notes rules etc

dm me if you have questions i tried to make it short

do not interact: 1 pro or irl shipper, 2 post heavy nsfw, 3 mspec lesbians,
4 leaktwt shtwt or edtwt 5 think blackwashing or misandry is a thing, 6 terfs
7 under 14 (i mean this in the nicest way possible get off of twitter)

do not follow: 1 you consistently post about south park, mcyt, or genshin
(current mutuals exempt), 2 you ship lawlu, 3 you cant have a silly jolly fun time

btw: 1 i dislike dream so if you are a fan dont follow 2 i engage in silly arguments
3 do not make kys jokes if we arent close that should go without saying

Image description

Pub: 29 Jun 2022 18:46 UTC
Edit: 20 Jul 2023 02:45 UTC
Views: 567