A gif of a person smoking with the title "BYI"

sakura flowerwing dividersakura flower

I use we/us and me/i interchangeably to refer to our system

wing divider

We have been / are being stalked and impersonated so please
don't steal or copy our rentry/pk/sp things because it is very
paranoia inducing for us

wing divider

I'm autistic so speak plainly with me or
I usually won't pick up on some subtle message

wing divider

English is not our first language and some alters
struggle with it more than others

wing divider

We're a full-time student as well as working full-time so
it might take some time for me to respond to a message

wing divider

We are protective of some comfort characters and interests
don't try to compete

sakura flowerwing dividersakura flower


Pub: 07 Jun 2024 14:58 UTC
Edit: 10 Jun 2024 23:09 UTC
Views: 126