Shiina Relationship/Reaction catalog

[Note: The images all have a bit of rollover text, though many of them are rather straightforward!]


Ji Jeong-Hui

Shiina when she feels someone watching her

Err? Who now? Oh, a grade 2 fixer that works for Zwei. Sorry. I might have known him if he was in the Shi Association, but the Zwei don't like us that well. I don't get many chances to go on missions with them... Works out of L-Corp territory, huh? You know, speaking of L-Corp, I often get this weird feeling like someone's watching me when I head over there...

Not too much to say, really. Zwei and Shi don't like each other much, so joint missions would be rare, on top of that a grade 2 fixer wouldn't appear very often where a color fixer is needed. Shiina doesn't really know anything about him.

Mars Valentinus, the Scarlet Slaughter (Color Fixer)

Shiina looking on in terror

...Did you say Mars?... Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope.... NOPE. I'm OUT... No, you can't make me!..... Do I really have to?

Shiina has probably interacted with Mars at least once or twice- what with them being fellow colors and all. She's absolutely terrified of him though.

Alm Claude “Penumbra” Faith

Shiina when she feels she needs inspiration

'Alm Claude Faith? THE Penumbra? YEEEEE'

As a terminally fearful fixer, the fact that some fixers have lived as long as Penumbra is a source of inspiration and inner strength- a truly rare and precious thing in a place as dreary and hopeless as the city. Consequently, Shiina is very fond of this grouchy senior of hers.

Casey Jones

Shiina when she's told she can give up

Casey Jones... Uh... Can't say I've heard of him... Hm? Mar's new hire? Did you say MARS? Nope. nope, nope... Oh, he's actually pretty cool.

Shiina wouldn't know anything about Casey the WARP employee, or the train incident, but she's probably met him due to fixer work- and aside from the way he tends to dismember bodies, he seems like a pretty nice guy. Almost makes her wonder if she's misjudged Mars.
All in all, Shiina wishes Casey well in his fixer career.

Cannonball (Casey Jones's cat)

Shiina thinking the world is truly worth saving

Aww. So kyute~ Hey cannonball, from one black cat to another, welcome to the business!

Shiina very, very much likes the cat. If cannonball died to someone trying to raid Mars's office, it might actually mini-trigger her iron lotus and get her to hunt down the assailant. Just as a matter of principle.

Alma, the Blue Ringmaster

Shiina when profoundly nervous

Blue? You mean the Ringmaster? Mmm... She herself seems nice enough, but her distortion friends...? Nope... Nope, nope, nope. Especially not that Morana thing. I met her once, and the way she looked at me when she heard I was a color... shivers. I don't think I can trust someone that keeps that kind of company. Especially not considering the previous blue...

If Shiina understood distortions more, she might feel differently, but to her a person is dead the moment they distort, and whatever is left is just a monster wearing their twisted skin. If she understood it all better, she'd feel a good bit more pity for them.
As a result, she can't bring herself to really trust Alma, in the same way she can't trust the corporations that are bound to be the root cause of the distortion phenomena in the first place. Since she suspects that Alma is hiding her cruelty behind a soft smile, she's even more wary of her than she is of Mars.


Shiina WIP



Mirra the Executioner

Shiina WIP



Senna, the Stygian Shadow

Shiina WIP




Ava, Lady Luck

Shiina when perplexed

Ava? That leader of the scales? I shouldn't be saying this about a syndicate head, but she seems like a good person?

As someone with a realized EGO, Ava is among the few people around that truly appear human to Shiina, and that's already a good start. The occasionally stray rumors that the eccentric lady luck likes to do good deeds when she can seemed too good to be true. Perhaps the thing that truly truly confuses Shiina is that she's gotten assassination missions for Ava, or rather for other assassins targeting her! Since when is a fixer sent out to protect a Syndicate Head?! To this day, Shiina can't help but wonder how something like that happens.


Milo, Back-of-a-Van Workshop

Shiina when she needs to apologize and can't find the words

Milo, huh? He seems to be a good guy- honest business people with no strings attached are too rare.

Normally Shiina would be all too suspicious of some guy in a van selling top class artifice, but some guilt regarding Milo has caused her to let her guard down. Someone called a hit on Milo, claiming their Corp was willing to pay a color for a no questions asked assassination. As it turns out, they didn't have the authority, or the money. (Said board member mysteriously died later that week. Probably* unrelated.)
On a completely unrelated note, Milo get's a discount if he ever wants to post a job with the Shi Association.


Wilfrid, W-Corp Enforcer

Shiina  WIP



Azrael, X-Corp Enforcer

Shiina after running away and calling for help

Oh, miss Azrael again. How nice. I like when my missions send me her way. Such a peaceful soul.

Shiina finds Azreal's calm and professional methods to be a breath of fresh air compared to fixers. Shiina is also more or less aware that there's no point trying to keep secrets next to such a genius, yet only finds comfort in knowing she can just be herself since it's all the same in the end- perhaps if Shiina had any secrets worth keeping she'd feel differently.
That having been said, being around Azreal does make Shiina feel a bit useless, as her only talent is violence, and Azreal's methods often ensure that violence isn't needed in the first place.

Haneul Vierordt, W-Corp Enforcer

Shiina trying hard to be friendly

Haneul Vierodt... Hmm... She looks a little.... But, uh...I mean... I-I'm sure she's a nice person!

As one among many partially distorted people in the city, Haneul looks a wee bit odd to Shiina- after all, one does not climb to the top ranks of a corp as a normal person. In Shiina's eyes, the mechanical halo and wings betray some kind of rather extreme god complex, and it makes her question where her 'kindness' really comes from. Is it for others, or just for her own satisfaction?
Looks aside, Shiina has a decent impression of Haneul, but maintains a healthy (read: paranoid) amount of suspicion- Enforcers are scary after all. Shiina doesn't mind meeting her, per se, but she puts on her best business smile/poker face.
Shiina hasn't had the chance to meet Cinnabon yet, but has heard rumor of his cuteness.

His Mycelial Majesty

Shiina WIP

Mush... rooms? Hmm... Never did I know I needed to be afraid of mushrooms until this moment. A shame. I kind of liked mushrooms in my food.

The local scientists can insist that some of HMM's mushrooms are harmless- the fact of the matter is that Shiina didn't trust the local scientists let alone a distortion. For the forseeable future, Shiina has sworn off of mushrooms. And for good reason, as buisinesses in the City are always looking to cut corners. That means any place offering mushrooms on anything could be serving HMM's products.
Changes to her diet aside, Shiina doesn't feel too strongly about HMM. Like most strong distortions, she'd rather avoid him, but that's about it. Even if he's probably dangerous, there's plenty of things in the City that are confirmed to be even more dangerous. In short, Shiina thinks the risk involved in engaging him and the threat he poses to the City don't match up.

Emma, the Shadow Queen

Shiina  WIP

What do you mean she 'gives' them out to people that help her? I do a lot of random acts of kindness. Please don't tell me I've ever saved her... OOohh.... I'm never going to look at my shadow the same way again...

As an assassin, someone with such a blatantly obvious weak point (her body, as opposed to her shadow) isn't all that intimidating. Even so, a favorable match up is far from enough to put Shiina's mind at ease- after all, distortions tend to show the nastiest trump cards when you least expect it, and Shiina would rather not be the one to test things out if she can help it.
Emma's ability to grant those shadowy guardians is frankly scarier to Shiina that the distortion itself. The mere idea that 'something' could be living in her shadow for the rest of her life can give her nightmares, let alone if it came true.

Xibalba, Burning Man, Flayed One, Love and Hatred and Burning

Shiina  WIP

??? Did someone just try to hand me a pamphlet... Made of FUCKING SKIN!? THE HELL!!?? That's disgusting!

Needless to say, but Shiina feels a deep sense of unease at the idea of dealing with a distortion. That said, Xibalba is relatively less terrifying- he's a psychopath, of course. But so are most syndicate members and a good number of fixers. Maybe the occasional feather too. The main point is that he's the kind of scary that makes Shiina wary and feel unwilling, as opposed blind panic and terror.
She's been getting a lot of missions for the assassination of his cult members lately (probably because some of them have started to skin people and use their hide as parchment). As far as missions go, Shiina really doesn't feel bad about taking them. Xibalba himself isn't... exactly stealthy. Thus, picking off one or two of his worshippers while he isn't looking poses little challenge.

Funeral Rites

Shiina  WIP

......No...... Just... No... I- I get it... She's nice... Or something... But... Just no...

For the fixer that fears death above all else, the local grim reaper is essentially a symbol of pure, unrefined terror. No amount of 'but she's actually a good person' is going to overcome that. If she can help it, Shiina won't stay anywhere near Funeral Rites. As much as Fun deserves a chance, Shiina simply doesn't have room in her cowardly heart to trust her- at least not without some kind of life changing adventure.

Edit Report
Pub: 18 May 2023 22:28 UTC
Edit: 25 May 2023 10:22 UTC
Views: 788