Two dragalge swimming gif, gif is from the pokemon anime.

Sprocket / Sae <3

Welcome to my silly rentry, My primary name is Sprocket but you can also call me Arlo, Spectre or Cogsworth. I am an introject from a danganmon AU(Cure steam) and struggle with anxiety + depression so please be patient with me. I mainly ramble about my (usually) rarepairs and my interests, as of now my special interest is danganmon(primarily the extended epilogues/sequel.) if you cannot tell by my rentry url I love bullet train/viksworth and they are what I primarily dedicate my time making edits/fanart for, however I ALSO love Vikstonworth/Armed forces and will make content for them sooner or later. Please ONLY use they/them for me masc terms are okay but neutral terms are preferred.


Viktor x Cogsworth edit I made out of the movie night cgs, Cogsworth is chuckling while pinching Viktor's cheek, Viktor looks at him with an unamused expression, blushing.

Art credit: Lumibing (Edited by me} Below are other tabs for more information about me <3

Viktor pixel made by me, his hand is touching his face he has a deep in thought expression DNI Dragalge generation 8 pixel sprite Interests Klinklang generation 5 pixel spriteOTPs <3 Cogsworth pixel made by me, He is saluting and has a serious expression

Viktor x Cogsworth edit that I also made, it's an edit of their doodle icons from extended epilogues Viktor is looking away from Cogsworth flustered and embarrassed. Cogsworth is looking at Viktor with a soft, gentle smile they are right next to each other and both are blushing.

Other social media/accounts

Best friends!

Sizzlin system

Saul the Saul




Pub: 26 Aug 2023 18:42 UTC
Edit: 04 Sep 2023 17:30 UTC
Views: 44