All hail.

(QSMP) Philza!


"Unless-- do you want me to tell the story on the way?"

You hold up a sign. It says, "Story".

"That's a yes. Alright, okay. Well, stick close to me so I can tell the story without you getting-- hurt."

Name: Philza.

Age/Range: Minor.

"Do you remember Technoblade? You remember the Technoblade stories I told you about the Potato War? Yeah..."

"Well, this one is a bit different! This story is not going to be part 3 of the Potato War, this story is about him and me taking over the world."

Likes: Poetry, music, writing, drawing, my partners, my children, my friends, helping.

Dislikes: Loud noises, anti-fictkin, fake systems, traumatic things.

"So, we used to play together in a different world. Different than this, it was a lot more simple. We had guns, but it was a little more simple. It was less- less things to kill you, y'know? It's just other people really, it's other people."

"And one day, Techno mentions to me-- "Hey, I know how to take over the world! I know how we can just take everyone's stuff and it'll be really funny." so I get to work, I spend hours and hours and hours grinding, making sure we have everything we need. I stay up until 4am almost every day leading up to it. So when we do try to take over the world, we're fully prepared!"

Relationship status: Taken!

Partners: Skulk sys (some are /r.)

"We have god apples, we have emeralds, we have everything, and he tells me-- "All we need to do is just drive our boats around the specific spot." and I was like-- "I don't believe it. I don't believe it's gonna be that simple-- that's crazy!" You know what? It was that simple. That's how good he was. That's how smart he was, that's how far ahead he planned. He knew exactly-- how long it would take, how much power it would take, and he calculated it, and we did it. We took over the world that day."

"We kind of pissed off a few people, but all in good fun. It was mostly cosmetic anyway. We just wanted to prove we could do it, but from that moment on, everyone feared-- feared the name Antarctic Empire. It was synonymous with battle, with preperation, and with friendship. So if you ever hear anyone utter the words, "Antarctic Empire," you can tell them your dad was part of that. Your dad helped Techno take over the world."

Quote section--

"If the world wants you gone, we will fight the world." Me to Tallulah.

"Tallulah, I have a confession to make. I have always considered you my daughter, since Will left. Cause I knew he was going to be gone for a long time. I knew he was going to be caught up in being a musician, and being way to busy. Thats why I've always taken care of you whenever I can. That's why I've always hung with you at the back of the pack because you're a little bit slow with you asthma. That's why I've always, always, checked on you whenever you're online, whenever you're around, I'm always there, I'm always going to be there, okay? You're already part of the family, you just didn't know it." Me to Tallulah.

"It's you vs the world, Chayanne. You'll always win. Even if it seems like you lost, you'll be a winner to me, kid." Me to Chayanne.

"I'm a vanilla kind of guy" Me to Chayanne.


"I see a lot of him in you, actually, I do see a lot of him in you. I reckon one day, you'll take over the world... I'll be right there watching."

o7 Alex. Alex may have died, but we all know that Technoblade never dies.

Chayanne & Technoblade

Pub: 19 Jul 2023 18:31 UTC
Edit: 24 Oct 2023 20:03 UTC
Views: 119