The Mystery Dungeons Archive and Summary


The Mystery Dungeon Quest Threads

Threads 1-6 Threads 7-12
/qst/ Thread #1: The Cherrim Cozener /qst/ Thread #7: The Two-fox Turnabout
/qst/ Thread #2: The Shellfish Sovereign /qst/ Thread #8: Treasure Town Throwdown
/qst/ Thread #3: The Seedyside Scramble /qst/ Thread #9: Bonds that Bind
/qst/ Thread #4: Falling Fracas /qst/ Thread #10: Towers and Time
/qst/ Thread #5: The Sunset Shakedown /qst/ Thread #11: The Trials for a World
/qst/ Thread #6: Marine of the Mind /qst/ Thread #12: Creeds and the Automaton
Threads 13-18 Threads 19-24
/qst/ Thread #13: Caravan in the Night /qst/ Thread #19: Raid the Federation
/qst/ Thread #14: Depths of Danger /qst/ Thread #20: Point Ascendancy
/qst/ Thread #15: Hushed Insomniacs
/qst/ Thread #16: Missed Directions
/qst/ Thread #17: Reprimanding Dream
/qst/ Thread #18: Primaordial Ocean

Narrative Summarization

WIP (as of 11/7/22) Not currently up to date with the latest quests. 16/37

Chapter 1 / The Cherrim Cozener:

A year has come and gone since Team Poképals’ valiant effort to restore the flow of Time, and a tentative peace has settled over the world. Slowly, over the following months, the sign of this eroding calm reared its head as humans landed on the Grass Continent. These now displaced, newly-made Pokémon quickly banded together within the clusters or waves they arrived with to survive in the strange and unknown wilderness.

This nomadic group eventually christened themselves as the Lost Hope Guild and constructed their place of residence in a mountain caldera. At the time, with the only source of sustenance being the readily available eggs, it drove the motivation to seek out work and other alternative means to feed the many members. While some chose the method of foraging, others stumbled upon a job opportunity offered by a distressed pokemon, a poor Cherrim named Chrem.


That was all a lie, of course. Chrem used the guild for her own nefarious and selfish purposes. Despite their best efforts to rectify things with local authorities, they were unsuccessful (and also broke out of jail with excessive amounts of thunderous force). Faces and names criminalized as a result, it fostered a burgeoning collective vendetta against a certain flowery pokemon. A vendetta everyone was more than eager to follow up on.

Chapter 2-3 / The Swindled Squire & The Bisharps' Beniamina:

The Cherrim, now accompanied by a pair of brother Bisharp guards, was stalked on a path that led to some ruins. Their chance was spotted, and the guild sprung into action. Quickly, they took them all as prisoners. A strange Corvisquire showed up, too, claiming an honorable defense for the unconscious trio. The bird knight struck up a one-on-one duel to determine the fate of things.
He was beaten up and taken prisoner as well.

Revenge acquired and prisoners imprisoned, the guild split up to explore the nearby ruins. Some stayed to interrogate the Bisharps, now named Ermanno and Callisto, with varying degrees of success. Eventually, as the exploring party fought in a harrowing battle against a horde of feral Cryogonals, an uncertain truce was struck between all parties by the interrogative members. Sableye's prophetic scroll was to be shown to their boss. This was an agreement between the Lost Hope Guild and a mysterious entity only known as “King Slow,” to find themselves as an audience before him in a week’s time, an event that left the guild to stew over as they returned home.

Chapter 4 / Mind the Magnets:

Manic Mine

And as they arrived home, their reprieve was soundly shattered. It was now under threat by a Steelix, who claimed the abandoned caves as his own. Weak and inexperienced, the guild found that the only way to keep their caldera was to accept his request to rescue an accomplice of his gone recently missing. Reluctantly, they entered the mine overtaken by a Mystery Dungeon in search of a Pachirisu named Panini, fearing the new phenomenon of “Time Loops.”

Under the steel-dusted walls, they found so much more. Two trapped pokemon, a Coalossal and Misdreavus (whom they punched and then befriended—while also embroiled in heavy infighting), and a buzzing monstrosity of metal and magnets: Slagneton. Despite overwhelming odds, together as one, the guild subdued the abomination long enough to perform a daring rescue and coal-fired escape from the guillotine of the Time Loop. Home resecured, alliances forged, and monster (sort of) slain, the guild celebrated their win on the shores of the caldera lake.

Chapter 5 / The Shellfish Sovereign:

A week had come and gone and soon arrived the day the guild was summoned to appear before the King.
With the same reluctance as before, they set forth into the desert and sought a castle made of sand. Once they arrived, it did not take long for the guild to have stumbled upon the entrance to the fortress and the guards who stood sentry. Both guards were promptly harassed and heckled until the Bisharps arrived once more to take the guild inside, informing them about their great king. In the throne room, there stood the monarch, guarded by Cobalion and Terrakion, and a platoon of honor guards.

King Slow

Eventually, as the King read over the contents of the special paper, harrowed words were spoken. King Slow informed that two of their members were to attempt to kill him, present or future. It did not say when or where, simply that it would be. Swan, a Dragonair and leader of Team Disaster, took this strange call to action. All hell followed shortly after. As most of the guild engaged in combat, some others elected to flee the scene.

With an opposing team way out of their batting league, the fight was obviously one-sided. Eventually, Swan, the same attempted assassin, pressed a reviver seed to the unconscious king and promptly ended the fight. With tensions falling, the King explained a human facility he wished for them to investigate, as he too, was a keeper of the decaying history left behind.

Sidequest 1:

As the guild returned home, Lost Hope's Spymaster Malamar intercepted a letter from a Mawile of the Expedition Society, addressing a Team Poképals to come and see some strange ruins that fit their area of expertise. Humans. Not wanting to miss the chance, a scout party is dispatched and sent to uncover these secrets a continent away. Eventually, having arrived at a nearby town and gearing up, they are directed to a forest warned to the party as "dangerous." This was the obvious destination.

Wasting no time, they set off and eventually come across the abandoned and overgrown base, camping out the night in the crumbling dormitories. As they are roused the following morning, they find themselves in a fated encounter with the Pokemon whom they snooped on. A Prinplup, Monferno, and Mawile, staring the party down in a stand-off.

Project Genesis

Eventually, the situation is defused and they reach amicable terms, exploring the ruins in a joint effort. It culminated in scaling a hole in the floor, the group arriving in a hidden bunker below the surface. As they explored in curiosity, this same feeling was about to land them in a dangerous situation. Power restored and lights flickering to life revealed a metal monstrosity taller than the buildings, laid dormant for hundreds of years. A Project Genesis, produced by a long-gone Team Plasma.
With a screaming sense of urgency, they navigated the foreign controls and powered down the machine, bearing breaths of relief. As they left, there was a silent agreement: not another word to be spoken about what they all saw down there.

Sidequest 2:

As the party returned home, Sable entered a bargain with Magnezone as he ventured into Treasure Town. Should he be able to acquire a Gastro Acid and an Empowerment Seed, he would be absolved of his crimes. Heading into the Wigglytuff Guild, they found Croagunk who directed them to the nearby Oran Forest to seek out their desired Gastro Acid. Map in hand and party ready, they set forth between the tall berry trees, navigating the growing darkness. Suddenly, they were attacked by a Zoroark outlaw, mocking and berating them as he assaulted the confused group.
During the confusion and illusion, the forest was set ablaze, causing the Zoroark to flee. Once the party battled the fire to nothing but smoke and ash, they continued the expedition and found the alchemist. Despite the difficulty in communication, they acquired the materials without any more hardship.

Chapter 6 / Cavern Conquerors:

At the request of both Sableye and King Slow, the guild is directed to the collapsed entrance to Sable City, a gathering of Sableye in the Cobalt Caverns Mystery Dungeon and previous home of Sableye before finding Lost Hope. After repelling an infestation of Mawile threatening to wipe them out, the group investigated the strange properties of the cave, such as light that behaved as a solid particle or magma cooler than ice.

Ascending the cavern, they found the source of the anomalies: a Porygon manipulating the dungeon in a control room, warping it with Wonder Room. Upon evolution and awakening him from hibernation, he revealed himself and Sableye to have once been affiliated with a long-defunct organization, the "Thousand Arms." This group proclaimed to seek transcendence of godhood by usurping the creators of the physical world, Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia. Porgygon2 proceeded to claim manual time travel could be achieved if a source of infinite power, a method of generating infinite space, perfect diamonds, an ability capsule, and Wonder Room could be gathered.

PZ and Regi

Before more information could be drawn from the computer archives, the Legendary Golem Regieleki appeared in a crack of light and a roaring entrance, shattering the data and deadset on permanently offlining the Porygon2. With more luck than anything, the guild silenced the electric golem, watching as it splashed into the bitterly cold magma. With the knowledge of an ominous organization and made-enemy of a legendary pokemon under their belts, the guild struggled to celebrate their liberation and rescues of the day.

Sidequest 3:

As things wound down, Sneasel approached available members to head out on an investigation, specifically searching for a “bottle of red stuff.” Despite her cryptic directions, the party stumbled upon an empty village, razed to ashes. Exploring the recent ruins, they examined the damage and traversed the hazards to find two fire-types speaking of less than upstanding things. Dispatching them, the group crossed the broken bridge and peered into the temple the fire-types could not breach.
Hidden within its walls was a passage, containing their requested item and an injured Riolu, lost without her memories save for her name. Pitying her, the group accepted her into the guild.

Sidequest 4:

The original party that had set out on the mission to explore the facility that housed Project Genesis decided it was high time to destroy the monstrosity for good, lest anyone else less capable stumbled upon it. Gathering more members, they traveled back and dove into the dark depths once again.
However, this time, not all was what it seemed. Genesis was not where they left it. Searching around in the dark, a cold chill traveled up their spines as a cyclopean optic watched in the shadows.
As half the party watched in horror from the control room, the metal mech descended on the other half trapped in the testing field. As they battled for their lives against something that stood taller than buildings, they punched, pierced, and ravaged the machine. Smoking and burning, eventually, it attempted to escape up the inclined super elevator, damaged but operational. Dragging its damaged body up, the party did not relent in their fighting as they pursued.

Scrambling over the lumbering monstrosity, a lucky shot to its spinal-mounted weapon terminated it for good. A chain of explosions rocked the bunker and they watched as metal and circuits crashed into a fiery heap, a pile of scrap never to rise again.

Event 1:

Maroon spearheaded the effort to construct a town in the middle of the deserted space at the foot of the mountain that the guild’s base resided on. With the assistance of many members and driving off a troublesome Skarmory, they finished constructing the first house of many at this outpost.

Chapter 8 / The Seedyside Scramble:

Following the recovery of a suspicious unclaimed egg from a mailwoman Mandibuzz, she spoke to the guild of a multi-event invitational, hosted in the Gangstar Gulch Mystery Dungeon. A place where the time loops did not occur and criminals gathered, festered, and galavanted with safety in numbers. Traveling through the desert, the guild signed up for a card game event, "Go Goldeen", in which the winning party would be granted a whopping cash prize of 333,333,333P! As they prepared for the event, the guild split up to explore various stands.
One of them held a swindling Inteleon, who made the mistake of messing with the guild. His escape was quickly thwarted and the aggrieved parties had their goods returned.

Go Goldeen

Unfortunately, they found out much too late that every other player that stood at the table was a cheating shark, and the only way to come out on top was to cheat back! The game was won with a combination of disruptive threats to the other players and an unsettling, unnerving demeanor and performance from ZAPGAK and Maroon.

Sidequest 5:

One day as the guild was going about their daily business, a defeated (in the literal sense) and down-on-her-luck Delibird approached the entrance to the base with her dilemma. A gang of bandits had robbed her and would’ve besmirched her perfect record of timely and safe deliveries! Quickly, a party was sent out and quickly dealt with the criminals, defeating their boss and forcing them to relinquish their thieving ways. Debby's Dashing Delibird Deliveries would not be dusted so easily, with the packages arriving on time.

Chapter 9 / The Convection Capital:

In search of a machine capable of generating infinite energy on its own, the guild investigated Blast Burn Boiler, a hydroelectric and geothermal plant turned Mystery Dungeon. Between the constantly shifting space damaging the facility's structural integrity and insulation and a foreign force heating the place to a melting point, the plant was turned into a menacing gauntlet to traverse. They discovered and evacuated the highly incompetent Team Bluster, a Whimsicott, Wooloo, and Drifblim, as they dodged superheated steam and scorching metals deeper within the facility.
Within the bowels of the boiling building, the group found the Perpetual Motion Machine and the legendary Volcanion, guarding it. He was initially unwilling to part with it, for it kept the decaying construction somewhat functional as a home for absorbing much of the heat he generated.


As they battled the hot-headed legend, the guild narrowly managed to escape the rising and boiling water levels by convincing Volcanion that they could be better off as allies, helping him to relocate to a home much better than the crumbling walls that continued to house him. With the way clear, P2 entered to retrieve the machine, furthering their goals.

Sidequest 6:

Sneasel, the ever-vigilant spy lieutenant requested some guild members to help conduct a high-stakes heist on a special kind of train: a Federation convoy. As always, she was less than forthcoming as to what exactly needed to be robbed… so to the volunteering party, it was now their job to clean house and home.
They traveled to a desert afflicted with an eternal sunset to intercept and board the train. Path planned out, they breached the rear cars and began their search from the caboose.

Sunset Showdown

Unfortunately for the group, they were not alone on this Coalossal-powered ride. It culminated in a rooftop standoff, in which Honchkrow the Bold fared victoriously (for all of one minute until everyone else intervened). Thankfully, the guild still got most of the treasure and a strange statue Sneasel had been after.

Event 2:

During a late-night meet, Porygon2 revealed that Castform’s body was overflowing with energy typically only radiated by humans, something called “Zero Energy.” He demonstrated this by having Castform trigger Citrine’s evolution into a Gigalith. He explained that it was the basis for most otherwise unexplainable phenomena requiring human input on pokemon. The idea of quantifiable “friendship,” trade evolutions, the move Return, and the mechanics within the vaunted Pokeball.

Chapter 10 / The Book of Wobbufett:

Sent into the deserts once more, Lost Hope journeyed to a meeting location to seek out King Slow. Instead, they found a small encampment that did not belong to anyone they knew. Being forward thinkers, they ransacked the tent immediately and scoured it for supplies or loot. As this was happening, those who did not participate in the thievery spotted an incoming duo. Uncertain of what to do, they allowed them closer until they realized too late that this had been their tent they were stealing from! Combat began with an explosive restructuring of the land and a near-loss at the hands of the experienced bounty hunter. Success was only insured only by the guild’s numbers and numerous items, saving the day.

The Fett

With their foe defeated, they took the note attached to the bounty hunter and found a secret message for the group, written in a language only they could understand. With the correct location now known, they dragged the unconscious adversaries to King Slow’s palace. He explained that this had been a test of their capabilities, and the proof of their success was that they were speaking face-to-face and not behind a bag. Handing out the rewards, he mentioned that there were more human ruins to be investigated come time.

Chapter 11 / The Beach Episode:

Once the guild had managed to settle things with the bounty hunter and acquired their reward, King Slow asked the present members for a personal favor. Recently, their archnemesis Chrem and the clueless Ironquill knight (of whom they did not share a favorable relationship) had been married and absconded away from the protection of the King. Requesting their discrete services on the matter, he has the group sent out into a fairly basic cave.
Within these beach cave walls, they found a strange but mostly amusing effect on reality—one of the rooms had been warped to react strangely with gravity! And of course, their exit was on the roof, previously an accessible floor. Creatively, each guild member moved their way to it, eventually leaving for the next area. They also found a doppelganger of a guildmember. At the cove, they found the two they had sought out, although unwilling to leave. They beat them up after being challenged to a fight, and everyone left home quite happy.

Chapter 17 / The Sunset Shakedown:

Lost Hope returned to Gangstar Gulch for the Invitational’s final event: a 1,000,000,000P lottery that was almost certainly rigged! Despite the obvious obstacle, they were determined to steal the prize money before the sham of a drawing could’ve been completed. As they moved to the main building housing the money bubble prize, the guild split up to perform different tasks. Guards disabled, showrunner distracted, and assisted by the Inteleon shopkeep—who attempted to swindle them previously—they moved the plan into action.

Seedyside Prize

In a move so daring, the guild members were able to roll the cash prize straight out of the criminal den! Completed with a high-speed chase, Lost Hope acquired the ludicrous amount of money as they roared past the dusty streets of the Gulch. Seedyside Hoopa, thoroughly bested by the insane heist, declared his defeat at the hands of the Lost Hope Guild.
They also managed to accidentally kidnap one of the guards, an unconscious Lycanroc, Leafa, who fell into the bubble.

Chapter 12 / Sands by the Second:

Team Bluster, now with a first-hand experience of the time loop phenomenon, regaled the tale to the Pokemon of Treasure Town about why all who enter most mystery dungeons had never been seen again. It was truly important to heed the Federation’s warnings! Team Poképals, with their special connections, left to traverse the Sea of Time to see if Dialga could solve the issue. In the meantime, Team Paladins of the Sol Guild would dive into Quicksand Cave to learn if the Time Gears were involved with this strange phenomenon.

Mega Mawile

Had things gone smoothly, Team Paladins could have investigated and escaped in time to avoid being trapped in the loop, reporting that the Time Gears functioned without incident. However, as they made their retreat, a pulse of infinity energy from the gear caused Astra, the team's Mawile, to go berserk and attack them! Hearing of the mysterious disappearance, Lost Hope is dispatched, clashing with a prey-hunting feral Flygon on their way to save the missing team. As their expedition continued, the Time Gear is dislodged! With the flow of time disrupted anyway, the Time Gear is taken too in hopes of contributing to a solution.

Sidequest 7:

Spiritomb requested that Lost Hope investigate a level-limited Mystery Dungeon, suspecting that they could also glean something from it. Along with that, Spiritomb desired a first-hand account of the mission, sending one of their 108, named Pohltan, to ride along. He ended up possessing Castform. On the way to deposit items, a member of Team All-Terrain (a Stunfisk) is discovered at an abandoned and inconspicuous storefront.


Traveling to Joyous Tower via the convenient Lapras Liner and slugging through some hostile ferals encountered later, they managed to track down the level limit's strongest source by following Pohltan's staircase suggestion. What stood defiant in front of them was a shack damaged by the dungeon’s destructive wind. Scouring the strange structure, they recovered an incomplete diary recounting Joyous Tower's construction by a "Huntress Matilda" and brought it back to Spiritomb. Satisfied despite finding no connection to their seal, Spiritomb told them of an age before the rise of the Mystery Dungeons and one that celebrated legendary heroes.

Sidequest 8:

On a normal day, a Honedge arrived at the guild with a very strange request. A massive wooden tower had popped up and his sibling had vanished into the heart of the giant, mysterious tower. Making their way there, they disturbed an old Haunter sleeping in a grave who exposited the nature and makings of this weird location. As they entered and explored the depths before ascending, they discovered a peculiar statue, a fusion between both Palkia and Dialga, blocking access to the basement.

Wooden Tower

Unable to make any headroom in moving it, they reluctantly began the ascent. Fighting through a trapped maze featuring Blast Seeds and Spikes, they arrived in a strangely situated arena, introduced by a monotone Kabutops. Facing off against Team Stain and Team Cyclops (in three-on-three), the mystery continues as they find strangers in the wall and a moving Palkia-Dialga statue out to crush them! Returning the favor and smashing the statue to bits, they managed to locate the key to the basement within the rubble. Retracing their steps, the party made their way back to the basement.
Challenged one last time by an illusory Zororark and claiming victory, a Mismagius materialized and revealed that the whole request was a ruse to test the capability of the humans. Satisfied that the future of the world was within as hands as capable as it could get, they were allowed to leave.

Sidequest 9:

Immediately after the events that unfolded at King Slow’s palace, Vee made his leave to ponder recent events and relax. However, days turned into weeks, and no one knew where he disappeared to. This prompted a search party consisting of his closest friends to set out in search of clues to his whereabouts, hoping to return the Eevee to the guild. Unable to find anything until their recent acquaintance, Dagwood the Steelix, directed them to some key individuals.

Given a possible new lead in the form of Luna & Rae (Skitty and Buneary), a back-alley duo who operated in the shadows, they could hopefully learn more. The scouting group was more than willing to do something for them in exchange for information, heading out on a wild Swanna chase to find a trinket stolen from Luna by an impulsive Nickit. Upon returning, the two of them promised to keep an eye out for their missing friend and that they would alert the guild if they ever found him.

Luna and Rae

Miraculously, as they were about to leave, Vee made his appearance, injured by the tailbone, but otherwise fine. And much to the surprise of the party, the Eevee already seemed to be well acquianted with the two black-market dealers! Seems not all were forthcoming... He bid his two new friends goodbye and made his return to the guild alongside his teammates in higher spirits.

Sidequest 10:

Following a series of compounding events, guildmember Tapu Rere had been cast into a strange and volatile comatose state. Left dumbfounded by the situation, the other guildmembers brainstormed ways to lift the malady. After much thought, they decided that the best course of action was to seek out wherever Alola used to exist, arguing that the locals would know more than enough to solve the plight. To their surprise and luck, a native from the region stumbled into the base, who was more than happy to guide them to the old island chain.

With plans solidified, the guild prepared for the long journey ahead. Outfitted with a rustbucket of an ancient salvaged ship, a navigator, and hired help, they set off from the port of Capim Town… on a journey to Isla Aether.

And so they sailed, those unaccustomed spending some miserable days seasick. As they crossed the waves, they spotted a small inhabited island. Confirming that it was not their destination, they elected to investigate anyway. Speaking with the locals revealed that they were being haunted by ghosts during nightfall, leaving them sleepless and exhausted! Wanting to do a good deed, the party set out into the forest where this spirit resided to set things straight. Their exploration led them to a repurposed shipwreck fort, where they faced off against the ghostly visage of a Golduck pirate captain. With an eerie green bonfire lit, the marauder was warded and banished for good, the locals freed from the reign of terror.

After a minor celebration of victory, and back on the waters, they were visited by an otherworldly being. Giratina greeted, taunted, and spoke riddles to the bewildered crew, but before they could gather their bearings or retaliate, they were back on the ship as if nothing had happened.

Spotted far in the distance was another island, this one devoid of Pokémon but certainly once inhabited. Jumping through hoops, completing puzzles as the temperature rose, they unlocked the door to a lava maze! After securing the treasure at the end of the blazing hot trap, the volcano was set to erupt. With the danger of being melted hot on their heels, they fled, plunder in-tow, back to the ship.

At last, they encountered civilization in the form of a small outpost town, complete with a satellite guild building to get a taste of the ocean-faring organization. Resting up and setting out not long after, they were immediately ambushed while out on the water by upstart pirates! A boarding party joined in and a fight broke out before a mighty strike from Lost Hope’s ship cleaved the enemy vessel in two. A guide on their journey, Doc Salty, mentioned the oddity of pirates being so close to the outpost, with Kahuna Sharpedo supposedly patrolling the waters, no less. Something was wrong, and someone was watching.


Caught in the jaws of a freak storm so close to Aether, the guild braced for the worst the weather had to bring as they attempted to ride it out. As seawater splashed on deck, a strange object cresting the waves was spotted portside. Rushing over, winds dying down, they all froze in horror as a giant mechanical beast rose from the blackened waters. While others rushed to ready the ship for hightailing it out of there as fast as they feasibly could, those with no available stations defended it with everything their powers afforded them. One masterful and empowered Power Gem drove the abomination back below the waves, allowing them to coast the battered vessel out of the torrential rain to their goal; the remains of Alola.

Event 3:

As they waited for their ship to be cleared by the dock authority, the newly arrived Lost Hope was escorted through the repurposed remains of the Aether Foundation, still in excellent condition. Ogling the architecture and the town that sprouted up around it, they continued the tour all the way to the nearby guild, greeted by the current Guildmaster. The Gothitelle welcomed and then informed everyone of the Sea of Wonder’s precarious situation involving Kahuna Sharpedo and the monster that now lurked in the waters. Nevertheless, he encouraged high spirits and to enjoy their time here, showing them a place where they could stay.

Despite that, the group’s timing could not be better. The opening ceremonies for the winter festival had begun and travel to where they needed to go was easier than ever. Not only that, they were also invited to participate in the nearby colosseum. Here, three members faced off against the up-and-coming rookie team, which included their first island guide! Through the clever use of items, they were crowned victorious in the match.


Soon after, they left to seek out the island that would help Tapu Rere, a place already well underway with their celebratory and recreational “medicine.” Guided by the totem Kahuna Rimbombee—and offered some of the recreational good stuff—they waded through an illusory swamp before stumbling into the temple of Tapu Lele. Now armed with the knowledge they traveled all the way here for, it was time to return to the crater.

Valiant members stood at the lip of the mound, with wills of iron and their wits steeled. They jumped in headfirst into Nature’s Madness. It shook the land and the guild… but Tapu Rere was no longer a shell of her former self!

Chapter 13 / The Beach Episode 2, but Stormy this Time:

A couple of days passed and sent by Sneasel to a place that looked much too calm for her normal assignments—an idyllic archipelago not too far off the coast of the continent—appeared to be a day where the guild could finally take a break and relax. Unfortunately for everyone present, the ugly promptly showed up. A massive storm that formed out of nowhere loomed on the horizon as they tried to hop to the center island. Moving at unnatural speeds, it quickly displayed just how serious everything was as it swept up the entire party like a tornado!


Deposited and disoriented somewhere else in the chain of islands, they raced against the storm they just rode to reach their objective. Fighting against a raging tide and zipping across the tumultuous water, they stumbled into an underground Mystery Dungeon, at its depth rested a guardian protecting a statue. Fighting with their voice and singing deadly songs, the party managed to convince the Primarina that they meant no harm. Unable to acquire anything, they went home supposedly empty-handed… Sneasel thanked them anyway instead of berating their “failure.” Just what did she do?

Chapter 15 / Falling Fracas:

Having realized that now obscure manmade specialty items, such as ability capsules were in short order, PorygonZ revealed the location to a large ground teleporter that could take the guild to a special facility owned by Thousand Arms. Noted to be a research lab and emergency resource station, it was the perfect place to hit if they wanted to advance their plans and line their bags with a little extra. Naturally, the place was long abandoned by the original users. However, as they canvased the empty halls, PorygonZ displayed abnormal behavior and was entranced and directed to some obscure corner of the facility, leaving the guild without a guide in this strange place.


But very quickly, Lost Hope recognized that what they were in was a low-orbit space station patrolled by a very hostile Regidrago! Fighting it off as they secured the item cache and ejecting the dragon-type through the airlock. However, the Regidrago was relentless and back in force, now sending the entire station out of geosynchronous orbit and hurtling back down to Earth! With quick thinking, they scrambled back to the teleporter and narrowly escaped death by freefall. Despite all that, the Regidrago refused to fall, and with one final round of fighting, the titan toppled over.

Chapter 16 / Ink and Quill - Rush to Remain Jolly:

As “Christmas” was coming right around the corner, the guild scrambled to celebrate just a little bit of normalcy in their adventure-filled lives. Assisted by Sneasel who helpfully pointed out where they might find the last remaining shipment of festive supplies, the party swiftly departed for the alleged mountain. And what a destination, one half of a cargo ship had been speared on the mountain!


They found the other half of the cargo vessel soon after, sheared from midships to the stern further down from the mountain, resting in a frozen lake. Quickly exploring it, they deduced the top of the mountain held the rest of what they needed. Traversing the frozen and frigid climate, they braced chilling winding tunnels and great windy chasms. Eventually, they reached the top to face off against an unruly Frostlass… who had a whole team of frozen prisoners! Fighting her off in a daring rescue and skiing down the mountain in a frantic attempt to outrun an avalanche, the guild got their Christmas supplies, only narrowly avoiding becoming crushed by a skyscraper’s worth of snow.

Pub: 07 Jun 2022 04:16 UTC
Edit: 06 Feb 2024 06:20 UTC
Views: 1945