Ezra (/r)

My darling. Thank you for everything you do. Genuinely, you've helped me a lot thought other relationships, when I was angry, when I was sad, you were there for me. Through all of it. Ive never been with someone just as amazing as you my dear. I want to get married to you, get a house of our own. you've been my number one for so long now, I can see that it will continue to be that way. Thank you for everything you've done for me my dear. I love you.

Krow (/p)

Krow!! My best friend! You're so amazing, thank you for also sticking with me for the past 4 years. Even if there was a time when we didnt talk, I'm glad I decided to talk to you again. I'm glad I was there for you when you needed someone. I'm so proud of you and how far you've come. You're genuinely my best friend and I cant thank you enough for being here with me.
I love you <3.

Zephyr (/p)

You silly guy. /pos you're so sweet and kind and I gotta thank you for taking care of my best friend. He really needed someone to be there for him when i wasnt. He loves you. A lot. And im glad you can be there to comfort him and love him better than anyone else has. He genuinely deservers you and you deserve him. Also thank you for being here for me as well, I genuinely appreciate your kindness and love to me and others.
I love you.



I doubt you will see this but i appreciate the kindness you've shown to me. I love going on streams with you and playing minecraft. Doing silly things. It really gets my mind off of bad thoughts in the middle of the night. Its almost perfect how well thats set up lmao. Anyway, you're amazing. Thank you for being my friend. Genuinely.


We don't talk that much but when we do, and we interact or see you talk on the server you are such a light. You bring everyone's moods up and really help those in need. You're a sweetheart and we love you so very much. (Me and the server). I hope you see how amazing you are. Keep that light bright <3.

Pub: 12 May 2024 05:29 UTC
Edit: 16 Jun 2024 16:05 UTC
Views: 214