Kingdom of Axia: Armed Forces

Brief Overlook

A state founded by the sword shall exist by the sword, and such is true of Axia. To serve Axia and my Wife is one of the highest honors an Axian can do, and as such, the armed forces are not only a symbol of power and might, but of duty, desire and loyalty to my Wife and her leaders. There is no such thing as a 'fair fight', only victory and defeat!

War Banner "By this sign and under this banner, you will fight till the end, until all enemies are defeated, or you die in glory."

The infamous War Flag of Axia, is known as the Banner of Death colloquially. Black Banner with a skull in the center with a knife between its teeth, it represents the state of the nation at war, and completes the 'Trinity of Symbols', that being the Key, the Sword and the Skull.

Royal Axian Army

The Royal Army is one of the most powerful and feared force across Indeia, and its reputation precedes itself. It has had many labels placed upon by its barbarian neighbors, and its own people alike. Zealous, Rapid, Reckless, Aggressive, Ruthless, and Unpredictable. The reality, however, is much more complex than that.

Axian Way of War

The Axian Way of War is a refined craft, built by great victories, defeats, and bloodshed. It ultimately comes down several key principles and doctrines:

Strategic and Operational Level:

  • Warfare of Constant Maneuver: illustrated by great tempo in battles, rapid marches on the campaign, and surprise in strategy.
    • Concentrated of Force (Operational): When you strike, strike in concentration and with great force.
    • Avoiding Strongpoints Hitting Weak Spots: Furthermore, these strikes ought to be towards weak spots where breakthrough is possible, avoiding enemy strong points.
    • Engaging on your own terms: Never let an enemy choose the field of battle he desires unless there is no alternative. Always fight on your own terms.
  • Cult of the Offensive: The best defense is a good offense.

Tactical Level

  • Combined Arms Warfare: Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery must be used equally and within each other for maximum effect.
  • Melee and Morale: Do not allow yourself to get stuck into slogging musketry and shot. Fire at most 3 volleys, and then engage in Melee. Our morale and training will win in this case.
  • Concentration of Force (Tactical): Never send in an attack piecemeal. Always attack the enemy in force, ideally in en échelon, where the enemy will not be granted respite if he fends off one wave.
  • Concentration of Fire: Heavy and Medium Artillery should focus its fire on the point where the Infantry will attack and provide a brief but intense fire before the Infantry advances. Once the Infantry advances, the heavy artillery will keep up its fire while Medium Artillery focuses on enemy gun batteries.
  • Flying Batteries: Light Artillery will constantly be moved to where it is needed, where it can provide fire support or suppress enemy guns.
  • Blind them and then Hammer them: Light Cavalry will blind the enemy, disrupt their communications, hide movements and harass the enemy constantly while the Heavy Cavalry will concentrate in force and deliver the hammering blow when the enemy is the weakest.
  • Three Wave Strategem: All attacks should come in multiple waves, ideally 3, all in full force per Concentration of Force.

What these terms effectively mean is that the Axian Way of War relies on constant movement, hitting hard and fast, and never being predictable; and if it is predictable, said behavior will be impossible to stop.

A normal set piece battle thus would usually consist of the Axians conducting a series of probing attacks to find a weak point while light cavalry causes havoc in the rear or on the flanks, while also hiding the concentration of the Infantry. As the Infantry prepares to launch its usual 3 waved assault, the artillery will soften up the chosen point. Then the Infantry will rapidly close the distance, fire off 3 volleys at most before closing in. Around the same time, the Heavy Cavalry will strike at another point to deliver the knockout blow suddenly. Of course, most battles aren't going to work as such and the Axians are expected to adapt. But it is also generally believed that the zeal and force of the strike will be able to win most battles regardless. In instances where the enemy decides to pull back, the Axians will constantly attempt to harass him in these efforts with cavalry and light infantry. When the theoretical storm is unleashed, there should be nothing stopping it. Attacks should always be pressed home unless it is totally foolish, regardless of losses.


Standing Army:
In the 'Three Wave Strategem', the professional troops of the Army are supposed to make up the final wave, after the conscripts and reserves. There is a reason for this, that goes beyond tactics, which ultimately comes down to the professional troops being the crème de la crème of the entire Army. To lose them would be a grave loss to the state given their abilities and talents.

Being a part of the standing army is one of the highest honors, both politically and religiously, and as such, it has among the highest standards of recruitment even for its 'regular' troops, let alone cavalry, or guards. The selection process is a grueling one that pushes the volunteer to his limits physically and mentally. A man's score during this will dictate not only if he is accepted, but what unit he will be part of. The best of the best goes to the Guard Cavalry and Infantry, the best marksmen and shots go to the specialized marksmen units, and the best riders go to the Cavalry (aside from those chosen for Guard Cavalry.). The rest go to the Infantry or Artillery, depending on their size and strength. Upon confirmation of their unit, the man will next go through even more intense training that will perfect his abilities in his craft and his service will last 10 years.

Those whom are rejected outright, however, are not discarded but rather formed into the Reserves, where for 3 months a year they will train as regular soldiers. They technically aren't part of the standing army, but their training is paid for by the state as is their equipment. They make up the second wave, and usually are a fine balance of the incredible zeal of the conscripts vs. the incredible discipline of the Regulars.

All men that are above the age of 18, and do not work a key industry are eligible for conscription in the case of war. In such event, the men will be granted uniforms, and equipment before being sent off. It is notable that these men will have sufficient training in any case, given that all eligible men for conscription undergo 6 weeks of training when they turn 18 and then 3 weeks of training every 3 years to keep them prepared.

This prior training and the distribution of armories across the Kingdom has given the state a great ability to mobilize a large force rather quickly in comparison to other states that is hard to replicate given that wars are considered to be holy events, and the hordes of conscripts, in their holy desire, are enthralled with eagerness and vigor that other men simply would find hard to match, though the war must be a just war for it to be a holy war.

Notable Units

Death's Head Cavalry
The Best of all Axian Cavalry comes in both Hussar and Cuirassier variants. There are two regiments of each type, and they are widely feared for their long history of greatness dating back to the beginning of the Kingdom.


Royal Axian Navy

Like Army, the Royal Navy is a force with a long tradition of excellence and prestige. On paper, it cannot compete with the great fleets of the world, but are rather a decently sized Regional Fleet... One that can and has punched above its weight numerous times thanks to its great quality in both its ships, it's officers, and the very men who make up the ships.

Axian Way of the Sea

Like their brothers on the land, the Navy has its very own way of war founded on the following principles:

  • Decisive Battle Doctrine: The Navy will do it's best to prepare its for the decisive engagment, and when that time comes it will be sure to win it through it's superior vessels and training. Once this battle is won, it must be exploited. The Navy, however, will only engage the enemy in said battle when it is going to be a battle which it can win.
  • Striking Hard at Weakpoints: Whether it be their fortifications, trade, or position: the Navy will attempt to exploit any and all weakness and weak points in an enemy.
  • Aggressive Operational Command: The Navy must not sit idle by. The idea of Fleet in Being is dishonorable. Instead, all attempts must be made to land blows operationally on the enemy through the aforementioned weakpoint strategy but also through landing and capturing islands and land positions.

These principles heavily involve the Marine Corps as well, which are experts at conducting landing operations with the following procedure:

  • The Fortifications of the Enemy will be bombarded with the full force of the Fleet at hand, and the bombardment will continue until the Marines reach land.
  • Once they reach land, they will charge forward, firing at will and engaging in melee with Zeal.
  • If more positions must be taken, take them methodically with barrages from the fleet and charges.

(more to come)

Pub: 14 Jan 2023 18:57 UTC
Edit: 25 Jan 2023 12:41 UTC
Views: 319