
chapter 1

Heading home from work via subway
it’d been a big day, a lot of paperwork, you are absolutely exhausted
sitting down on the closest seat to the door, you realize you sat on something
moving, you look beneath you to see a scaled tail, poking from the side
A sultry voice sounds from in front of you
’Hello, Boy, you should be more careful where you sit’
as you’re distracted, the tail swiftly coils around your wrist, leading you to the seat next to him
he’s beautiful, a huge male naga, crimson scales with a tan underbelly, his coils seem to stretch on forever…
’Pay attention, boy, I’m talking to you.’
your eyes snap to his at his order, enthralled by him, you bite your lip
‘Well, I wasn’t expecting this… you want me don’t you, Boy?’
his tongue flicks out, tasting the air… or smelling it? wait can he smell your arousal!?
your face bright red, you fail to formulate a response, stumbling over your words
he chuckles softly before slowly unfurling some of his length, wrapping around your waist, squeezing your dick between his muscular coils and your stomach, he leans in and whispers
’Now, if you manage to keep yourself from cumming before my stop, I’ll take you home and keep you~’
the ride is agonising, his tender squeezes forcing hushed moans from your lips every so often
you do your best to ignore the stares and to resist his forced closeness
unsure if it’s because you want him to take you home, or if you just don’t want to walk the rest of the way with cumstained pants
as the train pulls in, he once again smiles down at you, his sharp teeth bared
’Good, my little humie did it, now, how about we take you home, little guy’
his words enchanting you, you can’t help but nod, his coils slowly unwrapping from your body
you almost feel naked without his tight grasp on you
he grabs your hand softly, leading you out the station, through the streets
this was obviously a more anthro populated area, they were all staring at you…
making your way to a large double door, your serpentine captor leads you into his abode
it smells wonderful, the place is decorated beautifully, not too much furniture, but enough to keep the place from looking bare
there’s some weird seats probably meant for snake like bodies
he slithers onto one, his coils bunching into a seat for you
cautiously, you rest yourself on his coiled form, sinking in as you feel that cool scales touch
he simply chuckles once again at your reaction
his boney fingers run through your hair as you relax
’Good boy, I know you’re going to have a lot of fun tonight’
swiftly, he pulls off your clothes, revealing your aching cock, desperate for release
his claw gently traces the length, careful not to hurt you, but the threat of it obvious
his coils slowly wrap around you once more, positioned to leave your legs spread
before you can speak, his long body leans over you, stealing a kiss, his tongue dives into your mouth
the slender length explores you, wrapping around your own tongue, he wrestles yours to submission
as you struggle in his immensely dominating grasp, you feel a prodding against your behind
not one, but two cocks teasing at your helpless rear, your closed eyes shoot open, his own staring into you as he breaks the kiss
’Yes boy, two~‘
with finesse, he manages to slide the tips of both in, the foreign feeling forcing another moan from your lips
your assailant begins to sink into your hole, his claws exploring the exposed parts of your body
he quickly finds your nipples, tracing around them with the sharp tip, electricity shoots up your spine
your aching cock spurts forth, you didn’t realise you were so close
the seed lands on your chest and his coil, his grin widening as he sees your paltry orgasm
’Well, now I know how much you love this, Boy’
with a rough thrust, he plants himself inside of you, his twins exerting pressure unimaginable on your hole
you can’t even vocalise a word with how much pleasure is assaulting your mind, you simply moan out, desperate for more
as he slowly begins his thrusting into your bound body, his fingers trace the contours of your chest, the tips leaving subtle marks along his path
your twitching body slows as you recover from your orgasm, your eyes staring up at the handsome naga
between moans, you manage to ask his name
’My name? Hm, I’ll let you know it when you’ve earned the right, Boy.’
another harsh thrust into you, spearing you once more, he starts to relentlessly abuse your ass
forcing his massive hemipenes into your once virgin hole, he slowly stretches you to accommodate his need
leaning over you, the snake gently starts to bite at the nape of your neck, his fangs not yet tearing through the skin, but leaving a noticeable impression
his stamina seems impossible, with time passing by so quickly, it feels like hours have passed as he continues to use your body for his pleasure
as you lay limp in his embrace, you realise that his coils have been constricting around you, your body practically being crushed in his grasp
what’s scarier is it feels so perfect, you feel safe with him…
his thrusts start to slow after some time, still rough, but controlled, as though he’s on the edge of finally-
his teeth sink into your shoulder
the sudden bite forced a pleasured scream from you as he simultaneously unleashed a torrent of seed from his twin lengths
quickly filling all the space in your stretched hole, the cum spills back out between his twins, coating the chair below and his long coils in his thick serpentine seed
the sensation of fullness and the sharpness in your shoulder kicks you over the edge, you orgasm once more, spilling a fraction of what your partner has
he slowly pulls off of you, his bite mark prominent on your shoulder, a sign of what he did to you this night
your dazed eyes look into his
he’s smiling cockily, his Amber eyes staring down at you like a piece of meat
so why do you feel so peaceful?
so safe?

you wake up
what happened last night... was it all a dream?
opening your eyes, you adjust slowly to the light surrounding you
as your vision clears, you glance at your surroundings, a foreign room, one you've never been to
beneath you, a thick spool of snake gently moves with the breath of your reptilian companion
yes... that was very much real, every moment of it
as you roll over, you alert the snake of your wake
'Oh, finally in the land of the living are you, boy?'
his clawed hand slowly reaches to you, tracing your jaw before gently putting his thumb to your lips
'You were oh so sound in your sleep, then again, I suppose you aren't used to something so taxing, are you?'
his laugh gives you goosebumps, your body shivering as he pulls you closer to his torso
his broad shoulders enveloping yours, he hugs you with his arms for the first time, unbound by his coils
'I must say, I didn't expect you to enjoy that so much... usually people are a lot more hesitant. I suppose I'll have to keep you now!'
He guides you to his lips, once again kissing you, though this time, not dominating your mouth, simply exploring, gently caressing every inch
his hands slide down your back, gently gripping your behind, he lets out a soft grunt of satisfaction
pulling away, he smiles down at you once more, his grin wide as ever, almost predatory
'Well, I think you've earned it... My name is Y'lthar.'
you spend hours laying in his embrace, letting him hold your body with his cold scales
his gentle grasp on you inviting, a complete change to the earlier feeling of his domination
before long though, he starts to shift, the tip of his tail coiling around your ankle
'Say, human, are you hungry?'
as you nod, a soft smile washes over his face, his cuddle slowly loosening as he sits you up
'Well, I happen to be quite the cook, what do you say about an omelette for breakfast?'
getting off of his waist, you spot your clothes neatly folded, as he slithers away, you pick them up
taking a deep breath as you clothe yourself, he must've cleaned them before setting them down
stepping out of his bedroom, you almost find yourself lost in the spacious apartment, before long you manage to find the main room
the sound of sizzling eggs leads you down a hallway to the left, finally reaching the kitchen, you spy his lengthy body at work, a pan in hand, Y'lthar cooks away
'Take a seat, I'll be done in a moment'
time flies as you watch him work, his dexterous hands working to craft an artisanal dish
his tail tending to the pan as he chops garnish, he looks truly in his element
before long, he slides over, placing a hand on your shoulder as he presents your meal
beautifully cooked, cheese oozing out of the center, the green of the herbs making it look utterly delectable
you'd never seen an omelette so beautiful, this was a snake of many talents
he slides to the spot opposite you, seating himself on his coiled body, he smiles softly once more
'Dig in, Boy'
grabbing your knife and fork, you begin your meal, cutting into it, the molten cheese spills out
biting in, it's just as delicious as it looks
the flavor simple at it's core, though with such depth, it's taste nothing like any breakfast you've had before
as you look up from your meal, you see the carnivore positively beaming
'Do you like it? I'm a chef by trade, so I've always wanted a captive audience to test my dishes on'
you can't help but laugh at his comment, though you do express your love of the meal he's prepared
he wolfs down his own omelette and slithers behind you, hugging you softly
'Wonderful, I'm glad that you enjoy it! I'm quite lucky to have found someone such as yourself.'
'After all, it's not often you find one so eager to submit~'
your face flush at his comment, you slowly continue your meal, his head resting on your own, you feel the soft hum of his voice
as you eat the last of your meal, you can't help but feel happy, you couldn't have imagined ending up here
being held by a seductive serpent, eating a wonderful meal
all this because he decided to tease you on the subway and essentially kidnap you...
'I can tell you're thinking of me, boy. Tell me, are you happy'
a short yes escapes your lips as his arms tighten around you
'Good, I wouldn't want you to be anything but.'
Y'lthar lets you go, slithering back to the kitchen with your now empty plate in tow
the movement of his body is enthralling, the way his lower half well... snakes along, it's almost hypnotic
you'd never realised how attractive you found his foreign body, or that of any anthro for that matter
did he somehow know that you would fall for him? would he even tell you if he did?
about to lose yourself in a rabbit hole of questions, you feel his sharp claw tap you on the shoulder
'Come, now that we've eaten, I think it's about time we go to your place and grab your things, then maybe I can treat you to something a little sweeter.'
happily, you follow the snake out of his dwelling, heading right back to the station nearby, you board the train
it's fairly empty, as Y'lthar slithers into the standing area, he props up his length into a seat for you
taking it, you smile up at him, content to move in with him, no longer feeling the need to worry, you let out a sigh of relief
as stop after stop go by, you finally hear your own called, getting up, the snake follows you out of the station and through the streets
being in a more densely human populated area, he gets quite a few stares as he follows you hand in hand to your own place
walking up the steps you notice him slowing greatly, carefully slithering his way up
finally in the building, you opt for the elevator despite only being two floors up, to save time
bunching his spiraling body up, he manages to barely fit, bursting out as soon as the door opens on your floor
opening the door to your room, he rockets forth, pulling you in and closing the door behind you two
his tongue tastes the air once more, his smile wide as he looks around your miniscule quarters
'Mmm, smells like you, that's for sure! Now, before we pack anything up, I want to have a round here~'
before you can respond, the snake winds a length of himself around you, pulling your face into his crotch
your nose planted against his slit, the smell of his sex hitting you like a truck, you softly moan into him
'Come on, boy, I know you love it, it was written all over you last night'
his hand brushes your shoulder, the same one he marked during your... 'relations'
bringing your arms to his hips, you slowly lick the edges of his vent, slowly coaxing the tips of his cocks out
as the twin spires exit, you tease at each of them with your tongue, desperate to taste him,
leaning back, he lets you fellate him at your own pace, his smug grin ever-present in your periphery
eventually, enough of his length escapes the confines of his slit to properly take him into your mouth, slowly you lick at every inch of his newly exposed manhood, moving a hand to softly stroke it's brother
the taste is as you expected, earthy, male, strong and... addictive
as his dicks are finally fully exposed, he lets out a satisfied moan, his scaled hand reaching down to your head, he starts to guide your movement along his shaft
matching the pace with your hand, he slowly speeds up, his length pressing against the back of your throat each time he pulls you down
harsher and harsher, he starts to batter your throat with his penis before finally, he slips down it, his lodged deep in your throat, you can't help but moan into him, almost choking on him
'Awe, look at you~'
Y'lthar lets out a sigh as he pauses before he slowly starts humping your face once more
his powerful body dominating you, you can't help but get ever so aroused yourself, your cock pressing against his body binding your lower half
slowly he starts squeezing, rolling his length against your erection, teasing at your need
before long, he starts to speed up once more, sliding in and out of your eager throat, like he's trying to breed you
your hand dutifully jerking him off just as quick, he squeezes down on your cock
all at once you both climax, from his twins an ungodly amount of seed bursts forth, painting your face white and filling your throat with a daunting amount of cum
painting your own underwear with your desperate release, you'd moan if you weren't swallowing his copious load
swallowing rope after rope of his thick reptilian seed, you stare up to his thin eyes, his gaze almost predatory once more
as his orgasm tapers, you slowly pull off, managing to not pass out from the lack of oxygen
'Sorry about that, Boy, I just loved the look on your face, I couldn't help myself'
his length unfurls from around you, letting you stand up, you decide taking a shower and getting a change of clothes is going to have to come before packing your things

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Pub: 24 May 2022 10:15 UTC
Views: 1793