Letter of Damnation against the Iridisians

Year 3567 (1133)

To the people of Land of the Rising Moon, the Heavenly Lands of the Tsukijin.

For four millenniums, we have lived in harmony and peace under Heaven. Our Kami have given us a grand land, full of spiritual and material wealth that have brought us prosperity along with our righteous spirits. We have endured our shares of disasters, and the wrath of the Kami over the years with dignity and honour. The sacred path, the way of the Rainbow, has always guided us and it always shall guide us. Where the Horosumu and Shuzi delude themselves with unnatural ways of life, we live within all manner according to divinity and tolerance even towards such beliefs in spite of their utterly vicious thoughts about our own people.

The Naichijin, our children, from the Mujigae, Dilupakani, and Iridisians, we have held as our equals. Out of the kindness of our hearts, and driven by the Way of the Kami, we have helped them often and frequently. They are our children and as the loving father of them, we hold them as beloved in our hearts as much as our own people.

But as time goes along and the peoples of the Iridisians have grown more enriched, they have grown from the Way of the Kami and the Rainbow. We have attempted to overlook this many times, believing that they have developed their own path under our righteous ways that while still righteous, have been influenced by the Horosumu and Shuzi. But to any wise man, it has become clear that we were naive in our beliefs and trust in them. No, the blasphemy that consumes the very soul of a nation and her people have infected them. For many of their kami have become vile wicked deities and the people themselves have become like the very thing we warned them not to be. Like the Horosumu and Shuzi, they have fallen into the same follies.

There is no harmony within the Iridisian faith anymore, nor within their people. Betray, dishonesty, lies, disrespect, and dishonour have become their way. The Way of Wickedness. They bite the hand that feed them and nurtured them for so long in their hubris, even their Kami themselves do such vile things now. To them, we have outgrown our usefulness to them and that the true way lies away from the righteous principles that we have held for thousands of years. They truly have become filthy of both heart and spirit. Are these people still our children? Yes, they are. But as any good parent should do, they deserve the rod.

How their righteous punishment shall come shall be revealed in time, by the Kami themselves. But alas I call unto you, O dear Tsukijin, asking you to ponder these questions as we wait patiently for this way to be revealed:

  1. Do you wish to tolerate their presence in our lands, for the wickedness and perversions of the heart which we have long warned against shall stir up problems even for the righteous Tsukijin? With what wisdom shall our Emperor and governing bodies react to this situation in the meantime?
  2. With what wisdom shall our Emperor and governing bodies react to this situation in the meantime?
  3. What should our future course of action be against them in correction?

I, Prince Akechi, believe that they must be expelled from our lands. Let us not cast a broad brush, but paint with reason, as many of the Iridisians that live in our heavenly lands are righteous and have not given in to the ways of their wicked brothers. Rather, let us expel the truly troublesome ones and furthermore forbid the worship of the wicked Kami within our lands all together. Those who are righteous shall abandon their increasingly depraved brethren and remain true with us. Many of you know who are the troublesome peoples and Kami from the Iridisians and those who remain on the path of righteousness with us. Let our Emperor and governing bodies thus decide also knowing that wisdom and may the Kami give them strength in the coming struggle.

Let us pray this together, beloved Tsukijin, to the Kami and for the sake of your beloved brothers and sisters:

Rid our lands of the tumorous peoples from the South, and save our nation, our beloved land, and our people from their vile wicked ways. Let the wicked Iridisians be brought under the wrath of the Kami and may they be corrected or be consumed by fire and brimstone. Let us never compromise on our sacred ways and let those who challenge them be damned. May Tazumi end the wickedness of their Kami, and may the Kami give us strength to overcome this threat to our very existence! By either the pen, sword, or prayer, we shall emerge victorious in this struggle that is soon to come!

For the Emperor, for the Kami!

Prince Akechi of Tsukino

Pub: 11 Mar 2023 16:07 UTC
Edit: 11 Mar 2023 16:58 UTC
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