The White Dove
Her name was both parts given and taken by her. She was called the Dove, as wherever she went, she brought peace... as there would be nobody left in fighting state after she was done. In her youth, she was a rebellious upstart who rose from nothing and nowhere, using her extraordinary prowess to make waves of change across the Backstreets. She herself claimed the color White even before being officially recognized as a Color, as it resembled the purity of her body and mind which were honed through unimaginable training, until they were refined into a state much like a flawless gem. That, and white was considered the color of the Hana Association, who she flew in the face of by being a Solo Fixer denying any attempts to recruit her or constrain her actions.
Role: Fixer
Gift: A Superhuman Constitution
Standard Combat Style Lvl 2 -30
Unique Combat Style Lvl 3 -30
This is that, and that is this -15
Chemical Abuse -25
Backstreet's Ghost -25
The Wanted Mindset -20
Unnatural Emanation -30
Extreme Survivalist -15
Urban Movement -15
Silent Team Working -15
Right Tool for the Job -15
Detective -15
Association Contact x5 (Zwei, Shi, Liu, Seven, Oufi) -125
Weak Point Analysis -25
Snake's Finesse -50
-535 Total
The White Dove was an experienced Fixer, breaking things to fix them often came as part of the job, among more subtle methods. She may have been independent, but she made many contacts within various Associations, despite her reputation with the Hana Association. With her lack of professionalism, it was easy to mistake her as if she worked for a Syndicate. But those who knew her name and have seen her work would learn to respect her, regardless if she felt the same about them. It's said that her power and skill was at such a level that she could even impact the air itself, allowing for attacks to hit further than one might expect from a normal punch or kick.
DLC Perks:
Hydra -70
Bullet -40
Red Gaze -100
The Dove held mastery over all forms of martial arts, blending together chains of attacks only possible with her immense physical abilities and knowledge of techniques. Working without a weapon makes things many times more challenging against what lies in the City, but the Dove relished the challenge. It was easy to underestimate someone who didn't walk with a weapon in hand, but when their entire body is a weapon, you'll find that there are no gaps in their defense, nor weakness in their chosen tools of destruction.
Red Gaze:
A Millennia of Seeking, Concealed Within a Single Stroke
The sum of her lifetimes of training, giving way to an unreplicable feat powered by her experiences and the Light. A deceptively simple technique, which begins with a silent methodical walk towards the target. In an instant, she vanishes, reappearing a few meters behind the target.
The target will then find themselves afflicted by a barrage of blows, delivered in the split second that she was able to pass by in her accelerated state.
Misc Item: 50 Stipend
Something Else (Black Ballistic Bands) -70
-885 Total
A set of rubber-like bands across her body which store energy from motion. Normally would hinder most regular people, but due to her superhuman strength and constant training with them, she can largely ignore their resistances. When triggered, causes the stored energy to rapidly discharge around itself, which can be controlled and aimed to increase the power and speed behind her movements.
Lightful +30
No Augmentation +60
Do you want to join our Ensemble? +30
Virtuoso +10
Past Mistakes +35
The loss of her arm was devastating, as a single limb of hers was said to hold more experience than generations of martial art masters. The Dove was prideful, and after someone had finally bested her, she retired from the life of a Fixer. She rejected the idea of getting a replacement, as she considered no substitute, biological, cybernetic, or even born from a Singularity, could ever keep up with her, opting to retire completely than to entertain ideas of returning. Even so, many would try to convince her to join their cause, as a Dove with One Wing could still fly, if it was her. She never could accept being lead by someone else's orders and ideals, so to put a stop to the increasing attempts to sway her to either side, she opened her own office. There were no requirements to join other then bringing a mindset to learn, and leaving at any time was accepted. And so she stayed, teaching the art of what she had learned and surpassed onto students, until eventually those students would harbor her goals and sense of justice, transforming it into the proper Fixer Office it is today. Or at least was, until her disappearance.