Chapter 6: Macbeth Doth Murder Sleep

Hatsumi: Koyomi, are you free right now? Seems you have a guest.

Koyomi: A guest?

Iroha: Onee-ch......

Iroha: I mean, Koyomi-san!

Koyomi: Iroha-san......!

Iroha: I've come to give you your bento.

Koyomi: Ehh......!?

Koyomi: Oh I'm a klutz. I went and made the bento and then forgot to bring it.

Iroha: Yushima-san starting crying you know?

Iroha: Today's the audition right? You won't be able to give your best performance on an empty stomach!

Iroha: Renjakuno-san, thank you for calling out and getting my sister to come out here.

Hatsumi: It's a given to help out when there's a damsel in distress. Likewise, it was a breath of fresh air to be able to speak with you. I had fun.

Hatsumi: I didn't know that Koyomi had such a cute younger sister.

Hatsumi: Iroha, drop by again sometime.

Iroha: Ehehe. Today was fun for me too!

Koyomi: Iroha-san. I think you should get going now.

Koyomi: Renjakuno-san is also taking the auditions. Today is a very busy day.

Iroha: R-right. In that case, see you later!

Hatsumi: ......

Koyomi: Thank you for speaking with my sister.

Hatsumi: No need for such praise. It was a fun way to pass the time.

Koyomi: What did you talk about?

Hatsumi: "I love going to see Onee-chan's performances!" Stuff like that.

Hatsumi: Light-hearted stuff like that. No cause for concern.

Koyomi: It's not like I was concerned or anything......

Hatsumi: That child. Make sure you treasure her dearly.

Hatsumi: I can tell just speaking to you that you do treasure her dearly.

Koyomi: Thank you for the kind words. Even without it, I would still care for her.

Hatsumi: Alright, in that case, lets meet again at the audition.

Koyomi: ......What a strange person. Comes off as strong but still has a strong sense of caring for others.

Koyomi: That sort of gentle expression...... That's the first time I've seen it......

Stage Director: We are now starting the audition for the role of Macbeth. scope of the performance is as described previously in the announcement.

Stage Director: We are starting with the scene where Macbeth, driven by greed assassinates King Duncan, and the screams from the victim can be heard somewhere amongst the dumbfounded crowd.

Stage Director: With that, let's start in order.

Koyomi: .....Number 5. Senju Koyomi. Thank you for this opportunity.

Stage Director: Right. Are you ready? Begin!

Koyomi: "I thought I heard a voice cry"

Koyomi: "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep."

Koyomi: "Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care. Sleep that puts each day to rest"

Koyomi: "The death of each day’s life, sore labor’s bath."

Koyomi: "Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course, Chief nourisher in life’s feast."]

Koyomi: "I can’t go back. I’m afraid even to think about what I’ve done."

Koyomi: "I can’t stand to look at it again."

Stage Director: --OK, as expected of Koyomi. You pass the initial screening. Go ahead and take your leave.

Koyomi: Thank you very much.

Koyomi: (Judging from the director's reaction, it seems I've nailed the scope of the role.)

Koyomi: (Next is Renjakuno-san's turn. I wodner what kind of performance she's going to give. I'm going to have to take a look.)

Stage Director: Number 6. Renjakuno Hatsumi.

Stage Director: And, begin!

Hatsumi: ......

Hatsumi: "Ahahaha......"

Hatsumi: "hahaha!"

Koyomi: ......!?

Hatsumi: "I thought I heard a voice cry. Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep."

Hatsumi: "Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care. Sleep that puts each day to rest"

Hatsumi: "The death of each day’s life, sore labor’s bath......"

Hatsumi: "I can’t go back. I’m afraid even to think about what I’ve done."

Hatsumi: "Forever and ever, I can hear them accusing me."

Hatsumi: "Hahaha. There is no way I can turn back......"

Koyomi: What passion......

Koyomi: But, this Macbeth is......

Pub: 10 Dec 2023 02:18 UTC
Edit: 27 Apr 2024 19:18 UTC
Views: 152