Strange Sighting

What the FUCK

the only thing i had to do was take out a few bags of trash and the CRAZIEST SHIT HAPPENDS! there was these werid objects in moss who not only threw trash at me but also FOLDED ME, YEAH! I COULDNT SEE ANYTHING FOR ABOUT AN HOUR UNTILL MY BOSS FOUND ME AND UNFOLDED ME! They also both robbed and messed up the store! Making it look like a whole zoo! and the poilce didnt even beileve us for some reason?! They said that was impossible for moss covered objects to rob a store! what a joke!

There was also these two objects. A red tray and a cointainer of whipped creamed. They were looking for them. Dont remeber the reason but i hope those two find them.. I dont want anymore people getting hurt or causing this much of a damn mess

Pub: 13 Oct 2022 19:01 UTC
Views: 64