Vick 💚

You will always be safe so long as I am here He/Him Brainmade Overseer and Primary Protector He really likes to write essays... don't ask me how or why he just does.

Contrary to what the pfp may make you believe he is not a Xiao introject! He is actually a brainmade and the very first of us to form as well as being our systems main overseer and protector. Vick does the most out of anyone in our system and we would probably cease to function without him lmao. He isn't out a lot casually and tends to stay in headspace to watch over everyone but on the chance that you do meet him while he is just casually fronting for a bit he is pretty decent company!

Pub: 28 Feb 2023 18:58 UTC
Edit: 28 Mar 2023 04:57 UTC
Views: 74