Jaspers lovemail (≧▽≦)

Emi ( 09.05.20 ) my bestest friend ever!!! EMI WEMI!!! you are defiently one of my closest friends who i trust with literally my life !! you literally are so cool and you always help me feel comfortable with my hyperifx and (usually ) never judge me!! in grade 6 you literally were my LIFE SAVER!! im so glad i had the courage to talk to you or else i would of missed out on literally the best person ever !!!1!1 i like how i can tell you almost anything and everything about me without you feeling weirded out and rejecting me!!! i also like how we have so much in common!! ur literally the black cat to my orange cat you literally never have to feel scared or embarassed around me ever cause the day i judge you for any of ur interests is the day i like wasps (which is never!!!!) never leave me orrr ill cry :3 !!!

Ezra ( 10.10.22 ) my best platonic friend :3 EZZEY BEZZEY!!!!!111!1!1 oh my god ur literally so awsome!! and ur dog lexi is also awsome!! i can literally tell you anything ever about my hyperfixations and you have never judged me in the slightest!! youre always my first choice when pos ranting about my hyperfixations because i always know youre never gonna judge or make fun of me whenever i hang out with you i always have so much fun because ur just SO COOL!! i dont get how ur a year younger than me because i swear we might aswell be twins,,, ur the most relatable person ive met like ever pleasie cheesie dont leave me!! ill have no one too have random sleepovers with on my lonely weekends

Ella ( 09.05.14 ) Silliest Billy ELLA BO BELLA!!!!!!1 oh my god we have been friends for 9 whole years....you have literally seen and expirenced the cringest phases of my life and ive seen yours too you always are here for me when i need to rant/vent and thats truly more than i could ever ask for from a friend !! whenever we have our 4 monthly sleepover we always have fun and do stupid shit (i start laughing my ass off at nothing) or play silly games even tho we dont talk super often, youre still someone who i defiently consider my closest friend!! you also never have judged me for my interests and youve really helped me inprove as a person !! even tho we ALMOST had a fallout because of a stupid loser we still managed to reconnnect and now we wont ever let someone come between our true love ever again!! right ella. right. DONT LEAVE ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you :3

Ashe ( 11.12.20 ) Nerdy nerd nerd ASHEY!!!! i swear you are the funniest person ive ever met like ever. i dont know how you do it. you have made me like cry of laughter sometimes because ur just such a GOOFER youre also just super cool, if i wasnt ur friend i would literally be alone and bored 90% of the time like always. we have had so many fallouts and us being able to just reconnect shows that we are just so awsome !! i also like how you usually try to understand and look into my hyperfixations no matter how cringey they can be even though you still BULLY ME WITH UGLY ART youre still so awsome and i really hope we dont get torn away from eachother again with stupid drama that doesnt need to happen playing roblox with you is also super duper fun!! i love playing games with you :3 i wish you didnt live so far away so i could platonically kick your shins in !!!

Pub: 02 Nov 2023 13:54 UTC
Edit: 09 Nov 2023 14:39 UTC
Views: 115