i love kodoku no marebito so much its unreal, i fell hook line and sinker for the raisei queerbait. now heres my infodump about them and how their relationship is very much queer-coded. (ur telling me a queer coded this?)

FUCKING. GOD. first off. wow okay they really gave raidou a classmate his age to be friends with, thank you.

what really gets me abt raisei is that raidou projects himself onto seimei about how it means to be a failure and not worthy to fill their role and he can relate to the weight of the world being on seimei's shoulder... but also goddamn thats the only time raidou ever acts that way. note how different his interactions are with his friends and seimei its insaneee

アタシは孤独じゃない !
全く孤独じゃないと !
an image projected by your own heart. 分かっても決して消えない愛の飢えを アナタに騙されたい ! 全く騙されたいの !

Pub: 28 Jun 2023 03:27 UTC
Edit: 07 Jul 2023 12:50 UTC
Views: 97