BOO!! AHHHHH!! EEK!!!!!!!! (explosion followed by a cat yeowling in the distance) YEEOUCH urcraycray BRINGBRINGHELLO? my name is vyx ! YOWL HE ~ HIM + MORE! ESTP type 8 sanguine israeli + white! WEE PF-DID fictiveheavy syshost!!! body is 14 !


BYF creep. i don't rlly kin or anythimg but i am an introject! and sometimes i tag characters as myself just comment if that makes u upset
and sometimes i post nsfw stuff (no pictues) i'm nd and i am physically disabled. i do not share my diagnoses on the internet unless asked
im very awkward in dms only cause they make me nervois but i looove making friends just bad at keeping them. i dont have a typing quirk but sometimes i dont punctuate sentences and type in all caps
talk to me abt my INTERESTS!!!!

DNI basic dni criteria + i just block who i don't like

weee BRINGBRING .... * click *

Pub: 04 Jul 2022 23:21 UTC
Edit: 02 May 2024 18:08 UTC
Views: 3593