[Guide]: Dealing with the ANRT Agrément/Mouwafaqa to import your Parcels in Morocco (UPS Edition)


ANRT, the Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications, enforces regulations on products with connectivity or emit/receive signals like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Radio Waves, requiring authorization(Agrément/Mouwafaqa) for their importation. This guide will walk you through the process to ensure a smooth delivery of your parcel without any hiccups, particularly when dealing with UPS deliveries to Morocco.

Scenario 1: UPS Sends You an ANRT Form

  • After your parcel reaches Morocco expect the first email from UPS Maroc. They will request your CIN (Carte d'Identité Nationale), details of what’s inside your parcel, and, if you're lucky, they will also send you a form to fill out for the ANRT Agrément.
  • Fill out the form and send it back to them.

And that’s it for the ANRT Agrément/Mouwafaqa, congratulations!

Scenario 2: UPS Forgets to Mention the ANRT Agreement

If you don’t receive an ANRT form from UPS in their first email after your parcel arrives in Morocco or in the case they ask you to get the ANRT Agrément/Mowafaqa yourself or if they forget to mention that you need an ANRT agreement due to their understaffing, there are two solutions:

Solution 1: Find the Numero de l’Agrément ANRT

  • Look for the Numero de l’Agrément ANRT in the 2 excel sheets using these links:

-La liste complète des équipements agréés
-La liste complète des équipements dispensés d’agrément

the link to download the excel sheets is in the bottom of those pages.

Use Excel or Google Sheets to open the file and to search for the Numero d’Agrément. Once you open the file, either press Ctrl+F on a PC or if you’re on your phone press the three dots and use the find and replace option.

Type in the model or brand name of the product you bought (For example: LENOVO YOGA 330-11IGM or ASUS TUF DASH F15 or FX517ZM).

If you find your product in the list, make sure the brand name or model number exactly matches the one in the list. If they match, proceed by copying the Numero de l’Agrément on the far right of the list and send it to UPS in an email.

Example of the email you need to send:

hint: there's a secret button to copy the full email, just put your mouse or finger below this arrow ↓


Je vous remercie pour votre e-mail concernant la nécessité d'une autorisation ANRT pour libérer mon colis.

Je vous informe que le produit en question figure bien sur la liste des équipements d'agrément de l'ANRT. Le numéro d'agrément est le suivant:

Numéro d'agrément: [write your numero de l'agrément]

Je vous prie de bien vouloir transmettre cette information à la douane afin de permettre la libération de mon colis dans les meilleurs délais.

Je vous remercie pour votre compréhension.


[Your name]

And that’s it for the ANRT Agrément/Mouwafaqa, congratulations!

Solution 2: What you bought is Not featured on the excel Lists

If you didn’t find your product’s brand/model name on the excel list, or you did but the “modèle” didn’t exactly match, follow these steps:

Send an email to l’ANRT using all these email addresses:
(pro tip: write them in the normal "to:" area of sending the email and also in the "cc:" area)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Example of the email you need to send:

hint: there's a secret button to copy the full email, just put your mouse or finger below this arrow ↓

Subject: Demande d'Autorisation ANRT urgente d'un colis contenant un [name of what you bought and model number] pour usage personnel.

Cher service client de l'ANRT,

Je me permets de vous adresser cette demande concernant la libération de mon colis DDP, qui contient:
[name what you bought].

Mon numéro de suivi de colis/référence UPS est: [write in your tracking number].

Je tiens à souligner l'importance de cet envoi, car il s'agit d'un ordinateur portable destiné à un usage personnel. Comme vous le voyez, avoir accès à cet appareil est crucial pour ma productivité quotidienne.

Je tiens à fournir tous les détails conformément aux exigences de l'ANRT. Cet achat a été effectué à des fins strictement personnelles.

Cependant, je sollicite vivement votre aide pour que mon colis contenant [name what you bought] soit libéré dans les plus brefs délais.

Voici mes coordonnées pour toute correspondance future:

Nom: [your name]
Adresse: [your address]
Numéro de téléphone: [your phone number]
Adresse e-mail: [ your e-mail address]

Veuillez prendre en considération l'urgence de ma demande en utilisant le numéro de suivi/référence UPS [ups tracking number] et faire le nécessaire pour accélérer le processus de libération de mon colis. Je reste à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire ou document dont vous auriez besoin.

Je vous remercie chaleureusement de votre compréhension et de votre assistance dans cette affaire cruciale.


[Your name]

  • After sending this email to the ANRT, you should receive a response from them with further instructions.
    Which will look like this:
    UPS ANRT email instructions
  • After you received this email from the ANRT, you can find all that information (La fiche technique and Certificat ou déclaration de conformité CE) in the website of the brand/manufacturer of the product you bought, it could be tricky but you'll figure it out, just google it by writing the product’s brand and model name and write next to it either “Certificat ou déclaration de conformité CE” or “fiche technique” and you’ll find them, if you're worried about it i'd recommend finding the required documents (La fiche technique and Certificat ou déclaration de conformité CE) before even ordering your laptop/electronics from amazon just to be sure and comfortable and to not experience delays or spend too much time to respond because you’re looking for those two documents.
  • after filling the required information and attaching the required documents to the email send it back to them in an email:

pro tip: to make things easier, just select and copy their table/tableau from their email with designation, marque… etc, and paste it to write your info, example:

  • Select and copy
    UPS ANRT How to table Form Info 1
  • Then Paste and write the info.
    UPS ANRT How to table Form Info 2
  • Examples on how to fill the table (you can use the excel file for reference):

UPS ANRT How to table Form Info 3

UPS ANRT How to table Form Info 4

UPS ANRT How to table Form Info 5

UPS ANRT How to table Form Info 6

  • Then for the end result it has to be like this:
  • Don't forget to include and fill in the nom prenom, № de la CIN, etc...

Example of the rest of the email that you need to send:

Don’t forget to actually attach the Required Documents and the CIN to your email

hint: there's a secret button to copy the full email, just put your mouse or finger below this arrow ↓

subject:  Demande d'Autorisation ANRT urgente d'un colis contenant [what you bought] pour usage personnel.

Je vous prie de trouver ci-joint la carte d'identité, les documents techniques et la déclaration de conformité CE pour [what you bought].

Je vous remercie de votre attention et je reste à votre disposition pour toute question.

[your name]

Pièces jointes :

- Copie de la Carte d'identité 
- Fiche technique [name of what you bought plus model name]
- Déclaration de conformité CE [name of what you bought plus model name]

  • After sending that to the ANRT you should receive a response from them with a pdf attachment containing the Mouwafaqa/Agrément in about a day or two (sometimes within hours) which looks like this:
    UPS ANRT Agrément Mouwafaqa email
    UPS ANRT Agrément Mouwafaqa
  • You need to then send it in an email to UPS(issam/ghizlane), which then concludes the saga of the ANRT document that you're required to give UPS to clear your parcel out of customs and have it delivered to your house.
Pub: 10 Nov 2023 20:57 UTC
Edit: 09 Jan 2024 19:36 UTC
Views: 863