Under the Mask: Kaisar-dan-Tupai-Hebat in the aftermath of Rajabasa

Megahraja, 1133

Riding his mighty horse Princep, the glorious Joyo Cahya: Kaisar-dan-Tupai-Hebat, King of Kings, the Son of Risu, the Restorer of Worlds, Master of all Tupai, and the First amongst All Tupai; returns to his magnificent capital followed by his thousands of followers.

Upon spotting their lord, clad in silk and the pelt of a jaguar with his golden mask and a golden diadem on his head, all citizens drop to their knees as he trots up the streets towards one of his many palaces. The city that surrounds him is taking shape but still far from complete. The opulent structures masked by scaffolding and busy workers. Just ten years ago, it was thought to many Tupai that such a city could exist, but here in the presence of their Great King, they were seeing it built

He makes his way first towards the Grand Temple of Ayunda Risu and Her Beloved Son, a stone and brick mega structure that remains yet to be completed but is finished enough to be used. The edifices of the Temple emphasize not only the glory of Risu herself, but the status of her beloved son, Joyo Cahya himself, as is depicted in the very front of the Temple by Risu crowning Joyo Cahya with the other divines looking down upon him with a welcoming view. The symbolism is clear, not only is he divinely chosen by Risu but one of the Divines himself as shown by the golden circle that surrounds his body and his divine appearance. He doesn't merely stand as a man, but floats as a divinity himself above the treeline columns below them.

Joyo Cahya dismounts from his horse at the Temple with the help of his servants with a crowd formed around the edges of the Temple watching as their divine leader makes his way inside his own temple. As he enters, the Archbishop, Camillus, bows before him before Cahya raises his hand asking him to arise. The inside is rather barren, but planned to be covered in many frescoes and adorned with many statues. The ceiling arises high into archways in the process of being carved into various forms. He slowly strides his way to the altar and offers up a prayer to his mother of thanksgiving before telling Camillus himself to follow him, for important business is to be discussed.

Followed by his Archbishop, Joyo Cahya remounts his horse to ride towards his nearby palace. It is a simple building in comparison to many others, having 30 rooms and being made of brick and mortar and carved stone. It's entrance is a stone wall adorned with carvings of trees, and other flora. He dismounts at the entrance and its massive iron gate opens to reveal the grand garden before him. Flora of all sorts, perfectly trimmed and organized lines the pathway as does fountains, pavilions and statues. He is followed the men known as the "10 Horsemen", those chosen by him to be his closest confidants and advisors, and his guards. The gate is shut soon after them and the crowd is dispersed.

The Kaisar has said little since he has entered the city. He plans on making a grand speech later, but now must discuss the urgent affairs that came from the Council of Rajabasa. He enters his palace, and quickly makes his way to his "war room" with the others. The door is open, and the Great King sits at the head of the table. Servants quickly bring in coffee and the sweets the Great King so loves. But it is time for business. After his chamberlain Aquilius reads over the issues to be discussed, Cahya is the first to open his mouth.

"I believe that Rajabasa was a success but it was not the one we hoped to have. This loose confederation that our peoples are pledged in... is frankly fragile and weak... I personally blame those two Kronii milk drinkers, Marcius and Publius, for much of the failures.... Actually, that reminds me..."

He quickly writes down the names of the two filibusters that nearly brought the Council to failure due to their disagreements with the Kaisar and hands them to his Chamberlain. The Chamberlain gulps when he realizes what this is, those two men are certainly not going to live much longer...

"Anyways, our backup plan should go into effect now. Unification will come one day, and when that day comes, it shall be under my rule and it shall be my people, those of the south, that are the dominate power in this unification."

More discussions go on for the next hour before the Kaisar concludes the mission to go relax in his bath before giving his grand speech. All alone, as he sits he thinks about many things. He thinks about how much has changed since 1120... and how much he has changed personally. He is no longer the rash idealistic naive boy he used to be, but now almost the very image he used to hate with all of his heart. A cruel, cold and pragmatic man who lost his youthful idealism long ago. He still is the same man in the end, a man of conviction, belief, curiosity and ambition, but the scars of war and the realities of leadership have indeed changed him into the tyrants he used to hate. He laughs about how odd Risu's plans are for men, and how odd they are for him.

He also cannot but find some amusement but also pain in the reality he has set up. To achieve his goals, he has had to use brutal methods and promote things he would have considered to be blasphemy before with his Imperial Cult. He isn't so delusional to believe all of the things that are said of him. His mother is not Risu, but Agnes, rest her soul. He is a mortal like any other man, and will die like any other man too one day. But the ends for him, justify the means and his divinations have told him so. All of the grandeur, hardly matters to him. It's all about image and he knows this.

As he dries himself off and dresses himself in the ceremonial outfit he will deliver the speech in, he looks into the mirror and stares at himself. While the past him would never accept him now, he fully accepts it. It's all Risu's will and his destiny, he believes. Why else would he have risen to such heights. He cracks a smile before putting on his mask and diadem. Now it was time to deliver yet another soul capturing speech from the steps of the future Grand Palace to his people. "Let Risu bless me as I bless my people." he thinks as he exits and heads outside...

Pub: 28 Dec 2022 14:52 UTC
Edit: 28 Dec 2022 16:11 UTC
Views: 223