QoL Patch Proposal 2024 v1.0

Dark mode is available by clicking the Sun icon at the very bottom of the page on the right

I've been cultivating these ideas for about 2 years. Some of them have been implemented into an unfinished mod for experimentation. These proposals are mainly meant to increase the viability of specific units, strategies, and spells that are underrepresented in the game.
Hope you enjoy.


Open to collaboration and changes by community feedback at /r/starcraft/qol_proposals_for_balance_council/. Analysis welcome.

Test Mod

I will try to include some demo images from already prototyped changes. And if there's enough high-profile interest, I will attempt to finish all changes and make it public to try.

General Patch Goals

  • Add more late-game use cases to harassment units (Reapers, Banshees, Dark Templar, Oracles).
  • Increase the potential of underplayed units (Swarm Hosts, Sentries, High Templar, landed Vikings).
  • Continue to increase both the viability and flexibility of Terran mech compositions
  • Improve Pro-Toss power through compositional synergy and unit dynamics/interaction
  • Reward Pro-Toss for successful use of their micro-intensive roster
  • Rework Protoss capital ships as high-supply Heroic units to create more decisive and interesting gameplay

Even more general

  • Reduce the dominance of Terran bio ball as a strategy
  • Give Protoss some new tricks (and old) to help them dazzle at the top level

Target Units

Terran: SCV, Reaper, Cyclone, Banshee, Widow Mine, Viking
Zerg: Swarm Host, Spore Crawler, Viper
Protoss: Sentry, High Templar, Observer, Oracle, Carrier, Mothership

tl;dr simplified unit changes summary at bottom of page.



  • Improve the strength of mech compositions (and anything other than Marine comps) by adding more late-game power through upgrades
  • Refine the Cyclone's identity and find it a forever home
  • Reduce the oppressive and cheap nature of Widow Mines in mineral lines by reducing splash damage


  • New Engineering Bay upgrade: Multi-Tools (200/200, 100s): SCVs repair non-structures 50% faster (-33% repair time).

Bio armies are cheap and highly renewable. For mech to have a chance at being a favorable composition in any matchup, it needs better medics. This solution is more elegant and easier to balance than adding a separate mech healer unit.


  • New Tech Lab upgrade: (200/200, 121s): Reapers shoot 3 times instead of 2, increasing their damage to 4 (+1)(x3).

The Reaper's standard usage as early harassment is very well balanced, applying pressure without ever really dominating a game. But after the opener when Stim comes online, it is one of the most inert and inefficient units in the game (probably even worse than Swarm Hosts). Every unit in the game has a use case in the late game except the Reaper.

In practice, this upgrade would turn each Reaper into a faster, tankier perma-stimmed Marine that also functions as its own Medivac, but can't shoot air units. Marines are still far more cost-efficient, but this should create situational opportunities for more diverse Bio play.

For comparison:
3/3 Stimmed Marine: air+ground, 4.72 speed, 45/55 health, 21.9 DPS, 14.7 DPS @ lvl 0
3/3 Upgraded Reaper: ground only, 5.25 speed, 60 health, 26.5 DPS (22.7 vs 1-armr), 15.1 DPS @ lvl 0 (11.4 vs 1-armr)


  • The Cyclone now has two weapons, ground and air, shares target priorities with Thor/Queen.
  • Cyclone Ground Weapon damage reduced to 11 (from 11 (+3 vs mechanical))
  • Damage bonus per weapon upgrade reduced to 1 (from 2)
  • New Activate ability Whiplash Rounds: Causes ground weapon to do +3 damage for 3.5s (6 attacks) (cooldown 16s).

The recent redesign approached Cyclone as an all-around unit akin to bio's Marine. I think attempts to balance this "mech marine" will ultimately be fruitless and create more paths of "optimal" play instead of truly opening opportunities for Terrans to train other mech units.

The new ground ability ensures that Cyclones are a valid rapid-response unit start fights and help finish them, but require other mech units to sustain the army's DPS.

The anti-mechanical ground damage role is shifted onto an improved landed Viking.

  • Lock-On now auto-casts while the Cyclone is moving
  • Lock-On now marks the target unit.
  • Cyclones can attack units marked by a Lock-On at a range of 8, even if the Lock-On isn't their own
  • Lock-On leash range reduced to 8 (from 9)

Because Cyclones are extremely bulky, the maximum number of Cyclones firing in a given battle was always limited to the front line, with stutter stepping providing less benefit per distance than more densely clustered marines. The new functionality of Lock-On allows the entire squadron to hit any target that the front line has acquired.

  • Cyclone air weapon damage reduced to 8 (+3 vs mechanical)
  • Cyclone air weapon attack speed increased to 0.36 (from 0.58)

Most of the Mech composition is strongest against or exclusively targets ground units: Tanks, Hellbats, Banshees, Liberators, Battlecruisers. The Cyclone's powerful anti-air strength will enable other mech units to capitalize on their strengths by covering their weaknesses. Cyclones may require Thor and Mine support vs Zerg.

Comparison from most recent Cyclone version 5.0.13:

Ground weapon DPS lvl 0: reduced to 19 (from 19 + 5.2 mechanical) -21%
Ground weapon DPS lvl 3: reduced to 24.1 (from 29.3 + 5.2 mechanical) -30%
w/ Whiplash Rounds: 29.3
Air weapon DPS lvl 0: increased to 22.2 + 8.3 mechanical (from 19 + 5.2 mechanical) +27%
Air weapon DPS lvl 3: increased to 30.6 + 8.3 mechanical (from 29.3 + 5.2 mechanical) +13%


  • Hyperflight Rotors now also makes Banshees train 50% faster, i.e. 33% less train time (43s to 28.7s)
  • Hyperflight Rotors research cost increased to 150/150 (from 125/125)

Banshees are generally worth their cost in stats, but the overlap with Reactor-friendly Liberators means there is no incentive to tie up 2+ Starports in the mid-late game for a Banshee surprise. A training boost should make the choice more attractive.


  • Widow Mine splash radius reverted to 1.75 (from 1.5)
  • Widow Mine splash damage reduced to 35 (from 40 (+25 vs Shields))
  • Widow Mine primary target damage increased to 125 (+55 vs shields) (from 125 (+35 vs shields))

The anti-fun of Widow Mines doesn't stem from the number of units affected as much as the number of Mines required to affect them. They are a cheap reactor unit, so requiring Terran to invest in more mines for the splash shouldn't be too taxing.

Widow Mines remain a valid answer to singular Protoss Oracles, as well as clear entire groups of Zerglings and Banelings, but they will no longer 1-shot entire worker lines. They also have less punishing effects on Mutalisks and Protoss units. To partially compensate, their primary target damage will now 2-shot a Colossus, Archon, Carrier*, Mothership, or Immortal without Barrier, as well as 1-shot a Phoenix.


  • Landed Viking damage benefits from both Vehicle Weapons AND Ship Weapons upgrades.
  • Landed Viking bonus damage to mechanical benefits from both Vehicle Weapons AND Ship Weapons upgrades.


End-game DPS increased to 25.36 (from 21.13) (20% increase)
End-game bonus DPS vs. mech increased to 19.76 (from 15.53) (27% increase)

In ground-centric mech builds where air upgrades are unlikely, this allows landed Vikings to join the army throughout the game to provide anti-mechanical support. Landed Vikings also become 20% stronger in the end-game (23% vs mechanical).

This may be overwhelming to Protoss and Terran buildings, but it does require 3 additional upgrades compared to Tempests' double building damage for 1 upgrade. May require monitoring.


  • EMP's energy drain no longer affects Heroic units.

Preserves the Mothership's agency over its own energy usage while still requiring it to make decisions via resource management.



  • Increase the impact of Swarm Hosts to keep improved Mech armies in check, and add viability to the unit overall
  • Situationally improve Zerg's pre-Lair anti-air through the Spore Crawler to decrease reliance on Queens
  • Slight air buff by slightly reducing Widow Mine's splash damage and Carrier HP


  • Now starts with 1 charge of Spawn Locust and generates a charge every 45 sec, up to a maximum of 2.
  • Spawn Locust casting cooldown reduced to 30 (from 43)


  • 0% difference in power if they cast immediately upon hatching.
  • Maximum effectiveness at 2 charges: 0, 30, (45), 60, 90. 4 waves in 90s instead of 129s.

As Terran mech armies become stronger, their ideal counter should have the same treatment. This change allows Swarm Hosts a chance to justify their cost earlier, and punishes them less for their idle time by translating it into momentum during engagements. At the same time, they can be 30% more effective for up to 90s, after which they are slightly weaker than current hosts.


  • New passive ability Zygotic Congestion: The spore crawler now gains +100% attack speed and +2 range for 1.2s after rooting (4 attacks).

Increases Zerg's early anti-air capabilities. Also creates a new dynamic where players attempt to take out Spores while they re-burrow / taunt the opponent.


  • Abduct can no longer target Heroic units (Mothership and new Carrier)

Losing large and important investments to one relatively easy yoink is unfair to the Protoss player.



  • Add viability to rare units and abilities, allowing Protoss to take full advantage of their flashy arsenal.
  • Focus changes on adding compositional synergy and rewarding their demanding micro, rather than directly buffing a given unit.
  • Improve usage of the Gateway line in the mid-late game, especially support and caster units (Sentry, DT, HT).
  • Improve Protoss vision game by enabling Observers to be trained without sacrificing Robo momentum, adding viability to Robo openers in the process
  • Rework the Carrier and Mothership to create more decisive gameplay and prevent dull late-game scenarios where high-cost armies simply dance around one another.

Terran has 6 ability-dependent units, and 3 siegers.
Zerg has 4 ability-dependent units, and 1 sieger.
Protoss has 10 ability-dependent units and 0 siegers.
If Protoss fails to use all of these abilities well in a single engagement, they underperform. They struggle at the pro level for this reason, relative to the more straightforward "stim and win" or "split and win" requirements of Terran and Zerg.

(For more context, see Additional Protoss Notes at the end of this page)

The positive aspect of spellcasters for a spectator is that they allow for a high ceiling of skill expression. So rather than make Protoss easier to micro or buff the micro abilities, the better approach is to create greater conditional rewards for successful use of these abilities.


  • New Twilight Council upgrade Distortion Matrices (150/150, 121s): Reduces the energy cost of Hallucination from 75 to 50.

Adds utility to Hallucination beyond the early game, making it competitive with even Guardian Shield. In combination with the new Oracle upgrade, this should create opporunities for one of the game's most interesting but least used abilities.


  • Feedback can no longer target Heroic units.
  • Psionic Storm restores 12.5% of its damage dealt to Shields as energy.

HT rarely stick around at low energy, usually morphing to Archon. This change rewards the caster's aggression with momentum and makes mixing in front-line units more viable and even ideal. Short range units like Zealots, and especially high-shield Adepts & Archons, would complement High Templar well. HT still take time to cast their first Storm, but get recasts more frequently once they've ascended. As with other changes, this change attempts to boost the HT's strength through army composition and rewards skilled micro and clever tactics.

Identity: Orienting HT splash around offensive momentum would contrast the Disruptor's more predictable and standoffish cooldown-based attacks. It gets a more distinct identity as an aggressive splashcaster. Bonus thematic flavor as an overzealous psionic priest on a crusade.

Math: If a full storm deals 80 damage to 8 units, it would restore 10 energy per unit, 80 in total, yielding a free second cast. Most non-PvP engagements would return significantly less energy on an average cast.

Example: A fun new use case for Adepts, where they can intentionally shade-ball onto an enemy army and get Stormed intentionally. The HT deals damage to their own army + the enemy, then also gets a free follow-up cast, which may yield a net positive in the exchange. This turns Adepts' splash weakness into a situational strength, but is also hard-countered by well-timed EMPs or fungals.

Example: Clever use of Shield Batteries or Hallucinations might enable High Templar to charge up before battle.


  • Health/Shields reverted to 40/20 (from 40/30) as Widow Mine splash no longer affects Shields
  • Observers can be built from Nexus after Robotics Facility is completed
  • Observer training time increased from 17.9 to 30 (2.5 probes)
  • Observers now shimmer every 20s, briefly losing their cloak. They will not be auto-targeted during this effect.

Allows Robotics Facilities to focus on producing essential units throughout the late game. Also provides emergency vision support in the event that a Robo's pylon is destroyed by stealth units, as long as the Robo itself survives. This should enable more Robo openings over Stargate and enable more vision coverage for Protoss in general.

The shimmer provides a better chance at spotting enemy Observers.

Reducing training time is simply never enough as it will always be more crucial to spend on combat units. Terran and Zerg have vision tools that do not block production. Protoss deserves the same.


  • Revelation energy cost increased to 50 (from 25)
  • New Fleet Beacon Upgrade: Umbral Lenses (150/150, 64s). The Oracle's Revelation now also applies Anti-Revelation to the caster's units, making them undetectable for 10s (20s for Hallucinations).
  • Anti-Revelation is disabled for 3s if the unit deals damage or takes non-shield damage.
  • Anti-Revelation is not applied to units already under enemy's Revelation

The availability of detection, especially scans, largely nullifies Protoss's unique deceptive abilities outside early-game cheese. This change adds some viability to Hallucinations and Dark Templar as part of an army's composition, as well as late-game Oracles. It also allows Oracles to act as as "multiplier" for the effectiveness of Mothership cloak.

The cost increase also reduces the incredible power of an individual Oracle constantly spying on enemies, which should in turn be offset by the greater availability of Observers.

Being locked behind an entirely separate tech branch, this will not enable any early-game cheese. The tech is micro-intensive relative to its power and shouldn't greatly affect most of the ladder, but could make pro play more dynamic.

Bonus flavor: Oracles are prophetic and solve problems before they happen, consistent with Stasis Ward.


  • Cost increased to 350/350 (from 350/250)
  • Supply increased to 8 (from 6)
  • Increase model size by 15%
  • Now has the Heroic attribute (cannot be Abducted)
  • Training time decreased to 58 (from 64)
  • Must now enter stationary Blockade Mode to deploy interceptors, a transformation that takes 5.7 seconds
  • Exiting Blockade Mode takes 3.1 seconds, and causes all active interceptors to return when the transformation starts.
  • Movement speed increased to 3.15 (from 2.62), same as Tempest
  • Interceptor max increased to 10 (from 8)
  • Interceptors at start increased to 6 (from 4)
  • Interceptor build duration decreased to 6 (from 9)
  • Interceptor cost reduced to 10 minerals (from 15)
    * Cost to max interceptors reduced to 40 minerals (from 60)
  • Launch cooldown reduced to 0.18 (from 0.27)
    * Time to fully deploy reduced to 1.8 (from 2.16)
  • Launch range increased to 12 (from 8)
  • Leash increased to 16 (from 12)
  • New upgrade: Psionic Mindnet (150/150, 57s): Attacking carriers temporarily extend the launch range of other nearby carriers (within 4 range) by 4 (matching their leash range). This will be indicated by a golden energy link between units with boosted range.

The main goals are to make carriers harder to mass and less prone to hit-and-run to rebuild interceptors. They take 33% more supply, cost 40% more gas but have 25% more damage, so they're less overwhelming in large numbers and fit as a support unit.

As a true production facility, they gain range but must remain stationary to deploy their precision strikes. This identity focus loosely echoes the removed Release Interceptors ability which targeted specific engagement areas.

This helps to differentiate the Protoss capital ship as a force that occupies and challenges territory, leaving the Terran Battlecruiser the hit-and-run identity.

While faster unsieged movement speed makes Skytoss less of a snooze-fest, transformation times prohibit the relentless steamrolling assault of present Carriers and give the Carrier a window of vulnerability that discourages training Carrier-only armies. Comfortably outranging static defense means they can force engagements without all the dancing around. Carriers should be more decisive and less anti-fun.

Their upgrade allows them to reasonably defend each other's shared airspace without unsieging, so they aren't picked off one at a time by high-range units. And Vipers can not yoink high supply targets anymore.

While intended to firmly control their entire region, they are not without counterplay. Tempests (14) will comfortably outrange Carrier launch range of 12, making them an even stronger counter. And Corruptors, Vikings, and Thors who target fire a single carrier now remove 2 extra interceptors from the equation. Even a well-placed Tactical Nuke can pose a threat given their slow transformation times, so we could see more Nukes in pro play.

Siege units allow non-Protoss players to dictate the location and terms of engagements. The new carrier invests Protoss with some of that raw low-micro power, but in a way that rewards committed decision-making. Combined with the reinforcing shield power of the Mothership's new stationary Fortification Mode, this means less retreating to take advantage of Shield Batteries and Protoss's natural shield regen mechanics. Protoss should be more empowered to capitalize on their successes and push instead of regrouping, especially with a safety zone comparable to those provided by units like Tanks or Lurkers.

  • For reference: Tank range = 13, Liberator = 12, Lurker = 10, Colossus = 9


A portion of the per-interceptor cost has been transferred to the Carrier's initial gas cost, and they retrain faster to better defend the Carrier as a higher-risk unit. It allows for Carrier count to be governed more by supply cost and composition than resource drain. At the same time, the high gas count punishes repeated failures more dramatically.

24 supply is now 3 Carriers (was 4), carrying 30 Interceptors (was 32).

6.25% less damage, 25% less health/shields, +50% range


Revert all recent Mothership changes before applying these. Use the high cost, tanky version.

While cooldowns protect the Mothership from being an energy-liability (Feedback, EMP), they don't entirely protect it the way Heroic status could. Being unique, the Mothership should add more depth when it enters the battlefield and create more room for expression through choices, rather than oversimplifying and reducing its impact. Energy is better for flexibility than cooldowns.

  • The Mothership now prevents defeat, as though it were a structure
  • Heroic attribute now prevents Abduct, EMP, and Feedback
  • The Mothership now has 3 modes and can transform between them. Transformations take 10 seconds each.
    Note: Nexus Mode and Fortification Mode can only transform directly from Invasion Mode.
  • Each mode has a 6x beam ability, a passive ability, and 3 active abilities.

MOTHERSHIP: Invasion Mode (default) (Flying. Movement and attack.)

  • Attack weapons: unchanged
  • Cloak (passive): Cloaks all allied units in local radius.
  • Cloak Overcharge (100 energy) (self) Cloaks the Mothership and increases movement speed of owner's nearby units to 5.95 for 5s. When this ability ends, the passive Cloak is disabled for 20 seconds. (20s cooldown)
  • Purifier Lance (75 energy) (8 range, 11 leash) Photon Beam deals 400 spell damage to a single target over 8 seconds. The Mothership may move during this ability. Its other 6 attacks are disabled until the spell ends.
  • Time Warp (50 energy): Slows enemy movement and attack speed by 40% (reduced from 50%).
  • Mass Recall removed, added to Fortification Mode

The Mothership is given a variety of engagement tools: a beam to burn through detectors, a cloaking option to improve surprise attacks, and the classic Time Warp. The reinforcing ability of Mass Recall is transferred to the Fortification Mode's reinforcement abilities, making it less oppressive when simply flown into a base.

MOTHERSHIP: Fortification Mode (Flying. No movement or attack.)

  • Shield Recharge (x6) (7 range): Restores 9 shields per 1 energy on friendly units. Each beam has the same heal speed as a Shield Battery but uses a third of the energy.
  • Detection (passive) (11 range)
  • Warp Field (passive) (5 range): Allows warping in Gateway units at the Mothership.
  • Psionic Barrier (100 energy) (self): Regenerates 500 shields for the Mothership over 10 seconds.
  • Mass Recall (50 energy): Recalls all units in the target area to the Mothership

As with the new Carrier, the "sieged" Mothership allows Protoss to "strongly suggest" when and where the fight happens, while adding value to nearby units by replenishing their shields, which should then translate into more resources to warp in reinforcements at the Mothership's location. It compounds victories into additional resources instead of simply occupying supply and resources itself.

Shield Battery heal rate is 50.4/s. Medivac heal rate is 12.6/s.

So the in-combat healing potential of the Mothership is equivalent to 24 Medivacs, except stationary and shields-only.

MOTHERSHIP: Nexus Mode (Grounded. No movement or attack.)

  • Energy Recharge (x6) (7 range): Restores 1 energy to nearby structures and units per 1 energy.
  • Resource Drop (passive): Acts as a drop point for resources
  • Harvesting Ray (25 energy) (5 range): The Mothership harvests target mineral patch for 75 minerals over 64 seconds.
  • Mining Ray (75 energy) (5 range): The Mothership harvests target vespene geyser for 150 gas over 64 seconds. Can't target geysers with structures.
  • Psionic Recharge (60s cooldown) (7 range): Drains 7.5 shields per second from nearby non-structure units to restore 1 energy. This effect ends after 6 seconds, or after 100 energy has been gained.

Unlike CC and Hatchery, the Nexus doesn't have much long term value after its minerals are gone, so building a replacement after losing a Nexus is worth less if it's almost mined out. Allowing the Mothership to fill in temporarily is a more efficient solution than long-distance mining. It also adds the utility of preventing defeat.

  • Landed Mothership retains 2 armor (Nexus has 1)
  • Landed Mothership has 11 vision, same as Nexus (14 while flying)
  • Landed Mothership has 350/350 health (1000/1000 on Nexus)
  • Landed Mothership occupies supply rather than providing it
  • Does not provide empowered Warp Field to nearby Pylons

Mothership Summary

The Mothership as a stat package has always been good on paper, but its ultimate payoff as part of an army's composition has rarely been worth the supply or training time. Even with peak utilization, its arrival on the map has never properly sent the message "Mama's home".

The goal is not simply to add complexity or strength to the unit, but to create deeper interactions. As the pinnacle of Protoss technology, it should strongly complement and reflect all branches of the tech tree. Assault Mode naturally works well with Skytoss, while the new Fortification Mode creates opportunities for Gateway units by mimicking Robo support.

Ability Summaries

Invasion Mode adds more firepower and engagement tactics, while Fortification Mode effectively serves as 3 supply worth of utility (Prism + Observer) and 6 Shield Batteries. Fortification and Nexus Modes also gains more self-defense and can recharge its energy, continuously rewarding and preserving the Mothership's initial cost and training time. "Measure twice, warp once."

This Mothership is still not an army of itself, but multiplies the success of any army it supports

Additional Protoss Notes

Protoss units are great on paper, but I believe the race struggles at the pro level for a couple of reasons:

  • A weaker vision game
    While the Observer's cloak technically makes it potentially the most powerful vision unit, Overlords, Overseers, creep, and Scans are cheap, cost 0 supply, and don't occupy any production time.
    Secondary vision options like Oracle Revelation and Sentry Hallucination require high gas, use supply, and, like Observers, take vital production time away from combat units.
  • More demanding spellcasters
    If you divide SC2 units into these 4 categories:
  • Non-Casters (might transform, but a-move friendly)
  • Passive Casters (auto-cast abilities or single use like Banshee Cloak)
  • Pseudo-Casters (power derived from their stats, utility from ability micro)
  • Siegers, a subcategory that requires becoming stationary to be efficient
  • Casters (most of power derived from abilities, including transports)
    Terran has 4 non-casters, 3 passive casters, 5 pseudo-casters (3 siegers), 3 casters
    Zerg has 7 non-casters, 0 passive casters, 5 pseudo-casters (2 siegers), 2 casters
    Protoss has 5 non-casters, 2 passive casters, 5 pseudo-casters (0 siegers), 6 casters

In essence, Protoss has 11 active casters, while with siegers removed, Terran and Zerg have 5 each.

If Protoss fails to use all applicable abilities well in a single engagement, in addition to standard splits and other micro, they underperform. The margin for error is simply wider. Adding more impact to successful casts from Sentries, Oracles, High Templar, and Motherships should improve playability.

Summary of Changes


  • (Upgrade) SCV repair non-structures faster, to make mech more viable.
  • (Upgrade) Reaper shoots 3x, to encourage bio diversity.
  • Cyclone deals lower ground damage with occasional bursts, but much more air damage. Most mech units are strong vs ground, so Cyclone keeps them protected from air as its name and original design suggest.
  • (Upgrade) Banshee upgrade includes a training speed boost to keep it competitive after cheese openers.
  • Widow Mine splash no longer kills workers or shield damage, does slightly more shield damage to primary target.
  • Landed Viking gets +1 base and mechanical from Vehicle and Ship weapon upgrades, making it an efficient ground unit and counter to mech.


  • Swarm Host stores up to 2 charges, ensuring slightly more value and minimizing their penalty for downtime without providing sustained power.
  • Spore Crawler gets an attack speed boost after burrowing to improve anti-air and add dynamics.


  • (Upgrade) Sentry can cast Hallucinations for 50 instead of 75.
  • High Templar restore energy when damaging Shields, enabling them to chain well-cast Storms, displacing Disruptor dominance.
  • Observers train slower, but can be trained from Nexus after Robotics Facility, to ensure competitive access to vision.
  • (Upgrade) Oracle Revelation more expensive, briefly keeps cloaked and hallucinated units from being detected, until they deal/take damage.
  • Carriers are heroic; must enter stationary Blockade Mode to deploy their interceptors but have a much longer range.
  • Mothership transforms between 3 modes: Invasion, Fortification, Nexus and has more tools to sustain itself and the army.

Test Map Changes Implemented

  • SCV
  • Reaper
  • Cyclone
  • Banshee
  • Widow Mine
  • Landed Viking
  • Ghost
  • Swarm Host
  • Spore Crawler
  • Viper
  • Sentry
  • High Templar
  • Observer
  • Oracle
  • Carrier
  • Mothership: Invasion
  • Mothership: Fortification
  • Mothership: Nexus
Pub: 12 Mar 2024 09:32 UTC
Edit: 03 Apr 2024 17:29 UTC
Views: 215