0.1.10 Dedicated server optimizations

  • Fixes
    • Hopefully fixed an error that happened due to modifying the mod's healthbar collection while it was being iterated on
    • Hopefully fixed a NRE due to a IL hook related to MarkAsUnableToBeLocked
    • Updated scriptable object name lookups in PackMagnetBodyBehavior to fix a NRE
  • Dedicated server optimizations
    • Healthbar code will now not run if the game is ran as dedicated server or in batch mode
    • Temporary visual effect code will now not run if the game is ran as dedicated server or in batch mode
  • Updated BepInEx's plugin version to the current version (prev 0.1.6) which otherwise would lead to possible net version mismatches

0.1.9 A single bug fix

  • Fixed code throwing a NRE when a masterless body without the masterless tag was spawned in.
  • Changed some text around to match the recently made wiki.

0.1.8 Some kind of equipment

  • Grenadier
    • Set the proc chance of the additional blast attack that the main projectiles do from -999 to 0 in hopes of fixing unintended behavior.
    • Alt Secondary
      • Now throws 3 grenades per use to account for low damage and high spread.
      • Base stock decreased 2 -> 1
      • Small hop velocity increased 9 -> 20
      • Combo grace duration increased 1.5s -> 3s
      • Updated skill description to reflect this better.
  • Equipment
    • Re-added Bloody Cross
      • It currently has no model.
    • Removed some logic Cursed Scythe which made it so it would't target enemies still spawning, but had un-intended side effects where it didn't target certain enemies.
  • Items
    • Red Tape Roll
      • Fixed a error where it wouldn't find the sound to play due to some reorganization I made internally in the project.
    • Fixed some wrong copy-pasted code in one of the items. Hopefully nobody noticed it malfunctioning.
  • Known Issues
    • Leftover from the previous update: Grenadier's body material in the log book is currently wrong. Reason unknown.

0.1.7 Some kind of release

Release with some work done, biggest difference is that unfinished or broken content has been temporarily disabled.
Such content is planned to return in the foreseeable future.

  • Panic
    • Changed Panic VFX to be more noticeable.
    • Skill interruption should beheave more in line to other interruptions in the game.
  • Equipment
    • Changed Cursed Scythe VFX to be more noticeable.
  • Items
    • Changed some numbers on the items to buff them.
    • Reworked Blood Economy.
    • Voice Modulator
      • Now has a recharge SFX and VFX.
      • Removed the weird RNG math on whenever enemies should have the debuff applied or not.
      • Point-blank duration has been decreased from 10s -> 5s.
    • Wrote some item logs.
    • Rewrote some item descriptions to be more understandable.
  • Hopefully fixed Artifact of Worms messing the real worms.
    • On a secondary note, the way worms beheave is different now, they no longer slide across the ground.
    • They also have been nerfed some more: No armor and 1/4 of their original health (previously 1/3).
    • They won't proc any On-Death effects.
  • Wrote Grenadier's log.
  • Changed how Imp Trasher beheaves to be more in line with the intended experience.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs.
  • Known Issues
    • Grenadier's body material in the log book is currently wrong. Reason unknown.

0.1.6 Public Test

  • Simulacrum
    • Added Augment of Revenge
  • Grenadier
    • Changed the material of the default projectile's trail
  • Teleporter Overcharger Shrine
    • Now drops new option pickups, like command or void potentials.
    • Changed some logic, possibly fixed some stuff
  • Fixes
    • Fixed most if not all buttons in UI
    • Fixed Teleporter Overcharger dropping items right away upon the second activation under specific circumstances

0.1.5 Public Test

  • Grenadier
    • Entirely rewrote how the utilities work again
    • Secondaries no longer have a "minimum duration" and instead just have the same skill priority for the entire skill duration
    • Removed unfinished skills, they will be cut and replaced by something else
    • Added a new secondary skill
    • Added mastery recolor skin
      • Will be unlocked by default whenever I get an actual mastery skin
  • Items
    • Removed Thieves' Hat
      • It will be replaced by a equipment
    • Broken Fiber Cable
      • Will no longer delay self-damage
      • Will no longer delay damage with zero damage
      • Added health bar visualization
        • Might be server side only, I haven't gotten around testing in online, let me know.
      • Did some code optimizations

Thieves hat was extremely weird and had a very bad way to trigger it. Might come back with a different trigger condition.
As the point of the item was to give mobility and some iframes, it will become a equipment, which should make it easier to use.

  • Fixes
    • Fixed some Grenadier animations
    • Fixed Grenadier having duplicate proc chances
    • Fixed Broken Fiber Cable delaying unblockable damage (void fog)
    • Fixed damage delayed by Broken Fiber Cable not doing any On Hit procs
    • Fixed Escape Lever being triggerable with Chaos Bottle (again?)
    • Teleporter Overcharger Shrine
      • Fixed ambient SFX not playing
      • Fixed being able to purchase the shrine after the teleporter event

Balance changes

  • Items
    • Magnetic Belt
      • Now AI Blacklisted as it softlocked my game when a Scavanger got it when testing
    • Fan of blades
      • Significantly increased tracking capabilities
      • Changed tracking to only be applied in the Y axis
    • Off-Planet Account
      • Now gives +25$ money storage per stage on first pickup as well
  • Grenadier
    • Special damage 500% -> 600%

0.1.4 Impromptu Test

This was a release made for a impromptu test, so bugs from the previous version are most likely still in, and features are unfinished or untested.

  • Teleporter Overcharger Shrine
    • Implemented
    • Changed weights and how early it can spawn in a run
    • Increased "Teleporters Overcharged" stat points given 100 -> 250
  • Observatory
    • Worked a little bit more on it
    • Still uses Sky Meadows content as placeholder.
  • Grenadier
    • Now is textured
    • Has some animations
  • Fixes
    • Fixed wrong render queues in some materials
    • Fixed the soundbank missed some more RTCP values
    • Fixed Off-Planet Bank money panel having missing scripts and visuals

Balance Changes

  • Equipment
    • Escape Lever
      • Now has an internal cooldown.
      • Now gets consumed after use.
    • Cursed Scythe
      • Now has an internal cooldown.

0.1.3 Public Test

  • Undocumented from previous version:
    • Grenadier
      • Changed VFX
      • Increased base HP 100 -> 120
      • Reworked how projectiles deal push damage.
      • No longer has self-damage.
      • Passive: Now deals a blast instead of spawning projectiles. Explodes from 3 to 6 times, for 300% damage each.
      • Secondary: Now has a smaller initial radius, final radius is bigger.
      • Secondary: No longer applies push-back force when grounded.
      • Alt Secondary: No longer applies push-back force when grounded.
      • Utility works differently
      • Utility: grants fall damage inmunity for the duration
      • Utility: now has a bigger hitbox
      • Utility: Decreased maximum air control given after hitting an enemy.
      • Utility: No longer ends if touching a wall or a ceiling.
      • Utility: No longer loops into itself after the time expires.
      • Special: Now sticks to surfaces and enemies and sucks enemies in for a second before exploding.
      • Special: Made a custom HUD element that shows the additional stacks, how full it is, and that has an animation when gaining a stock.
      • Special: Damage has sweet-spot damage falloff again to account for the sucking effect.
    • Soundbank:
      • Fixed the soundbank messing up MUL-T's transport mode sound
  • Observatory
    • Now implemented into the run.
    • Stage 5 addition.
    • Uses base game Sky Meadow's interactables due to a bug. Placeholder.
    • Uses base game's or the DLC Sky Meadow's enemies as a placeholder.
  • Soundbank:
    • Fixed a few issues with music

0.1.0 - 0.1.2 Public Tests

Update for Survivors of the Void

  • Now with sounds!
  • Items now have models, made by BigNut.
  • Items now have proper icons.
  • Commando has most, if not all, item displays.
    • Contact me if you want to voluteer in making item displays for different survivors, they take quite a decent amount of time.
  • Tweaked pickup models of old items.
  • Artifacts
    • Artifact of Pain
      • Now implemented!
      • All players share the same health bar -> all players share the pain.

Reevaluating the code, making all characters share the same health bar was a bit of an stupid idea, while possible, I'd rather not deal with that bag of worms

  • Equipment
    • Implemented Big Scythe
  • Enemies
    • Imp Trasher
      • Spawns in Rallypoint Delta and Scorched Acres
      • Throws explosive barrels at you from far away. If you get too close, they'll run away!
  • Items
    • Ported Angel Wings
      • +10% damage (+10% per stack).
      • Lower stacking damage as Delicate Watch exists, and this has absolutely no risk of being broken.
    • Ported Thieves' Hat
      • Reworked a bit to fit 3D: Double tap to dash towards a direction, the dash grants iframes.

At first was against porting Angel Wings as you spend most of the end-game mid air, but it might be a good bonus early-game.
Thieves' Hat is a bit like in some games where you can perform a evasion to gain iframes, though the more you spam it the shorter the duration is.

  • New War Declaration (Void Warbanner)
    • On Teleporter Activation -> Start of each stage. Gives a wider range of buffs but is way more temporal.
    • Keeps On Level Up trigger.
  • Red Tape Roll
    • Now has an achievement: "Lots of Damage"
  • Broken Fiber Cable
    • Now has an achievement: "Host?"
  • Super Stickies
    • Now has an achievement: "Martial Arts"

Balance Changes

  • Red Tape Roll
    • Now gives items to any summon, and not just mechanical allies.

Beedl and Squid users rejoice, as now there's more use to this item than just being Captain

  • Blood Economy
    • Removed money on low hp bonus and money on DoT.
    • Now discounts interactables that are too expensive for you to afford.
    • Take 35% of your maximum combined hp as damage to decrease an interacteable's cost by 2$, which increases over time.
      • Psst, you only need 12 stacks of this item for small chests to be essentially free.
    • It will also afflict bleed for 3 seconds, if you are above 25% hp.
    • The initial hit won't kill you, but the bleed can, don't get too cocky.

Another balance change as Hopoo is introducing Roll of Pennies with DLC, which is a common item. Thinking about making it not scale... but to give you 25$ discount (x1.5 per stack). Need feedback on this.

  • Soul Taker
    • First Stack damage bonus 50 -> 10
    • Later Stacks damage bonus 25 -> 10

Any item that increases your damage stat directly is extremely broken after multiplying it by any other bonus.

  • Fan of Blades
    • Removed acceleration over lifetime as it was too awkward to use.
    • Now has a slight autoaim similar to shurikens.
    • Damage now bypasses armor.
  • Magnetic Belt
    • Initial duplication chance 1% -> 7%
    • Stack duplication chance 0.05% -> 7%

If you are stacking this item past the first few stacks it's for a reason. This should give players a boost in packs they are lacking because they might have sacrificed them for these

  • Voice Modulator
    • Inital radius 10m -> 16m
    • Stack radius 3.5m -> 5m
    • Most enemies (the ones that follow the standard) will now get their attacks interrupted.
    • Enemies no longer have a movement speed bonus.
    • Middle-sized enemies (golems and similar) now have a chance to be afflicted.
    • Changed visual effect.

Item fell off late game when there's a ton of bruisers and golems spawning, so this should address that

  • Nanomachines
    • Buff now increases your damage by 25%, based on your base damage (so not much, but heavy hitters like Loader, Sniper, and Railgunner should get a noticeable boost).

Nanomachines should also strengthen your body, son

  • Punching Bag
    • 500 armor bonus -> flat 50% damage reduction.
    • Weight increase -> Now inmune to all knockback
    • Buff duration based on full combined HP 25% -> 100%
    • Buff now stays after moving again, but decays overtime.

While this seems broken as hell, the damage accumulation that reduces the bonus being given is now based on incoming damage before all reductions are applied (even vanilla ones), and before the 100% damage reduction, so raw damage. You'll need more stacks than before.

  • Playing Cards
    • Internal hidden delay timer before it can duplicate items again 30s -> 15s
    • Internal hidden delay will now only start once the duplication has been consumed, instead of constantly resetting its availability timer.

Originally made the delay so players couldn't be flooded with items if they were using mods that added a chance for item drop on elite kill. * But if you are playing dangerously, you should be rewarded *

  • UVB-51 Radio
    • Base map interactables reveal 10% -> 15%
  • Broken Fiber Cable
    • Entirely rewrote the item, so it should be more stable.
    • 25% of incoming healing can heal up to a 50% of the closest delayed damage.
    • Will no longer delay freeze damage, silent damage or nullify damage.
    • Stack delay 0.5s -> 1s

Weird item that many avoid as it didn't do much other than giving you time to heal up for incoming damage. Now, healing will let you do that AND reduce it while it's being delayed.
In exchange, it will no longer block "instant" damage such as freeze and nullify. Silent was added because a lot of internal things in the game use it to kill players (ie. moon escape sequence)*

  • Fixes
    • Fixed the patch on the old moon's arena forcefield not working for clients.
    • Playing Cards SHOULD no longer schedule for death a player that has already died, or that no longer has the item.
    • Playing Cards now should duplicate items accordingly, if the player that has the item is dead, it won't duplicate any more.
    • Broken Fiber Cable no longer swallows damage instances taken in the same frame. No more console spam. This also means that players will be PROPERLY damaged.
    • Fan of Blades should now have a proper ghost.
    • UVB-51 Radio should now properly attach itself to map scanners to reveal the whole map.


And like that, January is gone.

  • Plugin should no longer report debug logs to console unless its a debug assembly
  • Plugin now marks the game as modded
  • Added stock images to most items. Only the placeholder lunar and the placeholder equipment has the old ones.
  • Assetbundle is now chunk compressed, for smaller file size (14mb -> 2mb) and for faster load times.
  • Disabled unfinished content (except unfinished artifact, that's 100% up to the player)
    • Disabled typewriter as I come up with a better concept.
    • Disabled Bloody cross and big scythe as they are still unfinished.
    • These items are just hidden or disabled from being dropped. Third-party mods might give these items to enemies or something else regardless of availability.

Balance changes

  • Voice Modulator
    • Now panics enemies
      • Panic forces enemies to run around and no longer attack you.
      • Increases afflicted enemies' cooldowns by x0.5
      • Removes a stack from all their abilities when afflicted.
      • Forces them to sprint.
      • Adds movement speed bonus.
      • Won't attack as long as they are panicked.
    • Stack radius 2m -> 3.5m
    • Initial debuff duration 6 -> 10
      • Debuff duration no longer increases with stacks.
      • Champions and bosses no longer candidates for debuff.
      • Additionally, bigger enemies have less chances of getting afflicted by the debuff.
    • Guaranteed trigger On combat enter -> On safety exit
    • Now can also trigger depending on % damage taken, similar to old stealthkit.
      • Getting to safety recharges both triggers.

This shifts the behavior into a slightly more defense-wise item: Safety instead of combat makes triggering easier for range characters as they no longer have to wait to be next to the enemy to start shooting, and as a bonus, it triggers when taking heavy damage.

As this makes enemies ignore you completely, bosses won't be affected and bigger enemies have less chance of affliction, it might help with any kind trash mob and wisp, but no way it will give you a free pass for all those titans and vagrants.

  • Fan of Blades
    • Projectile speed 100 -> 250
    • Lifetime 10s -> 5s
    • Capsule radius 0.4 -> 0.6
    • Increased gravity & decreased force.
    • Damage 250% -> 285%
    • Now affected by aim direction.

Still most useful at point blank angle, but now at least your knives wont instantly be stuck in the ground. Allows pretty much anybody to snipe any enemy on utility skill use, even melee survivors.

  • UVB-51 Radio
    • Item entirely reworked
    • Reveals 10% of the stage's interactables, +5 interactables per additional item stack for one minute when entering the stage.
      • Team Wide stacking.
      • Wont reveal teleporter, barrels, vehicles, bazaar upgrades and proxy interactions.
    • Revealed things (From this item or radars) have a 25% chance of revealing the contents inside, +5% per stack.
      • Depending on each player.
      • You have to be within 12 meters of the interactor, and it scans for them every 10 seconds.
      • Succesfully revealing the contents extends the indicator for 30 more seconds.
      • Affected by luck
    • Radio towers should now scan the whole map like the Scanner equipment if whoever uses it has the radio.

The previous concept seemed unreliable for a green item, as its purpose was to aid the player in scouting the stage at the start, which the defense or attack buffs didn't help at all with.

The old concept will return in the future as a different item

  • Blood Economy
    • Amount of damage accumulated needed to be rewarded 650 -> 250

Too hard to pull off very early in the run and very unrewarding for a green, while the amount accumulated is still unknown to the player, I plan to address that sometime in the future when I get more assets.

  • Magnetic Belt
    • Initial stack radius 8m -> 16m
    • Later stacks 4m -> 8m
    • Initial stack duplication chance 0.5% -> 1%
    • Later stack duplication chances 0.4% -> 0.5%
    • Cloned pickups now have doubled acceleration and maximum speed.

I initially took the radius values from the Warbanner but divided by half, as I thought it would be a good starting point, but as I played on my own, and as other players reported, the item struggles to be noticeable at all.
It now should grab monster tooths for melee and ranged survivors alike. Duplication chance increased as I thought it could be nice to have, but mostly remains for clover purposes, speed increased to guarantee that the player that duplicated them gets them.

  • Nanomachines
    • Initial stack buffs 1 times -> 2 times
  • Super Stickies
    • Is now functional.
    • Initial damage 180%x3 -> 540%
    • Stacking changed from +1 explosion per stack to +180% damage

Changes made to don't stress as much on performance

  • Artifacts
    • Artifact of Worms
      • 🌧 Elite Worms if Honor is active can now be enabled/disabled with a newly added rule
      • Each worm segment will now spawn half less meatballs than the default worms.
      • Each worm segment now has a extra second of impact cooldown than the default worms.
      • Director maximum number to spawn in a wave 6 -> 3
      • Now scales slightly less over time.
      • Minimum and maximum combat rerolls interval modifications -1 -> -0.5. Minimum reroll minimum and minimum reroll maximum stay at 10.
      • Can now have up to 30 additional money waves. Previously it kept generating new money waves infinitely.

I've modified the way that worms spawn, so it might not behave the same way as it did before. For example, the director maximum number in a wave change.

Other than that, this mainly aims to make worms not melt your performance by stage 3 due to the ridiculous high amount of them spawning. You could also say it also helps a bit with players getting 12 fire stacks out of nowhere and dying.

Worms will keep spawning post-teleporter event for now, but I'd like to know the general consensus on this.

  • Fixes
    • Fixed equipments not working, at all.
    • Fixed Artifact of Worms modifying the original worm character spawn cards.
    • Fixed Fan of Blades not having ghosts.
    • Playing Cards is now server only. Should fix unintended behavior.
    • Nanomachines is now server only.
    • Added an extra condition to the Ejection Lever, it now should let players trigger it if the teleporter is the state previous to stage exit.
    • Initial radius of Voice Modulator should now be fixed.
    • Super stickies should be now properly affected by luck.
    • Engineer turrets now will never inherit extra items from Red Tape Roll
    • Fixed some logic in Red Tape Roll that let unintended items to be given
    • Fixed logic so now Red Tape Roll truly works with mechanical summons only, before it gave items to summons like squids or beetles.
      • This can be reverted at any time so the item can copy items to any summon, but for now i'll leave it here.
  • Known issues
    • Impale or stick projectiles (knifes and stickybombs) sometimes fly in the opposite direction at high speeds after hitting an enemy.
    • Super stickies have broken materials in their particle systems, I am currently unable to fix this
    • Knives spawn with the wrong orientation, this is purely visual.
    • Enemies affected by panic won't run away if they got debuffed the moment they spawned.


  • Hotfix
    • Added the new placeholder model to items that I accidentally skipped over


  • Misc changes
    • Added a better placeholder model for the items that need it, it might be a little small in-game
    • Added camera parameters to the sandbag
    • Removed comment from Typewriter and added it to its lore. Item description now indicates what it does.


  • Fast patch
    • Removed the color changing from Chromatic Lenses for now
    • Removed placeholder tokens in the Spanish localization


  • Initial Release
    • Happy New Years!
Pub: 30 Jun 2022 12:12 UTC
Edit: 09 Feb 2024 14:16 UTC
Views: 1136