" rentry credits - rentry.co/frapuccino why can't you just be NORMAL about etho ?! " Image of Richie Lipschitz and Peter Spankoffski from Nerdy Prudes Must Die hugging with a rainbow sticker, minecraft clock, and an orange bow

FRITZ / richie !⠀ Pixel art of QuilavaTHEY / NEOS 17 y/o !!Pixel art of a dog drinking an orange beverage while laying down⠀ white⠀ syshost⠀ A pixel art gif of a stop watch A blinkie with irl cats on it with the words "silly :3" ☆ ⋆。˚ lesbian cupioromantic nonbinary < 06.30.23 3

A text divider

001. ⠀ 002.⠀ 003.

dni a gif of kakashi from naruto <23 >13 , shedtwt , pro/comshipper , old friends (you know who you are ! leave us alone !) endos / neutrals , smiletwt , basic dni , nsfw

byi a gif of kakashi from naruto i cant tag my interests, very rt heavy , do not flirt with me (orc exempt) i am very autistic and struggle socializing so if im awkward that is why !

Pub: 14 Nov 2023 22:56 UTC
Edit: 25 Feb 2024 07:39 UTC
Views: 489