Easy to read


. . . DNI:

  • No DNI heyyy... I block whoever I want!

. . . BYI / BYF:

  • I use tonetags sometimes. If you don't or do need me to use them for you just ask (I'm not great with tone myself so if you could use tonetags for me at least a little that'd be great :3)
  • I interact with and enjoy problematic(?) medias/sources. Don't interact with me and just block if you're sensitive to that/don't want to be exposed to it
  • Surprisingly enough, I'm sensitive to judgment (especially when it comes to my interests or just me as a person in general)
  • I tell people to die, kts, slit, etc. all JOKINGLY so please don't take me seriously (sometimes I will immediately apologize right after)
  • NSFW jokes (literally half of my humor) and some joking flirting
  • I say slurs I can reclaim
  • I have trouble forming coherent sentences on the fly. If anything I say doesn't make sense, let me know
  • I'm god awful at giving advice, comfort, etc... I genuinely try though (sometimes)
Pub: 27 Dec 2023 11:44 UTC
Edit: 20 Mar 2024 20:40 UTC
Views: 736