Whydon's Final Tribal Council Speech

(credits to Hannahh for using this format in another game)

Hi guys! Whydon (aka Waffles) here. I'm going to start this speech off with a disclaimer: I know a lot of you are pissed at me for things I did in this game. Some of you may have already decided days ago that you would never vote for me in the Final 3, regardless of whom I was sitting next to. You are completely entitled to your emotions and I'm not going to sit here and act like I don't know how some of you feel, because I've definitely been on the receiving end. I do ask that you at least take the time to read what I've written here, as even if you don't think you're going to vote for me, this speech may be able to provide some additional context to how the course of the game went. I respect every single one of you as people and players, and none of the moves I made were ever personally motivated in any way, shape, or form.

I'm going to be one-hundred percent honest in this speech. If you see something that you believe to be untrue or false, please point it out during the questioning phase. I'm not trying to trick or deceive any of you here because that would be plain dumb - it's FTC, and there's no reason for me (or anyone else for that matter) to lie here. I'm willing to accept a mistake or misunderstanding on my part if anything that is incorrect is pointed out by you guys. I also realize that because I am being so honest in this speech, some of my writing might come off as arrogant, cocky, boastful, etc. I can't control how you guys interpret my writing, and I know a lot of you are coming into this with negative emotions towards me, so I'm not going to pander for jury votes. That would honestly be a waste of time, and honestly I think it's disrespectful to beg to the jury for their vote (unless a juror explicitly asks for it, which I have seen happen in a couple of final tribal councils before). I might also come off as apathetic and unapologetic, and if that's the case it's probably because I'm writing most of this at two in the morning, so a lot of my writing is probably going to come off as emotionless since I don't really have time for jokes and stuff (I'll save that for jury questioning and post-game lol). Again, if you see any of that in this speech, please call me out on it during jury questioning!! I'd be extremely glad to address it and clear up any confusion, because I want to make sure you guys fully understand how I feel towards every moment in this game, from start to finish.

I am writing out my game in its purest form so that you, the jury, may interpret it however you choose.


I joined this game on a whim, not really expecting too much to come out of it, and honestly I only joined because the idea of a 72 player Survivor game sounded pretty memey, yet interesting at the same time. I've played in give Survivors over at Circus Maximus on Smogon, and my track record isn't very good: my average placement is an 11.2 (out of five games), and my highest placement is 8th place (most of these games cap at around 20 players). I was completely expecting to get taken out pre-merge and get 50th place or something like that, as I was coming into this game with absolutely zero experience with the Mafia community, only recongizing Vooper, Hannah, Fenrir Aesir, Toni XY, OM Room, and javelinlover from the 72 person playerlist. All in all, my prospects for this game weren't very high. That being said, I'm very happy to have made Final 3, as I wasn't even expecting to make it past the first tribal swap. I have a lot of things to say, but I'll try to keep things short and sweet so that you guys aren't here reading walls of text for the next 15 minutes.

One more disclaimer before we begin: As I said before, I've never been in a Final Tribal Council, so this is my first time writing a speech for something like this. If any section seems muddled, unclear, or confusing, it's probably because of my inexperience, so apologies in advance in that ends up being the case. I'll be sure to clear up any inconsistencies or unclear sections during the questioning portion of this FTC. As I said earlier, I wrote a lot of this at 2:00am, so there may be some typos, bad grammar, run-ons, etc. Again, I'm really sorry for that. I know typos can be annoying to read through, and hopefully they don't undermine the things I'm trying to say here!

Anyways, enough of the boring stuff. Let's get into the events that unfolded throughout the course of this crazy game.

Summary of My Game

I'm going to try to explain my strategic game as best as I can, going through each of the tribes that I was on throughout the course of the game. I'll begin with my original tribe, Raitea, and end with the final merge tribe, Polynesia.

While I don't have any experience playing in games that are as large as 72 players, I did play in a 32 player Survivor game a couple of years over on Circus Maximus, and if there's one thing I learned from that game, it's that the first boots are always either the inactives, or the people who try to control the game from Day 1. As such, I came in with a fairly simple strategy: lay low as much as I could to avoid clashing heads with the inevitable tyrants that would arise in the game, while participating in challenges to ensure that I was still contributing to the tribe so that I wouldn't be pegged as an inactive boot. I wanted to form strong connections on my OG tribe to set myself up socially for any swaps or merges in the game, as like I said earlier, I didn't have many outside connections coming into the game.

Raitea - "The Foundations"
Final 72 to Final 42

Two very important things happened while I was on this tribe: 1) Hihylive and Grooky were beginning to set themselves up as easy meatshields to be used at the merge, and 2) I formed a very important relationship with Toni (also known as XY, but I prefer to call him Toni since that's how I know him). Toni was one of the few people I knew in the game (we had played in a few Survivor games together before), so the second I saw him on my starting tribe I immediately reached out to him and formed a Day 1 alliance, realizing that I would have to capitalize on as many pre-existing relationships as I possibly could if I wanted to establish a solid social game foundation for myself. This relationship would prove to be extremely important to the development of my social game as we began to merge and swap with different tribes, as I was never placed on the same tribe as OM Room, Hannah, Fenrir, or javelinlover before they were voted out, and I only got to meet up with Vooper at the merge. I will elaborate more on this later on.

Although I had formed a hard alliance with Toni on Day 1, I wanted to make an effort to open up communications with every single player in the game, so I tried to talk to every single player in the game and get to know who they were a little bit, while at the same time making sure that people knew who I was. Not too many important relationships were formed here tbh, as Toni and I were the only remaining members of the original Raitea tribe after Velvet and Hihylive quit on French Polynesia, and forming good bonds with players was difficult when half of the tribe was never online. I formed a small connection with Grooky, which was a good way of keeping myself out of his crosshairs.

I quickly realized that my best chance at surviving a merge would be to let players like Hihylive and Grooky make all of the "flashy" moves on our tribe, and then use them as meatshields once we merged with another tribe, using their eliminations to buy time and form connections with players from the other tribes. We didn't win many challenges as a tribe, so we only ever got to do 2 god battles (I lost both of mine), but each vote was rather straightforward as we were just voting out the inactives on our tribe.

I should also mention something: during the memory challenge of the game, our tribe was told to vote for one person on the tribe to receive an immunity idol. Despite me not campaigning at all to receive the idol (didn't want to stick my neck out), I somehow ended up getting the most votes. Pretty fitting since I also received the most votes for the "Who should receive an immunity idol?" question during "Touchy Subjects".

French Polynesia #1 - "Unravelling Relationships"
Final 42 - Final 34

Raitea and Tahiti merged to form the new French Polynesia tribe, and right off the bat we realized there was a 5-5 split. The others on Raitea wanted to stick close together, and Hihylive in particular was rather adamant about the five of us voting together at the next tribal council.

As I stated earlier, Hihy and Grooky had been setting themselves up to be useful meatshields, and given their extremely abrasive attitudes and demeanors, I had no intention to stick my neck out for them if the vote began to fall towards them. Toni in particular was not very fond of Grooky, and we both agreed that we would have no problem voting him out if we had to.

Around this time, I was pulled into a majority alliance on the tribe, consisting of Schiavetto, ilikebugs, Eevee, Velvet4Sale, Toni, and myself. I felt pretty comfortable with this group of 6, and I was going to continue to empoly my under the radar strategy by sheeping the alliance and taking out the loud-mouthed Hihylive, Grooky, and Velvet, with the hopes that another swap or merge would happen once those 3 were voted out. This almost happened, except after the Grooky vote, Hihylive/velvet quit the game, but not before dragging my name through the mud and starting a rumor that said I leaked the majority alliance to hihylive (this never happened!). Schia and Toni started ghosting me after this, and with hihylive and Velvet quitting the game, I quickly realized that I was probably going to be targeted now by Schia and the rest of the group. I prepared myself to have to use the idol on myself if necessary, but luckily we never went to another tribal council, partially thanks to the quits.

Realizing that Darkness had been left out by the Tahiti tribe in this new alliance, I reached out to him and began to form a bond with him that would prove to be crucial to maintaining once we swapped onto French Polynesia #2. At the same time that this was happening, A Year in Advance (AYIA) joined the game, and I began to open up communications with him as well. He seemed pretty strategic and blunt, and through a conversation with Darkness I learned that AYIA thought Eevee was "too nice", so I told AYIA that I didn't like Eevee as a way to build trust, which I think worked since AYIA had me on his list of people he trusted.

French Polynesia #2 - "Leaving My Shell"
Final 34 - Final 17

With Toni and I separated, it became apparent that I was going to have to start getting out of my shell and interacting with new people if I wanted to survive this new swapped tribe. I didn't recognize any names on the tribe (I didn't know who VigVig was until after he got voted out, which goes to show how much I actually know about the mafia community lmao) other than Darkness's, the quiet outsider from the original French Polynesia who didn't seem to have many allies in the game. It was at this point that a new friendship began to blossom, and Darkness quickly became my new partner in crime, as he also realized that it would be a good idea for the two of us to stick together.

After introducing myself to the other members of the tribe, I was soon added to a new core alliance named "5 Survive", this time consisting of FortCastle, VigVig, peach, Darkness, and myself, with Milo, Moonool, and Tommy being left on the outskirts of the tribe. I quickly learned that Tommy had used some type of advantage on VigVig at some other tribal council, causing him to be targeted by VigVig/Fort/peach, and with there being little to no reason to not vote with the majority alliance, Darkness and I decided to stick with 5 Survive, and Tommy was booted from the tribe.

Soon after the vote, Moonool and Milo realized that some type of majority alliance that didn't include them had been formed, and so they reached out to Darkness and myself realizing that we were their best chance at survival. I was already planning on reaching out to the two of them later on about flipping, as I had established communication lines with Moon and Milo earlier in the tribe, so it was a pleasant surprise to see them come to use first. Realizing that 5 Survive was essentially a 3v2 if we were the only five players remaining, Darkness and I made the decision to form a new majority alliance with Milo and Moonool. We blindsided Fort at the next vote, sending him home since we believed he was the most likely to have some type of idol or advantage. VigVig and peach soon followed him out the door, and I began to realize that this new four person alliance had lots of potential to do serious damage once the numbers began to dwindle down, and I crossed my fingers at the next swap hoping that all four of us would survive to the final merge.

Quick sidenote: I was actually planning on voting Milo at the peach vote just to create some paranoia within the alliance. I'm glad I didn't, as this would've been a horrible move, and would've led to the alliance dissolving IMO.

East Polynesia - "Putting Everything in Place"
Final 17 - Final Final 13

Through the final swap I was reunited with Toni, but unfortunately got separated from Darkness and Moonool. Through another conversation with Milo, I learned that Ani and Toni were very close in the game. I took advantage of this and reached out to Ani, making sure he knew that I trusted Toni so that the duo would feel more inclined to give me information about the votes. Toni leaked logs of Alexander telling players in the game that Milo and I were threats, and I fed this information to Milo, who quickly went to work to figure out a plan that saved both him and me. I was traveling during this portion of the game, so I didn't get to do much, but my relationships with Milo, Toni and Ani ensured that I was safe during this vote. Alex ended up going home, and a new core alliance was formed in the game, consisting of everyone left in the tribe except for ilikebugs. I grew much closer to Milo and began to develop a relationship with Gateways as well.

I had conversations with Toni about meeting up with Vooper at the merge, and at this point in the game I began to realize that I had a lot of allies still remaining in the game now that Alex was gone. After Grime threw mine and Toni's names out, he was sent out the door, and ILB followed suit now that he had no remaining allies in the game. The rest of the events on this tribe were rather boring, and not much happened, but I was now beginning to set myself up for the remainder of the game. I wanted to make sure I had many allies going into the merge, while continuing to talk to outsiders (such as Gateways) to get information that the majority alliance may not have had access to.

Polynesia - "The End Game"
Final 13 - Final 3

I'm running short on time, so I'm going to go through each vote as quickly as possible. Sorry if I miss anything!

When merge hit, I quickly reached out to my old allies while attempting to form new connections. Milo, Darkness, Moonool and I revived our old alliance chat, and we quickly proclaimed that we would be going to the Final 4 together. I reached out to Eevee as I hadn't seen him since the original French Polynesia chat, and I opened up chats with Carson and Xinc. I sticked close to my alliance with Ani/Toni, which now included Milo, and I started talking to Vooper ASAP with the hopes of forming some kind of group with Toni.

Moonool/Gateways - The vote was setting up to be a West vs. East Polynesia situation, with one person from each tribe being expected to go home. Moonool was seen as the ringleader by the East Polynesians, so he was targeted here. Gateways was spreading stuff and logs about a lot of different people, so he was targeted as well. At this point, a group by name of "Big Group" was formed, consisting of myself, Milo, Vooper, Xinc, Toni, and Ani.

Something very important happened throughout the course of this tribal: someone leaked to Vooper/Toni/Ani that I wanted to target Toni/Ani (which wasn't completely false but I at this point I was pretty much throwing out anybody's name here to be safe), which they eventually confronted me about. I covered my tracks here pretty well I think? I'm not entirely sure who leaked this (my guess is Gateways), but this made me be a lot more careful about who I was sharing my information with.

Additionally, I learned from a conversation with Moonool that Vooper and Xinc had both named me as a potential vote in the West Polynesia tribe. This made it a lot more difficult for me to want to stick with the Big Group, but I kept my mouth shut and waited for the correct time to "strike", if you will.

Xinc - I had been planning a stab against Toni/Ani for a while now, as I was getting worried about their relationship, and with rumors going around about there being a Tonga alliance (consisting of Toni/Ani/Vooper/Xinc), Milo and I didn't feel safe going to the final 6 with an alliance that was apparently 4v2. I wanted to make sure Carson and Eevee wouldn't snake us to the Tonga group, however, so I told Darkness that I wanted to flip on the Big Group, but that I wanted to make sure Carson/Eevee were completely on board. Darkness reached out to Carson, which led to a rather lengthy plea from Carson in our individual chat, and once I felt that these two were legitimate about sticking with us, Milo and I made the decision to flip, and Xinc was voted out.

XY/Vooper - Very similar votes. With the new 5 person alliance, I saw an easy path to the Final 5 with higher odds of me getting to the end. I continued to lie to XY/Vooper/Ani, telling them I'd flip at every vote, but I never did. As we all know, there were 12983475 advantages in this game, and I didn't want to be on the poor receiving end of an idol or vote steal, so I tried to keep my bridges for as long as I could. Sorry guys...

Ani/Milo - Milo wanted to flip here and vote out Carson. I told Darkness I was considering flipping, because I wanted him to think he was "convincing" me to vote out Milo, which would hopefully make him trust me more and take me to the end if we were in the Final 4 with Eevee and Carson. Realizing that things might get dicey at Final 5 if the wrong person won immunity, I chose to let Milo believe I was voting for Carson with him at the Final 6, even after debating over whether or not I should tell him just as I was about to fall asleep. By not telling him, he never had a chance to change his vote, which was great for me since at Final 5 Carson wanted to have my back after I had his at Final 5, leading to Milo being targeted over me.

Carson - Eevee was going to vote me out here, but after telling him to look at each jury member's goodbye messages, he realized that Carson would sweep FTC if he made it to the end. With Darkness and I fulfilling our Final 2 to each other, we placed our votes on Carson, and the FTC threat that XY had warned me about was finally voted out.

3 Main Reasons Why I Believe You Should Vote for Me to Win

  1. I consistently had the most control throughout the course of the game.
    This is mainly regarding the final 13 and beyond, as I'm not going to sit here and act like my gameplay during Raitea and French Polynesia (phase one) was anything special. For the most part, I was skating by during the early portion of the game, like many of the other players currently sitting in the jury. Once Tommy was voted out, however, I consistently found myself being the swing vote at multiple tribal councils during the game, specifically Fort's, Grime's, Xinc's, Vooper's, Ani's, and Milo's (kind of), and ultimately it was my vote that decided how these eliminations went. I knew who was being voted out at every single elimination, and I had a very solid understanding of relationships and alliances in the game, which made sure I was always one step ahead at every vote. I helped push the vote onto Grime by leaking logs to Toni of Grime stating how he wanted to vote Toni out, and I worked with Darkness to get the vote off of Ani and onto Vooper at the final 7. I was consistently placed into majority alliances (French Polynesia Core, 5 Survive, Final 4 with Milo/Darkness/Moon, East Polynesia Gang, Big Group, Final 5 with Darkness/Milo/Eevee/Carson), and I used these alliances to network and form connections with players in the game that protected me when these alliances eventually fell apart.

While I do believe I was consistently in control throughout the game, I think I also did a good job of knowing when to make sure my voice was heard in the tribe, and when to sit back and let others stick their necks out for me. I think doing this helped me maintain a well balanced level of control in the game, and allowed me to maintain an image where I wasn't seen as being too overbearing or controlling in the game, but at the same time people were willing to reach out and work with me since I had proven to be an active player when I needed to be and wasn't just seen as coasting through the game. During the Alex vote, I knew I was going to be very busy, so I didn't bother making promises to other players when I well knew that I wouldn't be online to maintain those relationships. I let Milo take the driver's seat on this one as he swung the vote back and forth between Alex and Gateways. I was planning on getting the vote shifted back to Alex after Milo settled on Gateways, but that ended up being unecessary because Milo ended up changing his mind anyways. I took another backseat approach at the Double Elimination ceremony, when I realized that the big talkers (Moon and Gateways) were the ones getting into the most trouble, so I decided to keep my mouth shut and continue to ride the middle while I took out someone who had been attempting to do the same (Gateways), and while I was sad to see Moon go, his elimination helped me maintain a tight bond with Milo/Darkness and made it easier to integrate our trio with Carson and Eevee at the Final 9, which I think would've been difficult if we had 4 people instead of just 3. It happened again at Final 8 when I began to realize that Darkness was dropping hints towards me that he wanted to target XY over Vooper, and I fueled the move by expressing my support to Darkness, at which point he took this information to Carson/Eevee, allowing us to flip the vote off of Vooper and vote out Toni. This was very important because 1) Toni was a jury threat and was seemingly more upset at me over the stab than Vooper was, so I figured I'd have a better chance working with Vooper over Toni down the road if I needed to, 2) It cut off any possibility of Milo attempting to flip with Toni/Ani at Final 7 or Final 6, and 3) It showed me that Darkness and I had very similar agendas, which is probably why we were so in sync every vote from that point onwards.

I cannot take sole credit for these moves, as that would be unfair to the players who had just as much influence regarding the decision making in this game. Specifically, I owe a lot of my positioning in this game to Toni, Milo, Darkness, and Eevee. These were probably the four most important relationships that I maintained throughout the game, and for good reason: they helped keep me alive. My connection with Toni allowed me to branch out more easily to players like ILB and Eevee on the original French Polynesia, and while ILB and I didn't get to do much together in this game, I was able to rekindle this relationship with Eevee at the merge, which helped make it easy for the Milo/Dark/Whydon group to merge with Eevee/Carson at Final 5. On East Polynesia, I networked through Toni to form a strong bond with Ani, and my connections with these two players (along with my connection with Vooper at merge) is what got me pulled in to the Big Group alliance at the Double Elimination. Darkness and Milo fed me loads of information in this game (as I did to them), which made all of our votes so in sync (I haven't counted but I'm pretty sure we voted together at every single tribal council that we shared), and our alliance with Moon ensured that I always had votes that I could count on in dicey situations (namely at the Double Elimination vote when my name was being thrown around in the West Polynesia chat).

  1. Bar a couple of votes, I was never truly in danger throughout the game, and I always felt comfortable with my position.
    I honestly don't believe I was ever truly in trouble in this game, even despite the fact that I was rarely, if ever, immune. I believe the most dangerous moment for me in this game was when I was being targeted by Schiavetto after Grooky's elimination, but even at that point in the game I was getting bad vibes from both Schiavetto and Toni and quickly realized that I would likely be the next boot now that the 3 other Raitea members were gone, and Toni was close to Schiavetto. I acknowledged this in my confessional chat, and even stated that I would've ended up using my idol if necessary (can provide logs if necessary). After the swap, however, I don't think there was ever time in the game I didn't feel good about my position, and I had a lot of flexibility that allowed me to take the game in the direction that I wanted. This was true on French Polynesia #2 at the Fort vote, and again on Polynesia at the Xinc, Toni, and Ani votes. I floated between majority alliances for a large portion of the game until I finally chose a side at the Final 9, and I think having the freedom to be able to choose which people I wanted to work with at such a crucial vote is an attestment to the level of control and safety that I exercised throughout the game. I believe Milo and I shared a lot of this control, as I'm pretty sure we were the only two players at final 9 who could've realistically voted either way, so I don't want to take away any credit from him. However, I do wish to note that many times after the Xinc vote, Milo expressed a desire to flip again to the Vooper/Xinc/Toni side (once at the Toni vote, and again at the Ani vote), but this never happened because I shot both attempts down as I realized long ago that I had a better chance at winning with Darkness and Eevee in the Final 6 over power players like Toni/Ani/Vooper.

I didn't have a single immunity from Final 7 to Final 4, which are arguably the most important votes in the entire game, but even then I never truly felt like I was in danger at all. The only time I can think of is maybe at Final 4 before I talked to Eevee and he was set on voting me out, but after a conversation with him I was able to get both Darkness and Eevee to side with me over the person they had formed a Final 3 with days prior. In fact, the only immunity I ever won during the final merge portion of the game was at Final 8, which honestly wasn't very significant since I think (and correct me on this if I'm wrong) the vote was always going to be between Toni/Vooper and whomever Toni/Ani/Vooper thought I would be willing to vote for, since realistically I was the only chance they had at being able to survive past Final 7.

Also, this is a little bit less relevant, but I did have an idol from the third challenge of the game all the way up to the final 8, and I never needed to use it. The reason I say this is a little less relevant is because I was probably going to have to use it on myself if French Polynesia went to another tribal, so I will admit that I got lucky there.

  1. I maintained a strong social game that kept me in everyone's good graces.
    I've never been good at challenges, so I knew the only way I would be able to get to the end would be through my social game. Some of you might be wondering, "How could you have had any type of social game if half of the jury is pissed off at you?" I received two non-selfvotes over the course of the entire game: one throwaway from ILB during his vote-off, and Carson's single vote at the F4 when he was eliminated. Even after stabbing Fort on French Polynesia #2, having my name be one of the first names that Alex threw out as a target on East Polynesia, and stabbing a 4-person strong alliance at Final 9, I never received any votes other than the two aforementioned ones. I kept up strong relationships with players in the game, didn't burn my bridges after votes, and made an effort to talk to everyone even if I knew they were being voted out to make sure I wasn't the target of any potential advantages or idol plays. My relationship with Toni got me drafted into a core alliance on French Polynesia #1, and my reads on Schiavetto helped me realize I was a potential target after the Grooky vote. Having connections with Toni allowed me to establish a line of communication with Ani when we swapped onto East Polynesia, leading to 3 person alliance containing the three of us. Talking to both Fort and Milo made me the swing vote at the Fort stab on French Polynesia #2, and by maintaining the relationships I had formed with Toni, Ani, Darkness, Milo, and Moon, I was able to avoid being an immediate target at the first East Polynesia vote, and again at the Double Elimination on Polynesia when I heard that Vooper and Xinc had been throwing my name out as a potential vote. My conversations with Gateways helped me realize that XY was not as loyal to me as I had been to him, which helped fuel the stab at Final 9 that I firmly believe was necessary in order for me to be able to make it to the end. My relationship with Dark ensured Milo was the vote at Final 5, and the bond I formed with Eevee over the course of the game finally came to fruition when I convinced him to vote out Carson over me at the Final 4. I always knew when someone was throwing my name out: I knew Vooper and Xinc had brought up my name during the Double Elimination because Moon told me, I knew Alex had listed Milo and myself as threats on East Polynesia because Toni told me (though this one wouldn't have been very difficult to figure out lmao), I knew Grime threw my name out on East Polynesia because Milo told me, I knew Milo was trying to get votes against me during the Final 5 vote because Darkness told me...I think you get what I'm trying to say here lmao. There was a thing going around at one point in the game that Toni was a threat because everytime someone brought up his name, they were voted out next. I find this rather interesting as I honestly think the same thing could've been said about me (Grime, Gateways, Xinc, Milo), and yet it never was. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing tbh.

I'm not going to try to convince you guys that my social game was flawless, as clearly it wasn't. I barely talked to Alexander and Grime at all while I was on East Polynesia (although this was during the time I was traveling across the country, so that was honestly a result of time constraints), my convos with ILB were super fluffy since I honestly didn't know what to talk about with him, and obviously a lot of you are very upset at me over my actions in this game. However, I think it says something when I never received a vote from VigVig, peach, Alex, Vooper, or Ani, depsite these being the people I backstabbed the hardest in this game (and this doesn't even include some of the others I stabbed, such as Gateways, Toni, Grime, and milo. I only mention the first 5 people because these were the only players I stabbed who still had a chance to vote for me after the fact). In no way am I bringing this up to gloat to you guys. I only mention it because I think this is a valid point when it comes to understanding my social positioning in the game. Now, you may argue that the only reason I was never voted was because there were always biggest threats in this game, and if that's your argument, I ask you consider the implications of that statement - why is it that there were always people seen as bigger threats than me? I believe this is a very fair argument to be had about my game, and I would be happy to discuss this with any of you during the questioning portion of our final tribal council.

Individual Remarks

To close my speech, I'd like to address each individual player on the jury, as I know I didn't get to do that much in the summary of my game.

A Year in Advance - We didn't get to talk much at all, but given our brief time on French Polynesia together, you seemed like a cool dude, and I was happy to end up on your list of people you trusted xD tbh, I'm not entirely sure if you were in on the plan to vote me out after Grooky, but I definitely would've been down to work with you if we ended up merging again, and I was disappointed when I saw you were voted out. You definitely scared me a little bit during our interactions since you seemed like such a strategic player, but I wish we could've played together a little bit longer.

Alexander - My stab against your friends was the first blindside I pulled off in this game, so I was not surprised at all when I heard that you had pegged Milo and me as threats the second we swapped onto East Polynesia. I self-voted because of my travel stuff, but I'm willing to admit that I would have voted for you regardless, simply because it would've been the easiest thing for me to do at that point in the game, as I knew you would be coming for me later down the road. You seem like a super loyal dude though, and I'm glad I got to meet you despite our relatively short interactions.

LittEleven - We literally never talked in the game and idk who you are outside of the game, so yeah lmao. Not sure what you've heard about me, but hopefully you learned a little bit more about my game from this speech? Everyone seemed sad when you were voted out, so I assume you were cool, lol.

Grime - Another "go with the flow vote", sorry Grime :( I didn't really know how to feel about you as I knew you were throwing my name out after the Alex vote, but I couldn't blame you at all since I had been pretty inactive during that week. We didn't really bond much in this game, but I had fun working with you in the East Polynesia Group when we did. Again, I self-voted here (jet lag), but I would've voted for you regardless, just because it was better for me to go along with the majority alliance at that point.

ilikebugs - I'm sorry Bugs, I genuinely did try to talk to you during the hours leading up to your vote, but there was never really anything for us to talk about. Things felt pretty awkward after the Alexander vote, and you never really seemed to reach out to anyone else, so I didn't have much to work with. You seemed chill, wish we could've found a way to make things work.

Moonool - Honestly you were so much fun to work with and I'm so happy you reached out to me on French Polynesia. You have such a knack for strategy and you were definitely one of the bigger threats coming into the merge, and it really sucked to see you get voted out at the Double Elimination. I loved how you didn't go out without a fight and I have mad respect for you because of that. Thanks for making this game fun, and I hope you're glad to see that 3/4 of the people in our alliance made it to the Final 5!

Gateways - Gateways!!! You literally freaked me out so much haha I'm not even kidding. You were very unpredictable which made me super afraid of you, but I also really enjoyed your company, especially in the East Polynesia Clown Memes chat lmao :clown:. I think you and I were trying to pull off very similar strategies, and I saw you as a threat because of that. I really admired the way you picked yourself up after the unexpected Grime vote, and I think you could've done some major damage if you managed to survive the Double Elimination vote. Mad respect.

XincMars - Now begins the long string of apologies that is about to follow. I'm sorry for stabbing you Xinc, you honestly seemed like such a cool person to be around, but out of the 3 other "outsiders" (Toni, Vooper, Ani), you and I had the fewest connections, and I couldn't really get a good read on you. I'm sure you would've gone far if I decided to stick with you guys, and I think that should be a testament as to how much potential you had to get to the end, and thus why I had to make the move when I did. I didn't see myself winning in a Final 6 of you/me/Milo/Vooper/Toni/Ani, so I had to take a shot at the only opportunity that I had. I hope you understand. :(

Toni - Well Toni, I'm going to keep this as short as I can, as I've already rambled on long enough in this speech. You were my first ally and honestly one of the most important ones I had in this game. You helped me network with players like Schia, Eevee, and Ani, and I don't think I would've gone as far as I did if you hadn't started off on Raitea with me. However, once I heard that you had thrown my name around a couple of times, it became harder for me to trust you, and I don't think I had a chance at winning the game if you, Ani, and Vooper were all in the Final 3. You were a real power player this game which was definitely not something I was expecting given your past Survivor performances, but it was honestly super cool to see you grow as a player in this game, and I hope you don't hold anything against me for too long. At the very least, I hope when this is over we can say we're even now (looks at Anon Survivor) lmao. Much love <3.

Vooper - I feel horrible for potentially robbing you of your chance to get a custom avatar since I know you talked so much about wanting to get it, and I'm sorry about that. However, truth be told I don't think you were as big as of a FTC goat as you wanted to believe you were, and I think a lot of oher players here can attest to that. You have immense challenge potential and I wouldn't be surprised if it was you who had the Final 4 immunity, and I also know that you have a knack for finding idols and advantages, so I had to keep lying to you for as long as possible just in case something was played. Again, I'm sorry, but just like Toni I hope we can at least say that we're even now (looks at Anon Survivor x2).

Ani - Your anger is completely justified, and I know that you're probably the most upset at me. I lied to you the most in this game, first at Xinc's vote, then Toni's vote, then Vooper's vote, and finally your vote. As I stated earlier, I didn't want to risk some type of advantage being played against me, so I wanted you to think I was with you for as long as possible, though I now realize that I may have lied unnecessarily to you one too many times. Again, I'm sorry, and I hope you don't hold anything against me once this is over.

Milo - You were one of the closest allies I had in this game, and I had a lot of fun playing with you. I'm going to be completely honest with you: I didn't see myself winning in a Final 3 with you, so I had been planning to vote you out as early as the Grime vote tbh. You had a lot of power in this game and I relied on you a lot for safety and control, and I'm willing to admit that I wouldn't be here now if it weren't for you. I was planning on stabbing you at Final 4, but once Darkness/Eevee/Carson told me about how you were trying to get me voted out at Final 5, I realized I couldn't wait that long, and honestly if you had immunity at Final 4 I would've been the 4th place boot. I'd love to talk to you more about how the vote went down since I'm still not completely sure what happened while I was asleep, but like I've said multiple times in this speech, I'm sorry for stabbing you, and I hope you realize that I had to do it if I wanted to have a chance at making it to the end. Much respect and love bud <3

Carson - Carson!!! My goodbye messages to you were 100% truthful. You were a beast in this game and you easily swept any Final Tribal Council once the Xinc vote happened. I had a lot of fun working with you, and I'm very grateful that you continued to have my back at the Final 5 vote. If you had won Final 4 immunity, I honestly think you would've just won the game. Congratulations on a game well played after being targeted at like 4 different tribal councils before you were eventually voted out. I had so much playing with you and I hope to do so again in the future.

Pub: 20 Aug 2019 02:50 UTC
Edit: 20 Aug 2019 02:51 UTC
Views: 142