Byi, Dni, Int

"I don't worry, Worrying don't agree. Things that bother you Never bother me!" -----

Byi = Before You Interact

➥I Use Older Slang
➥I Use Tone Indicators
➥I Prefer People Use Tone Indicators When Talking To Me (But You Don't Have To)
➥I'm The Medically Diagnosed Host Of The Insanity System
➥I'm A Did System Host!

Dni = Do Not Interact

➠Endo/Demo/Ect "Systems" (You Aren't Systems You're Delusional Kys Fr)
➠Anti Neos/Xenos
➠Anti Furry/Therian (You Nerf Minors Need To Stfu It's A Fucking Hobby. You're Fucking Pathetic)
➠Heavily Religious People (Fucking Hate You Little "JeSuS LoVeS YoU!" And "GoD LoVeS You!" Bitches Kys)
➠Necr0philes, Ped0s, Zo0s, Pr0S1pers, C0msh1pers, L0li, l0lic0m
➠Supporters Of Autism Speaks
➠Annoying Preppy Kids That Say "EmO!" Like It Does Something

Int = Interact

➨Welcome Home Fans
➨Emo/Scene Kids
➨Neo/Xeno Users
➨Anti Autism Speaks

Go Back

Pub: 08 Jun 2023 08:01 UTC
Edit: 08 Jun 2023 08:07 UTC
Views: 42