alttag ROBBIEZ DATA!!!alt tag

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TYPE: (Undead?) Human.

AGE: 15, still rotting.

KNOWN SKILLS: Drawing, playing instrumentz, and seeing in the dark (when his eyes adjust) ((according 2 him))

OTHER TITTLES: Reggie, Randal (I wonder where he got that last one...) & Muck (on my art accs)


  • General
    I like YouTube, Minecraft (+mcyts), music, art, horror, Visual novelz, gamez, terrible/poorly made moviez (like sharknado), cartoonz, surrealist(?) content, sewing my battle jacket, laying on the ground in a sunray, using Z's where Z's arent supposed to be, playing my electric bass n viola, and sitting in the dark surrounded by candlez as opera playz, zombiez, and RANFREN!!
  • Music
    Lots of Nu Metal! KoRn, Nirvana, She Wants Revenge, S.O.A.D, Burzum, Deaftones, Kittie, Slipknot, Lemon Demon, London after midnight, Mayhem, Electric Wizard, Pansy Division, Rammestine, The Nightingales, Morbid Angel, Sublime, Dazey and the... at this point just put in your spotify god dang...
  • Television
    Hannibal (the nbc show), MLP, Scott Pilgrim takes off & Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Metal family, Invader Zim, and Ok K.O. Lets be heroes 🔥🔥🔥.
    Some anime (especially Madoka Magica) but doesn't watch anime often.
  • Comics or Books
    RANFREN (OML PLEASE PLEASEEE PLEASE I LOVE RANFREN), Comics, Be Kind My Neighbor, it's IRL got him into TINR recently, and he's getting into the Scott Pilgrim comics.
  • Games
    It doesn't play many, loves gameplays. Minecraft, Sally face & various visual novels. (Getting into: 8:11.)

DISLIKES: Rude people, people calling it cringe, people impatient with him, people judging him for calling itself a zombie or a dog (he just thinks it's cool & fun), hot weather, people staring at him (If he doesn't love you), being paranoid, annoying people, and thinking about his gender too hard.

DANGER LEVEL: low, unlikely to lash out.

A cringey young man who has way to much curiosity, wishes he had a coffin bed, secretly a dogman (but dont tell anyone), and is a metalhead, hippe, goth, scenemo, punk, anarcho-communist :P!!1!!11 I know, it's a really long tittle,... still working out the anarcho-communist bit.


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Pub: 23 Jun 2024 01:45 UTC
Edit: 07 Jul 2024 17:20 UTC
Views: 133