Hi! Welcome to my rentry.co page. 
~( Ɛ :> My name is RatFanatic! <: 3 )~
I plan to use this as a place for links to
websites, software, and more!
As both a personal library, and for sharing purposes.
I hope you enjoy my hoard of recommended cool stuff and things.
A Movement, Manifesto, Life style! A fantastic site about bringing the web back to It's peak, away from capitalistic monopolies invading spaces of the people, encouraging community, creativity, and kindness In a modern web that pressures for the opposite.
YNO Project
Yume nikki online project hosts both the original Yume Nikki and It's many fangames, In a multiplayer setting. Incredibly fun to explore with friends, do the daily expeditions, collect badges and other collectables, or join the discord and participate In a tour with a massive group of people.
BSDJ Bandcamp
BSDJ, Or Bedroom Skramz/DIY Jamz, Is an indie music label with a focus on being the epitome of an emo backyard band having a genre crisis. Amazing people coming together to share there genre confused beauties with the world, Well worth a listen to.
Need a list of REAL Punk bands? Ones who stand for what Punk means, and aren't facist posers with a fake Punk attire? Need to find community and representation In your favorite music genre? GirlAndQueerBands Is a website sharing Women and Queer centered Punk and Diy-Hardcore bands making killer music, lists upon lists of Punk creatives for you to explore.
Having a hard time making out details from your maximalistically decorated webspace? Trying to figure out If other people could make out anything either? Check out this essential field guide Into digital accessibility, Ideals on equability vs equality, and how to make YOUR website accessible to the 1/4th of the world's entire population; Disabled people.
Onio Cafe
Described as a "Rustic E-Cabin", Chat with other people In a comforting Yesterweb forward website.
If you've graced the Neocities website, or any mention of the Yesterweb, You probably know who MelonKing [of MelonLand] Is. This Is one of their many projects helping support webcreatives In their creative endeavors; A website full of free textures to your hearts content. If you need even more digital decor for your webspace, check out their main website for even more resources.
Webspaces • Personal Inspirations
Authors Anarchy
A community of creatives sharing there content on the internet together. Poems, Drawings, Photography, and more amazing creations. An anarchist commune In a liberating artistic and digital form, a never-ending downpour of Inspiration to experience.
A website ran by webmaster Loren, an incredibly inspiring website and a personal inspiration for my own webspace. An awing dithered and naturalism theme, a point and click adventure In your web browser, a beautiful artistic experience.
A website ran by webmaster Meel, with sharp and recognizable art that blends into their webmastery. What a fun place to mess around In, worth exploring for the music and art combo experience alone, but worth even more then that.
A website ran by webmaster Viktor, this multi-talented artist shares their creations In an esoteric matrix-styled cyber dream-scape, an early 2000s emo vibe emanates almost immediately the moment you enter their page. With the amount of creations shared, you get sucked into hours of exploration.
A website ran by webmaster Flik, this abandoned house Is overgrown with the whimsy of nature and life itself, represented In a digital visual-scape. Every time I check this site out, I'm brought into fields worth frolicking In. Explore their dutifully maintained garden, and enjoy the nature shared.
A website ran by webmaster and pegasister Ms. StrawberryReef, this website Is a look into an incredible resource for My Little Pony collectors of all generations, with a heartfelt story relatable to me personally. Although the site hasn't been updated In a decade or so by now, I browse It fondly If only for the pure charismatic beauty that is this site. It's worth exploring If only for the incredible detail's put into this lovely place.
Pixels • Graphics • Misc