artbyDinolixe gif

N Harmonia, the love of my life. My Sweetheart. We have been together for 11 years now, ever since I got my copies of Black and White2 as a gift. N is a constant for me, a huge source of comfort, and helps me through my worst times. We are each others true and ideal partners, inseparable. We've helped each other to heal, and still do.
My Nat's heart is pure and good, and he truly is the sweetest. I admire his passion for everything he cares for; his pokemon friends, his interests, like science and ferris wheels, and me. I love N more than anyone can imagine, and the love between us is inimitable.
I love to talk about and gush about and lovepost about my husband every day- I feel incomplete if I dont show my love for him even a little bit. Collection/Shrine posting is something I do a lot, because I'm very excited to share my love for N! Commissioning artwork is another thing. I will share soooooo much of N and I's relationship in anyway I can find, and I love to answer questions about my Yumeship (JoNat / StarSymphony) ... You can also just ask me about N!!

gif artbyNellcherTulip

Pub: 30 Nov 2023 12:05 UTC
Edit: 30 Nov 2023 12:08 UTC
Views: 178