Chad Thundercat by anonymous

I wanna bring this gem back.

It's wrestling day during gym class…. And you hated wrestling day.
Not just because you were very self-conscious when wearing a leotard, but because of Chad.
That damn pretentious lion would always twist coach's arm into getting himself paired against you.
There’s supposed to be separate divisions for humans and Anthros!
But somehow Chad manages to get you paired with him, and you're the only human he does this to.
You always tried your absolute hardest, trying to tear that stupid smile off his face, but you never stand a chance against the massive lion.
The harder you struggled, the more he seemed to enjoy himself, too.
It's not as if he even needed any more of an advantage, but you're pretty sure grabbing your crotch and ass and biting you weren't legal wrestling moves either.
It would always end with you pinned under him as he trash talked and teased you, with your face pressed up against either his abs, pecs, or when coach wasn't watching, groin, panting in exhaustion and covered in sweat.
It’s like a never-ending purgatory for you.
You may try your best, but it’ll never end up good for you.
But enough complaining and moping! Homecoming is “homecoming up” and you’re not gonna let some arrogant lion keep you from asking out some guys and gals.
No one’s asked you out yet… So, it looks like you’ll have to build up the courage to ask someone… B-but that's ok...!
Gym is almost up and, after getting your ass handed to you, you want to leave the locker room without a single thought of the bigoted lion, Chad Thundercat.
“Wassup ya little hairless ape.”
Speak of the devil.
Just as you’re about to slip through the door, Chad quickly knocks the door shut and stands in front of it, blocking your way out to freedom.
He prowled himself over to you, arms crossed with a smug smile plastered all over his face, backing you up to the opposing wall.
“I thought you apes were ‘kings of the jungle’ yet you can’t even beat a lion.”
He’s got you pressed up against the wall, his head looming over your eyes.
He’s so close you can feel the heat radiating off of him devouring you and his musk infiltrates your nostrils with a hint of his sweat from wrestling.
He slams his hands to the sides of your head and cranes his neck down to your face, giving you a menacing glower.
“Maybe if your puny hands grew a pair of claws you’d have a chance!”
You roll your eyes at Chad’s insults. You’ve been through this enough times before to ignore him.
You could play dirty like him and kick him in the nuts, but you opt to just shoulder him and move on with your day.
Besides, you’ve got some asking out to do!

No luck. Everyone you asked rejected you. Hard.
The first person you asked seemed so ecstatic when you confessed, but then they immediately looked frightened and came up with some lame excuse on why they couldn’t go to homecoming.
The second kept on sneaking away before you could even ask and the third literally ran away from you after you asked.
The fourth actually accepted, but later on they had to cancel because they forgot that they “already had a date”.
Although… Looking back, he was strangely out of breath and disheveled…
Maybe fifth times the charm? Aww who are you kidding.
You're so disheartened and dispirited that you’re beginning to think that there’s no hope for you.
Were you just not meant to be loved…?
Sluggishly picking yourself up from rejection, you muster up what little courage you had left and manage to ask your last person.
You were really hoping that they’d stick with you, but today seemed to follow a trend and luck would not be on your side.
Your will to live had crumbled there and then, and just as you were about to sadly trek your way home a paw tugs on your shoulder.
"... l-look Anon it's nothing personal or anything, it's…it’s just…”
He quickly takes his paw off you and surveys the area.
“Do you KNOW what that psychotic meathead cat would do to me if he found out I had so much as put a paw on you?"
What is he talking about...? Does he mean Chad?
As if sensing your confusion, he continues:
"That guy gets pissy if we even look in your direction sometimes, like hell I'm going to risk getting my lights clawed out by asking his personal scratching post out to the dance. On that note, I better go fast. Sorry Anon, I'm sure you'll find someone to go with, though whoever they are I hope they're ready for what’ll happen to them."
Your thoughts race as he turns tail and flees as fast as physically possible.
That fucking Lion.
Ohhhhh he is so gonna get it.
You can’t believe he’s been “gatekeeping” you. What the fuck is his problem!
You wander the halls and rummage through the crowds searching for that idiot.
When you finally find him, he’s leaning on the gym door, wearing that stupid grin on his face. The one he wears every time he beats you.
You’ll show him not to mess with you anymore. You’re gonna enjoy wiping that ridiculous smile off his face.
Well, well, looks like no one wants to be the hairless ape’s date. Let me guess, you were gonna ask me to homecoming~” Chad says, as if he were talking to a little baby.
”C'mon, ask, maybe I’ll actually accept.”
He raises his chin up and closes his eyes like the prideful bastard of a lion he is and awaits an answer.
"I know what you’re doing Chad, and I’m sick and tired of you pushing me around like I’m your play toy.”
”Psshhh, you’ll always be a puny toy to me, now hurry up and ask me to go to homecoming with you.” Chad dismisses what appears to be a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead.
"Oh yeah? Wrestle me in the gym right now. I’ll show you who’s really the pride leader here.”
Chad practically slips off the wall for a second before composing himself and returning to look unamused at your challenge.
It’s just you and the damn lion in the wrestling room now.
Just looking at him makes you furious.
He’s taunting you by pretending to be a monkey!
You're not going to lose this time. You’re gonna wipe the floor with him.
You crouch down low, looking into Chad’s yellow slitted eyes as he growls and gets into a typical feline pouncing stance.
There’s a stillness in the air while waiting for who goes first, but Chad catches you by surprise.
The hulking feline jumps from his stance and immediately puts you into a headlock.
You struggle to lift or push him off when suddenly you felt something slimy move down your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
“looks like this little cub needs to be bathed~”
After his snarky comment he bites your ear, making you jump (as much as you can from underneath all of Chad’s muscles) and wince in pain.
But an idea pops into your head.
If he’s gonna continue to play dirty, why can’t you?
In your head you ask yourself: “what would Chad do?” and shamelessly grab his bulge.
You hear a yowl and feel Chad’s weight pull off of you.
When you look across from you, you see Chad covering his sack and giving you an incredulous look.
It isn’t long before Chad returns with a pounce, but you manage to move back enough to where you can grapple his shoulders.
Both of your faces are contorted and strained with effort and the room keeps getting hotter and hotter as the two of you wrestle it out.
You’d never been able to secure a head lock on Chad, but with your new found play style it just might be possible to catch Chad off guard.
Instead of a leg grab you go for an ass grab.
It was super effective!... In making him moan!
Chad’s face is flushed with red all over, but you don’t stop long enough for him to recollect himself and use his embarrassment to your advantage.
Somehow, with a newfound strength, you lift Chad into the air, still squeezing his buttocks, and slam him onto the mat.
You feel like you’re on top of the world after pinning the lion below you, but when you look down to rub your victory in his face, you’re perplexed by his body language.
His face was flushed red, and his eyes were closed, while his neck was exposed to you.
Was he… submitting?
looking further down you see a huge damp bulge protruding through Chad’s leotard… As well as your own erection rubbing against his.
What the hell? Is Chad into you?
It all makes sense now!
ha! Look who’s the little cub now. Maybe you should press on.
All that wrestling had certainly made you “worked up” and giving Chad what he wants could be the perfect way to release your tension.
You move your hips up to his chest and rip open your ruined leotard, giving the lion a good whiff of your crotch as you place your hard on the tip of his muzzle.
”c’mon, I know you want to.”
Chad relents as a single drop pre lands on his wet nose, licking it up and bushing his tongue over your shaft.

Edit Report
Pub: 10 Apr 2023 15:34 UTC
Edit: 12 Apr 2023 16:29 UTC
Views: 2448