Main Tonetags!

/j = /joke
/hj = /half joking
/ij = /inside joke
/cj = /coping joke
/lhj = /lighthearted joke
/lh = /lighthearted

/hsrs = /half serious
/nsrs = /not serious
/srs = /serious
/s or /sar or /sarc = /sarcasm
/g or /gen = genuine
/genq or /gq or /gen = /genuine question (/gen can be used for both /genuine question and /genuine)

/nay = /not at you
/ay = /at you
/nbh = /nobody here (eg, when not referring to anybody in a group or place)
/dir = /directed
/ndir = /not directed
/sbip = /somebody in particular
/nbip = /nobody in particular

/ugn or /ugd = /ungendered
/safe = /safe to click or open
/l or /ly or /lyr = /lyrics

/cur = /curious
/np = /not pushing
/nf = /not forcing

/rh or /rt = /rhetorical question
/rt = /retweet or /rhetorical question
/npa = /not passive aggressive
/pa = /passive aggressive

/opn = /opinion
/sugg = /suggestion
/gs = /genuine suggestion
/cb = /clickbait
/f = /fake
/m = /metaphorically

/q = /quote
/ref = /reference
/ncm = /not comparing or not competing
/c = /copypasta or caps lock (eg, "THIS IS A MESSAGE IN CAPS /c" would be used in a server with capslock on the blacklist)
/li = /literally
/hy or /hyp = /hyperbole

/pc or /pos = /positive connotation
/nc or /neg = /negative connotation
/neu = /neutral /neutral connotation

/aff = /affectionate
/ci = /caring intent
/nbr = /not being rude
/nbv = /not being violent
/vio = violent
/od or /odra or /ovdr = /overdramatic
/der = /derogatory
/disr = /disrespectfully
/res = /respectfully
/nm = /not mad
/lm = /little mad
/mad = /mad
/vm = /very mad
/nu = /not upset
/lu = /a little upset
/vu = /very upset
/conf or /confu = /confused
/comf = /comforting
/con = /consensual

/ot = /off topic
/unr = /unrelated

/disso or /dis or /diss = /dissociation
/derea = /derealization
/rc = /reality check

/th = /threat
/t = /teasing
/frt = /friendly teasing
/frj = /friendly joke

/sv = /soft vent or semi verbal
/nav = /not a vent
/jav = /just a vent
/hav = /half a vent

Attractional Tonetags!

/p = /platonic
/r = /romantic
/fam = /familial
/fr = /friendly
/a = /alterous
/qp = /queerplatonic
/sr = /soft romo
/appr = /appromour
/sx or /x = /sexual intention
/nsx or /nx = /non-sexual intentions

/nptf = /not pushing to front
/amh = /at my headmates
/sys = /system context usually means in-system context (eg, "the others said something about it earlier /sys")
/nsys = /not system context (eg, when referring to cc's)
/nas = /not a system (also used as an acronym in namefluid, pronounfluid, irl, kin, and roleplay bots)
/iw = /in reference to innerworld
/otw or /orw or /otrw or /ow = /in reference to the outerworld
/src = /source
/switch = /we switched (eg, when a system's proxing bot is down or in dms)
/sw = /switching (/sw and /switch can be used interchangeably)

Pub: 01 May 2023 16:41 UTC
Views: 52