- • { The Lighthouse Project } • -

- • { Faitive / Fcktive / Fucktive } • -
-- A Fcktive, Fucktive, or Faitive is somewhere in between a fictive and a factive. They may be an introject of somebody else's fictive, or they may be an introject of a fictional character that falls on the cusp of being real and fake. For example, somebody with a Darkiplier introject may refer to them as a 'fucktive', since while Markiplier is a real person, Darkiplier is a "fictional" character. The same with factives and fictives apply to fucktives. They may act different, or go by alternative names, depending on the person. --

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Pub: 08 Apr 2023 00:59 UTC
Edit: 07 Jul 2023 18:21 UTC
Views: 258