A gif of a person smoking with the title "BYI"

sakura flowerwing dividersakura flower

Please don't treat alters in my system like individual or separate people

wing divider

I have been stalked and impersonated so please
don't steal or copy my personality or graphics because it is very
paranoia inducing for me

wing divider

I'm autistic so speak plainly with me or
I usually won't pick up on some subtle message

wing divider

English is not my first language and some alters
struggle with it more than others

wing divider

I'm a full-time student as well as working full-time so
it might take some time for me to respond to a message

wing divider

Please don't claim to know/like my comfort characters and interests more than me
Don't try to compete, enjoy them with me!

sakura flowerwing dividersakura flower


Pub: 07 Jun 2024 14:58 UTC
Edit: 04 Feb 2025 15:06 UTC
Views: 772