The name is Raine Irish Rosemary. You can call her Raine or Rain. Her age is legal and her pronoun is she/her. Her zodiac sign is Virgo and MBTI is ISTJ-T. Her love language is Quality time and Physical touch.
She really likes coffee, spicy and sweet foods. She really likes playing plato when she feels bored. Apart from that, she also fills her spare time by listening to music and watching movies of any genre. The music genre she likes is KPOP. But, sometimes she also listens to IPOP or something else. {sesuai mood aja} She likes doing spotify sessions. So, if you need a friend for a spotify session together, you can invite her! She really into Treasure, Cherry Bullet, and Dreamnote. Her biases are Treasure Jihoon, Cherry Bullet Jiwon, Dreamnote Youi, Seventeen Wonwoo, and NCT Jaehyun. She really likes to talk a lot about Jihoon Treasure on her account and random tweets about her activities or mood. Currently she's still playing roleplayer on @jiowon as her main account.
If you wondering, she was part of OA: Fromthence, Glimpseous, TheSirenCall, PiecesinHeart, Unofficiale Phase 3.0 ( OB ), Marchengartens, Lassdortoir (OB), MELANCHORD, WESHOULDSTAY and Theftcores.
Now part of:
GDM : Fairiveries.
Manager of Treasure Squad @GUAREIGN.