHUT UP OH MY LORD NO ONE CARES


go back?

Pub: 28 Jul 2023 03:01 UTC
Edit: 16 Aug 2023 20:56 UTC
Views: 327