* ##CHARA'S DNI !! *

/lyr ♡﹐ I'm A Nasty Little Cunt ,,
Break Your Teeth And Break Your Heart....
....Hit You Where It Hurts And All ,, Sweetest Bitch You've Ever Known!! ﹐★ /lyr

basic dni criteria, dsmp fans, hardcore genshin fans, pro shippers, MAP supporters, MSPEC gay/les, reality checkers (unless you have permission) agere sexualizers, petre sexualizers, gore fetishizers, rape fetishizers, shane dawson or jeffery star supporters / watchers, nina the killer x eyeless jack shippers, jeff the killer fangirls, xenogenderphobic, anti trauamagenic system/pro endogenic system, etc etc.


Pub: 12 Mar 2023 14:48 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2023 16:31 UTC
Views: 235