Labor Spy Greentext by anonymous

Ywn be sent in as a labor spy by the local railway monopoly in the dirty, sooty industrial revolution era
The local union, organized under a charismatic new boss (who's rumored to have ties to the criminal underworld), has staged a walkout and things in the city are tense
Food imports have all but halted with the railyards empty, and the fat cats have high hopes that you can split their camp and break things up before things spill over into chaos and bloodshed (in their favor, of course)
The local working class is primarily of anthro stock, rats, bats, wolves, the odd sheep and shark, whose ancestral lands were destroyed by the engine of the industry
Humans aren't too common in these parts, which would hinder your mission to blend in as one of them
But there's one thing that transcends the boundary of species, and that's growing up poor in a tenement
Sometimes it feels like you sold your soul, joining a local "detective" agency as a saboteur, but it sure beats the life you had before in this crab bucket world
And it works brilliantly
You easily manage to infiltrate their ranks and pass as a disaffected railway engineer, the unionists unaware as you begin planting the seeds of sabotage and factionalism, poisoning them from within
There's just... one issue
The boss
He's an enormous, muscular wolf man who likes to wear only suspenders and a gatsby, wielding a cricket bat to keep people in line
He's absolutely terrifying, his temper turns on a dime and he's incredibly vicious to his perceived enemies
He's also an impressively cunning political player. You'd believe it in a heartbeat if he was a former mafioso
Actually, there's two issues
The first is that for some damned reason you're incredibly attracted to him
His muscular frame, his commanding personality, and despite all of this, his warm and friendly voice that goes straight into your spine and makes you blush and shiver...
And then the OTHER problem
The bigger one
You think he's on to you
Things begin to reach a boiling point as the federal government starts to put pressure on both camps to resolve, but neither side refuses to budge
Word has begun to spread among the workers of strikebreakers being brought in, as well as rumors of violent confrontations at the picket line (some of which, of course, were started by you)
But the boss refuses to yield, and seems completely unfazed, reinforcing to "his family" that "it's when times are toughest that we need to look out for each other the most" (to be interpreted as, don't even think of becoming a scab or you'll be kneecapped)
With the stakes getting higher and higher, you've started to become a little paranoid
You're worried he's seen you staring at him a little too long a few too many times, and he's pointedly asked you what "your wisdom is on these rumors, my handsome human friend", making your heart race with both fear and excitement when he leans in to whisper this in your ear, letting you get a closeup of his undulating musculature as you deny any knowledge
The fear and arousal he's stoked within you are so powerful that you can't fight it anymore
And now, you've done something REALLY stupid
You broke into his office
And instead of stealing something USEFUL, you let your lust overwhelm you, and in the limited time you had, you stole...
One of his pairs of suspenders
You risked your cover, your income, and probably your life to do this
But now that you have it, you can't control yourself
His masculine scent that permeates every inch of it, the fur caught in one of the buckles, and the association with the enormous monolith of a wolf are driving you out of your mind with lust
And it's just as you're feverishly trying to liberate your passion from your trousers that your door is slammed so hard that it flies off the hinges, clattering like a piece of driftwood across the room and knocking you to the floor
And in enters the wolf himself, alone but carrying his bat
You're too terrified to let out a scream as he almost instantly closes the distance in your tiny office-cum-bedroom and places a paw squarely around your throat
His eyes are burning with an intensity you've never seen from him before (which is REALLY saying something), and his breaths are shallow and haggard
"My little human friend... did you really think I wouldn't notice a pair of nimble fingers on the door to my own office?"
Your heart is beating so fast you think you're going to pass out
"Y'know when I was growing up we always thought humans were rule followers, seein' as how you all made most of them. I wouldn't have pegged you as the type to do this sort of thing, Anon."
Oh god, oh GOD. This is it. He's going to splatter your brains across the floor all because you couldn't keep in your pants
"You're a real rascal, my little human friend. And i'm afraid... i'm going to have to give you the punishment you deserve for what you've done..."
His left paw remains firmly on your anterior chest, pinning you to the ground, as he leans in and growls softly, obscuring your view of what he's about to do with his OTHER paw
And then, so fast you can't even let out a scream, he makes a sudden movement and your vision is all soot grey
But instead of feeling pain and severe brain damage... you feel a whiskey-tinged tongue invading your mouth and a powerful paw ripping your clothes to shreds and powerfully grabbing and squeezing your nethers through your undergarments
Breaking the kiss, he croons "I'll bet you didn't think my stockcar runs in this direction, did you, Anon?", as he liberates both of your members from their respective tenements
"But oh no, I think you did... I think you were asking for this to happen... and i'm more than happy to provide, if that's what you really came here for..."
Deep inside the tiny part of your brain that's still thinking rationally as he begins to pleasure you, you worry about how he phrased that last part...
... he's hardly incorrect in thinking that you're completely smitten with him, so much so that it's critically jeopardizing your work
But does he really buy that this is the explanation for all your activities? Or was that last little remark of his an unintentional hint that he's suspecting something darker from you?
The last little holdout of cold, clinical logic dies out as he once again leans in for a rough, deep french kiss
But when you wake the next morning covered in sweat and both of your seminal fluids, the boss laying next to you with the door still in splintered pieces on the floor, one his paws lazily hanging off of the comically-too-small-for-him bed, the final impression left by those thoughts remains
This isn't over
You're in an unarguably higher amount of danger now, and now any illicit activity, he'll know about
You probably can't stop things from boiling over now that you've done this
... you're going to have to pick a side
And bet EVERYTHING on that side, your life included, to try to tip the scales
No matter which side you pick, if knowledge of who you really are or what you've done get out, you'll probably be killed regardless
But as a deep yawn and a shifting beside you bring you back to the present, you realize you've already made your choice
Your days of being a spy for the railroad are over
You can't ever tell the boss, but you're going to do everything to protect him that you can
As a triple agent

Basically Taran Fiddler wolves are 11/10 and i've played too much dishonored lol, spam over

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Pub: 22 Jul 2022 08:39 UTC
Views: 1150