Talia Linn

Talia Linn, Morning Dew Guildmom in her office attire


Race: [Minotaur], [Elf]
Sex: [Futanari]
Hair: [Pink]
Eyes: [Blue]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Feminine]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Large]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Fit]
F.M.S.U.: [Buckets Of Cum], [Everwet], [Milky], [Fluid Druid], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Love Nectar]
G.R.M.: [Monster Mash x1], [Bio-Immortal], [Horns], [Aqua Affinity], [Mushi], [Tasty Fate]
U.T.T.: [Perfect Pussy], [Porn Physics], [Pron Studio], [Divine Pregnancy], [Back Support], [Contortionist], [Biggus Dickus], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Tamed Shark ], [Long Tongue], [Fuckable Nips]
Spawn Point: [Aria]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]
Death Mods: [Reincarnation], [Convenient Backstory], [Remuneration], [Imōto Apocalypto], [Imōto Kataklizmo], [Aww Shit], [Here We Go Again]
Banes: [Knife Ear], [Water To Wine], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Chūni Deluxe], [Ahegao]
Boons: [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Status], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Man Portions], [Nuru Nuru~], [Sensory Overdose], [Flavour Flay], [Lucky!], [Unbreakable Mind], [Hush Money]
Items: [Riftgate Licence], [Servant], [Soulbound], [Endless Polaroid], [A Home], [A Manor], [Regal Upgrade], [Service], [Tab Leet], [Solar Charger]



About Talia A former adventurer turned business woman Talia is the owner and founder of the Morning Dew Guild Hall situated on the coast of Largo, a once overgrown estate renovated to fit her needs. Had a pleasant upbringing as the eldest daughter of eight to a pair of former adventurers who now run a small farm on the Arian Skylands. She considers herself a friend to most, and is pretty easy to get along with. Enjoys teasing and bullying, tends to treat others like they're a younger sibling.

Abilities Talia would fall into the Barbarian class if those were an option; forceful and somewhat reckless employing a cold anger to make herself faster and senses sharper. Prefers using dual swords or polearms with her fighting style that could be mistaken for a dance fluidly shifting through forms and stances with grace. Picked up a couple esoteric swordplay tricks in her travels before starting Morning Dew. she's pretty much always there now trying not to micromanage and get the place to a point where it can function comfortably without her. She itches to travel again!

Other than that she's a great cook and has been taking singing and etiquette lessons.

Fluff Notes:

  • [A Home], [A Manor], and [Regal Upgrade] are the Morning Dew Guild Hall
  • Servant is named Myriad, most people shorten it to Myr.
  • Height: 5ft 10in (178cm) which is a rough average of the mixed races.
  • Hourglass body with delicious definition.
  • Hair and eyes are no longer pale colors and are once again bright and vibrant.

Changelog (12/22)
Gained [Servant]
Gained [Soulbound]
Gained [Fuckable Nips]
Gained [Nuru Nuru~]
Lost [Doublethink]
Various small adjustments accounting for separating two characters apart.

Changelog (5/22)
Lost [Deadman Wonderland]
Lost [Chuuni Deluxe]
Lost [Masochist]
Gained [Convenient Backstory]

Edit Report
Pub: 23 Mar 2022 04:50 UTC
Edit: 11 Jun 2023 21:59 UTC
Views: 317