Writing Log.

This log only dates back to March of 2022, any events older than that should be relayed directly for confirmation.


KANGTAEHYUNE / NIKIIENHYPEN Agencies: LivreFleurs, BuriedChamber, TheBrooksClub.
Squad or GDM: Envagary, The Juveniles, Retrospective, HYBEAM, and other Enhypen / All liner GDM.
Family: Viliers.

Previous handles: nadkamotoyuta, JAEMINISTER.

Closed Agencies

Member history:

TheBreezyCamp as CamperFigaro.
RentangDuaPuluh as Tyun20s.
CrossedByArrows as TargetTaehyun.
WonderlandAt6PM as TeaForTaehyun.
unsaidprjct as UnsaidTaehyun.
TheRomantrical as SUNGJAErtc.
NoteOfDemise as AKUTAGAWAmise.
HangToMelody as TAEHYUNtune / YANANtune.
Exchangesouls as KYOGANTENGsoul.
NYC99TH as truglio70th. (Pakde)
MasskedTruth as GOROfidant/AKECHIfidant.
ProjectAntinomy as TAEHYUNasc.
LockedMyMind as LockedTAEHYUN.
Filesof500 as Jim500s.
MilikBabeh as XIAOTINGbeli.
HopeforSerafina as CitizenLowki. (Loki)
principeople as Michael Clifford. (Mikey)
illustressed as Duta SO7.
JelajahJagoan as BeomgyuJagoan.
TibaTibaSports as DrekaTTS. (Caca)
giggleties as oliver86giggly.
SweetzFlash as tom77sf.

Caretaker history: LaNuitManor as Watchdog Lau.
Nevermoored as One and Four. (Yeonjun and Taehyun)

Pub: 14 Feb 2023 16:54 UTC
Edit: 05 Apr 2024 19:14 UTC
Views: 301